Another climate related question
Hi all, I am attempting to create a blueprint that i can use to automate my 2 units. I have a bunch of code cobbled together from various sources, but need a push in the right direction (or someone to...
View ArticleMagic cube contions - easier method?
I couldn’t find a straightforward way to stop an alarm from going off on the weekend so I created an input boolean and two automations to turn it on / off based on the face of a Aqara magic cube. It...
View ArticleCombining plant automations
HI all, I have multiple automations that run to check if my plants need watering. Ideally, i would like to combine it into one automation but I’m not sure how as i would still like it to only tell me...
View ArticleProblem Controlling Insteon 2476D Dimmers
Currently running the lasted update. After adding Insteon integration, it found all my devices. However I can’t seem to consistently control my 2476 Dimmer modules. For example: when I toggle it...
View ArticleUtility meter in wrong unit
I have had a modbus integration of solaredge failing on me. The cloud API has a factor 1000 scaling, to Wh, instead of kWh. Now the utility values are corrected, I divided the values of the cloud API...
View ArticleIs there a Between Number Sensor Helper
I don’t know what some of the new helper sensors do so is there one for Between Number? Example: If value of an entity is between 2 numbers = On 3 posts - 2 participants Read full topic
View ArticleHow reliable is Google Assistant with the manual setup
I’m toying with the idea of moving away from SmartThings so I can get local control For my setup, this would require the following: Zwave stick (not sure which) Zigbee stick (possibly the sonoff)...
View ArticleJinja behavior change? Accessing undefined attributes causes error
I am pretty sure that the following code {% set m = { 'attribute': 'value' }%} {{ 'yes' if m.attribute == 'value' else 'nope' }} {{ 'yes' if m.not_an_attribute == 'value' else 'nope' }} used to print...
View ArticleLinking two zwave devices?
Hi all I am switching over from Homeseer to Home Assistant just starting to get things running and ran into small issue. I am trying to link two z-wave thermostats so if one is changed the other makes...
View ArticleAny way to combine logbook-card with auto-entities card?
I am trying to have a logbook-card show all leak sensors that changed state in the last x hours. A basic version of the logbook showing one of my sensors I am using for testing: type:...
View ArticleStatistics platform value_min sensor seems wrong
So I’m trying to get the min value of of a sensor over 24 hours, so I can build an automation when the current value of the sensor exceeds it for more than a few hours. I have this in...
View ArticleWater tank level - multiple sensors
I’ve got an irrigation water tank with 4 sensors that trigger when level drops below it. So basically top, middle top, middle bottom, bottom sensors. They are either on - water is above - or off -...
View ArticleZigbee2Tasmota Light Unknown State
I have a few Zigbee devices going through a Sonoff switch flashed with Tasmota. I originally used ZHA but ran into issues where devices would go offline and require a reset. I read that using...
View ArticleUse a condition if the state of an attribute is empty
I’m using an automation to trigger image_processing.scan when my camera (frigate) sees a car in the driveway. that triggers my plate recognizer to find and read a license plate. The challenge is...
View ArticleNFC Tag writing - how to make read-only?
I’m using the HA Tags function perfectly. Can write, duplicate, and re-write (over write) old tags, using Android phone and HA app. I want to be able to create some tags that are read-only (cannot be...
View ArticleHaving two cards side by side at all times?
(topic deleted by author) 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleCustom home-feed-card lovelace
This is a great custom card but does not work on first load. On first load only get this without labels. type: custom:home-feed-card title: null show_empty: false scrollbars_enabled: false...
View ArticleZones Configuration (Map View is messed up)
Hello, Can anyone help me figure out how to fix the screenshot below? This is happening on the zones configuration page and I don’t know why. The map is only taking up like 1/5 of the screen and...
View ArticleHow do you upgrade Zwave sticks without rebuilding entire network?
I have a Aeotec Gen5 Zwave stick and want to upgrade to their S7 stick. Is it possible to do this painlessly or do I have to rebuild the entire Zwave network with each device? 1 post - 1 participant...
View ArticleDelay in script not working?
I want to write a script to send three commands to my Broadlink remote with a 750ms delay between each. Individually, each command works just fine, but when I put them into a script, only the first...
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