@Knottyboy wrote:
Evening All,
I had an issue with my emulated_hue component and the fix was to:
- Delete the emulated_hue_ids.json
- Delete all the deviced on alexa.amazon.com
The above two steps have generally fixed the issue for me in the past. This time I had to do carry out a third step.
- Stop the “offending” amazon devices.
Now my question is about the last point “Stop “offending” amazon devices.”. For some reason, although I deleted all the devices shown at alexa.amazon.com, some of the echo dots are still retaining the lights and sending requests to my pi.:
> 2020-06-02 21:00:40 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.emulated_hue.hue_api] Unknown entity number: 31 not found in emulated_hue_ids.json > 2020-06-02 21:00:40 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.emulated_hue.hue_api] Unknown entity number: 22 not found in emulated_hue_ids.json > 2020-06-02 21:00:40 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.emulated_hue.hue_api] Unknown entity number: 34 not found in emulated_hue_ids.json > 2020-06-02 21:00:40 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.emulated_hue.hue_api] Unknown entity number: 34 not found in emulated_hue_ids.json > 2020-06-02 21:00:40 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.emulated_hue.hue_api] Unknown entity number: 48 not found in emulated_hue_ids.json > 2020-06-02 21:00:40 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.emulated_hue.hue_api] Unknown entity number: 48 not found in emulated_hue_ids.json > 2020-06-02 21:00:40 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.emulated_hue.hue_api] Unknown entity number: 48 not found in emulated_hue_ids.json
This was stopping the emualted_hue from working. I tried removing the devices and adding them again (as others have suggested in the cominuty) however this did not work for me. I ended up unplugging all the amazon devices and leaving one which I hopped wasn’t one of the *“offending” devices. I got lucky as when I rebooted the pi I didn’t get the above errors. I then scanned for devices and added all my lights again. A new emulated_hue_ids.json was created (the “offending” devices were stopping this from happenign it seems).
I’ve since plugged them back in and I am getting the errors again. The lights do work, however if my emulated_hue breaks again it would be nice to know how to properlly “flush” the amazon devices so I don’t have to go round unplugging all my dots & echos.
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