@b1nuzz wrote:
I have the below in my automation.yaml and when checking the config, I get the error;
Invalid config for [automation]: [after] is an invalid option for [automation]. Check: automation->trigger->1->after.
I’m assuming it has an issue with using ‘after’, but I can’t work out why, and if it does… what do I change it to?
- alias: Send alert when dryer is dry trigger: - platform: state entity_id: input_select.dryer_status to: Dry - platform: time after: '08:30:00' - platform: state entity_id: device_tracker.bens_iphone to: 'Home' for: minutes: 10 - platform: state entity_id: device_tracker.lucys_iphone to: 'Home' for: minutes: 10 condition: condition: and conditions: - condition: time before: '22:30:00' after: '08:29:00' - condition: state entity_id: group.people state: 'home' - condition: state entity_id: input_select.dryer_status state: Dry # Don't send this alert if it was last triggered less than 30 minutes ago (1,800 seconds) - condition: template value_template: > {% if states.automation.send_alert_when_dryer_is_dry.last_triggered is not none %} {% if as_timestamp(now()) | int - as_timestamp(states.automation.send_alert_when_dryer_is_dry.attributes.last_triggered) | int > 3600 %} true {% else %} false {% endif %} {% else %} false {% endif %} action: - service_template: > {% if (is_state('device_tracker.bens_iphone', 'home')) and (is_state('device_tracker.lucys_iphone', 'home')) %} notify.ben_and_lucy {% elif is_state('device_tracker.bens_iphone', 'home') %} notify.ben {% elif is_state('device_tracker.lucys_iphone', 'home') %} notify.lucy {% endif %} data: message: 'The Dryer has finished and is ready to be emptied!' title: 'Dryer Update'
Thank you in advance.
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