Playing a url via nestmini
Hi, If I pass a url via homeassistant to my nest mini it takes around 20-30 seconds for nest mini to start the stream. Whereas if I directly play that url via browser or vlc it plays instantly. How do...
View ArticleSend notifications on all available updates
Hi there So, the updater is deprecated, but we have the new update class. Amazing, but: automation: - alias: "Send notification when update available" trigger: platform: state entity_id:...
View ArticleGardena integration via HACS not working properly
Hi, i cannot login into my gardena Smart System. I am able to enter email, password and API Key, it takes it and then just resets the form. Installed Gardena Smart System 0.2.5b4 via HACS, API is set...
View ArticleGetting data from MQTT JSON message
Hi! I’m using Telegraf to create MQTT messages from Ubuntu to HASS Mosquito MQTT broker. I do this to get, amongst other things, hard drive temperatures. The path is telegraf/my_home_server/hddtemp....
View ArticleStrange Zigbee2MQTT behaviour
Hi all, out of a sudden I am experiencing some strange behaviour with me Zigbee devices. Everything worked fine until last night when 1 light would not switch off easily but I did not look into it...
View ArticleTemplate optimisation question for last_seen datetime sensor
@123 I wonder if you could help me with a template question please? I’ve been trying to follow a lot of your excellent template examples and experimenting with them in the template editor, but I’m...
View ArticleAlexa Intergration via HACS
Hi Guys, Please guide how do i do the following? I am not able to import Alexa Smart Plug, it is possible using Hacs alexa integration? How can I play a live radio station via a url thru echo device...
View ArticleAOL desktop gold download
What are you waiting for? Enjoy the advantages of the internet portal, email, instant messaging, and online browser. Get AOL gold desktop download and begin the fascinating journey of discovering this...
View ArticleHome Assistant VPN and Google Assistant
Hi guys, I recently installed a VPN client on my router which connects to a outside VPN server. Therefore all my home traffic is masked. Unfortunately when I enabled that setting Google Assistant...
View ArticleMQTT sensor to Logbook
I want to be able to write to Logbook all events from a custom MQTT sensor called sensor.asterisk_call_status. By default it doesn’t write anything, so I tried it manually as you can see bellow, but...
View ArticleTime Zones in MariaDB (add on in container)
I’m using MariaDB as my DB for HA and it works fine. However when I now try to use the data it appears all timestamps are stored in UTC. In other databases I have other data (hourly prices for...
View ArticleRecalculation in Grafana?
Hi, I am using Home Assistant 2022.4.5 as a virtual machine. I added Grafana and Influx and it is working really nice so far. Now I want to have two data sources in a single graph. One ranges from 0...
View ArticleAutomation to reload timer after switch turn off manually
Hi, I have automation to start a timer when valve switch triggered ON, and another automation to cancel and reset the timer when the valve switch triggered OFF (Turn off the timer) but this is not...
View ArticleCall a timer in automation where timer is defined in a input_select
I try to do this service: timer.start data: {} target: entity_id: {{ states('input_select.select_cooking_timer') }} if i enter {{ states('input_select.select_cooking_timer') }} this in template i get...
View Article[plejd-ble] Unable to find a bluetooth adapter that is compatible
Host: Intel NUC i7 (Debian 11 / Docker 20.10.14) HA version: core-2022.4.7 supervisor-2022.04.0 bluetoothctl: 5.55 (Bluez version 5.55-3.1) The addon hassio-plejd worked for me initially, when I set...
View ArticleTime Before and After condition, I´m going crazy
Is pretty simple. I want to activate a Scene when the motion sensor goes on between certain time, and another Scene if it goes on between other time. Also turn off the lights when the motion sensor...
View ArticleCreating timer outside of configuration file
Can you create timers outside of the config file? I leverage folders for my integrations and point to them in my config file like this: timer: !include_dir_merge_list timers/ So I created one for...
View ArticleFill dropdown with all available media players
How can I fill a drop-down with all available media players ? Kindly guide. 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleStop automation after telegram callback
Hi!. I want to receive an alert every last Tuesday of every month between 9 am and 9 pm via telegram every hour until I press a button on the telegram message to stop sending the message until next...
View ArticleKNX cover.set_cover_position is moving up first and then back down to 50%
When i use the cover.set_cover_poisition (50%) in a script, the cover moves all the way up and down to the 50% stage from closed mode. tilts are closed by that movement. Covers are KNX managed script....
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