@tosion wrote:
Hi there,
Any help on how to handle a little problem with my adjusted Osram Smart+ motion sensor temperature. Because this adjustment it means now and then (at restart for example) the adjusted temperature sensor show only this adjusted part:
It means some problems:
- It ruins the statistics
- It is also problematic in heating solutions - it sets the heating on when thinking it is only 0,7 C in the room. For a while but still.
Because I use these in heating I have some backup sensors just in case I can handle the problems remotely. I feel these Osrams follow the temperature better than for instance Xiaomis. Solution could be to create a sensor which uses xiaomi value when adjusted Osram shows only a adjustment part? But how?
Once again here from the backseat as a “Passenger” I trust on you great “Drivers”
Any suggestions here?
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