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With Zwave-JS how to groupe a relay to a thermostat ? SRT-321


I use HASS.IO ( everything is up to date) on a Rasp Pi4 + AEON Labs ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 EU
The thermostat is a SRT-321
The relay is a Qubino ZMNHAD1 Flush 1

Yesterday I migrate to Zwave-JS. I’m still working on renaming devices and entities.

My floor heating is not working anymore (and it’s -10 outside :smiley: ) because I had to reset this thermostat to make a new inclusion yesterday.

In the past with the old Zwave, I used HA to make a group, to “connect” the relay (of my floor heating) to the thermostat.
But now with Zwave-JS I don’t find how to do it. Mayve I missed something?

Please, do you know how to do it?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Change CSS property (e.g. badge color) based on state w/ lovelace_gen and card-mod


I’m trying to use lovelace_gen and card-mod to create a badge template that will change CSS properties for 1…n family members based on their state…building on this (How to customize the badges at the top of the page? - #11 by Olivier1974).

This template mostly works…

    {%- set firstnames = [
    {% set lastname = 'lastname' -%}
    {% for firstname in firstnames %}
  - entity: person.{{ firstname }}_{{ lastname }}
    name: {{ firstname.capitalize() }}
    style: |
      :host {
        color: white;
        {% if is_state('person.{{ firstname }}_{{ lastname }}','home') -%}
        --label-badge-red: green;
        {%- else -%}
        --label-badge-red: red;
        {%- endif %}}
    {%- endfor %}

…except for this line

{% if is_state(‘person.{{ firstname }}_{{ lastname }}’,‘home’) -%}

I’m pretty sure I’m not escaping the expressions properly, but I cannot seem to find the right way to do this. What’s the right syntax?

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Sonoff zigbee 3.0 usb dongle reset?


I need to wipe my sonoff zigbee dongle clean and do a fresh install of zigbee2mqtt. However upon a little research I haven’t found any information on how to accomplish this? I see based on some goggle searches that it has a reset button, but very little documentation on what it does or how to execute it? Has anyone wiped their dongle clean before and have any advice?

Appreciate any and all input!

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Understanding "statistics" and long-term data storage in Home Assistant


Hello everyone,

I am struggling to fully grasp the way Home Assistant is storing all the data I am generating.

Lots of entities, from sensors, binary_sensors and all other “things” in HA produce data.
We can include or exclude them from the recorder and only what we include ends up in the database.

But not every “thing” ends up in statistics (either because the entity is not properly configured/implemented or because of the difference between state and measurement or whatever else).

So, I am trying to figure out what is being recorded in my database and how I can access it and from where.

I am tracking via MQTT, via Home Connect, Shelly and other integrations.
And I have defined which entity to include or exclude. Since almost everything generating data is an “entity” of some sort, the entity to me is the link to my data.
All of this information should be going to MariaDB (the database I am currently testing instead of InfluxDB).

But is any of this data being purged after 10 days?
The website Statistics suggests that most of my data is being purged because it is “other objects” and not “statistics”. But for me it is simply data. I don’t really care if a measurement is correctly defined or not. It reports a value for an entity. I want to keep that value until I decide to purge my DB.

So what is the point of purging data which I selected to keep, just because it is a “different object” and not “statistics”? And how can I prevent it?

And if data is not “statistics”, then how can I access it from the dashboard? If only the statistics card and similar can access “statistics”, then I cannot access all the “other objects” despite them being available and linked to an entity.

I am confused. Is HA now storing all my data, independent on whether it does not fit the HA criteria for a state or sensor or whatever? Or is it purging everything it does not regard as “statistics” after 10 days?

All I want is all data matching “include” in my database. And I want to be able to access it whenever I want without the system deciding for me which data is “good” and which is “bad”. I don’t want HA to decide what to delete. Especially not after me telling it what data I want to record.

I think there is a lot of confusion in play here, at least for me, on what a statistic is, what the recorder records and what happens to the data.

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Sensor Config Error


Just started seeing this:

Logger: homeassistant.config
Source: config.py:454
First occurred: 11:27:27 AM (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:41:14 AM

Invalid config for [sensor]: required key not provided @ data['platform']. Got None. (See /config/sensor.yaml, line 5). Please check the docs at https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/sensor

But, here’s my /config/sensor.yaml file:
Note: the comment (#) before - platform: dnsip is an attempt to resolve the error; it didn’t help.

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Docker container is not mapping to local directory



I am running HomeAssistant in docker container on Rasbery Pi. It works fine and configuration is saved between reboots.

Docker Information is below and local directory is mapped as shown:

However this directory is empty !

pi@raspberrypi:/homeassist $ ls -a /homeassist
. …

where is the local configuration, so I can edit it?


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Zigbee2mqtt - philips hue lights ramp up


My lights switch on with ramping up and ramping down just fine sing the frontend. Looks the same as they were on the hue bridge.
But if I switch on a light using an automation (light turn on) it switches on immediately to 100%. Am I doing something wrong here? Do I really need to set the ramp in every automation (wasn’t like that before).

Also can I modify the default duration of the ramp (preferably sub seconds)?

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Trigger failing


I’m sure this must be the most common topic but here goes.
I’ve just created a automation to switch on/off a towel rail heater using a Shelly plus1 relay, this dependent on the percentage charge of my Tesla powerwall battery.
I have created two threshold sensors that are in an on or off state, one when the battery is above 99% and one when the battery is below 97%. I can see these are working correctly changing from on/off and visa versa. I have used these in two automations one to switch on the towel rail and one to switch it off.
I have checked the states that should cause the trigger are working, I’ve checked the action is working correctly manually but for some reason the automation will not trigger. This is the automation that should turn the towelrail on when the battery is above 99% (the threashold sensor will then go from off to on), can anyone see an issue?

id: '1650383854973'
alias: Towel Rail A - ON
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.powerwall_100
    attribute: sensor_value
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
  - condition: time
    after: '09:00:00'
    before: '17:00:00'
      - mon
      - tue
      - wed
      - thu
      - fri
      - sat
      - sun
  - type: turn_on
    device_id: 179101863ebb25a30f532f04b8b3b99a
    entity_id: switch.shellyplus1pm_7c87ce65cfa0_switch_0
    domain: switch
mode: single

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Installed home-assistant on Debian


Been waiting for 30 minutes and it hasnt loaded

seems to be stuck on the loading page

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How to handle devices that are switched on by switches


I have some Hue lights that are switched by traditional switches. That means they go powerless. How should I handle this in zigbee2mqtt? The logs are full with errors.

I only need the integration to set the light color sometimes.

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What type of counter do I need?


Hi there,

pleas ehelp me on the right track here since search did not gring up any useful for me.

I want to count:

  1. the amount of showers taken per day
  2. the amount of time per shower

Both displayed as an entity.

I have created a sensor via node-red giving me:

I was thinking to

  1. count the output if this sensor only when going from “nothing” to “=H: hot water active”
  2. count the amount of time the state of this sensor is “=H: hot water active”

I have trouble in finding the right helper and config of the helper. Since the output of my sensor is only a text “=H: hot water active” or else.

Thanks for any help

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Create an automation based on another automation?



Recently i connected my HA with nabu casa cloud and i am using location feature in automation, when enter home zone, driveway gate opens,

Gate control box set to close the gate after 2 minutes as a safty if someone forgot to close it by remote,

Any idea to set an automation to close gates after 30s when it opens by zone automation only? Becaouse 2 minutes is long time

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2 Insteon Hub configuratons


Will i need 2 VMs to do my office and home that are currently configured as to locations with 2 hubs and what used to be 2 insteon accounts.
The main question is can i run 2 home assistant accounts logging off one and to use the other in the same windows VM that is currently set up and running the office ( now want to dive into the harder one the main house )

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Remove unit of meassurement from sensor


So i have this motion sensor that is fed viad mqtt unto HA it delivers automatically the following

unit_of_measurement: ’ ’

this leads to the fact that a line chart is being generated which doesnt make sense for a binary motion sensor. i can override once in the dev>states area and remove unit of meassurement. however this is no permanent solution. this will give me the bar chart what i want to achive.

in customize i can only add/change unit of meassurement.

any help?

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Smart Light Bulbs Take Long to Turn on


Hello I need help with my smart light bulbs turning on slowly/not turning on all together. My current setup is a Ubuntu 64bit virtual box running Home Assistant OS on a pretty well specd out windows PC, there is definitely plenty of speed to run my home assistant server on (the only other thing that runs on this PC is my plex server).

For some reason, if I double tap the room “Bar” from my main page, which will open all the lights in the bar area through a group I made called lights.bar_all_lights, the smart bulbs (mixture of lifx and philips hue) will turn on with a slight delay, and will do the same when I turn them off. Though, if i turn on or off the lights through their individual groups (counter, back spots, fixture), which are still groups, just smaller groups made of smart bulbs for those designated areas of the bar, there will be no delay.

My Phillips Hue light bulbs (fixture and lightstrips) are both running on a Conbee II through deconz on a separate Rpi 4b with an extension cord, and it is very close to the bar area, so there should be no problem there.

The only fix I have found for this is to restart my home assistant server and it might fix it for a couple of minutes, or a couple hours or so. It happens if I try to turn all the bar lights on from any device.

Does anyone know what can be causing this, please let me know if you need any additional information or any of my yaml files, any help is appreciated!

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Blocking and


I block all outbound DNS except what’s coming from my DNS servers. I just installed HA due to the Insteon going out of business and noticed it is constantly sending to these. I have it working and it seems to be working fine for what I need. I don’t want to switch to core so my question is what functionality do I lose by not allowing HA to these servers? Thanks in advance.

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Compare 2 dates, ignoring the time part



Why wont this work?
now().date() > strptime(states('input_datetime.saveddate'), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')

Is it at all possible to compare 2 dates and ignore the time portion?
I have an automation that i want to trigger once, every day when i get home from work after 4 pm.
I have the trigger configured, but it triggers everytime i leave the house, and come back after 4 pm.
I only want it to trigger once every day.

When my automation triggers i save the current date to input_datetime.saveddate.
Next time it triggers i want it to check if todays date is greater than the date stored in input_datetime.saveddate

I have 10 years of coding experince in C#, java, SQL and so on. But for the life of me i cant figure out the syntax of this

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How to delete an old / orphaned Alarm Entity


Hi Community,

I´m pretty new to homeassistant and learning each day.
I played a little bit with the Alarm Panel and have old entities which I can´t delete anymore.

How can I delete those?

Thanks for a hint.


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Templating IF statement with multiple variables


I am still very new to templating and have this working, but wondering if it’s possible to use multiple variables in a single if statement? If so how would I format that? If ender 3 or cr10 states are on then color should be green. What I have below works, but trying to save some typing. :grinning:

{% set ender3 = states('switch.193_1') %}
{% set cr10 = states('switch.193_3') %}
{% if ender3 == 'off' %}
{% elif ender3 == 'on' %}
{% elif cr10 == 'off' %}
{% elif cr10 == 'on' %}
{% endif %}

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Getting Insteon "Links"?


I have gotten all my devices from my hub into HA. I have a couple of places where I have 2 2477D dimmer switches acting like 3-way switches. I think that is “linking”. I thought I could get that link information out of the hub by using a service like:

service: insteon.load_all_link_database
entity_id: light.switchlinc_dimmer_33_a9_6f


My hub definitely has “scenes”. Can I get those out of the hub and into the HA Scenes?
and then display that information with:
service: insteon.print_all_link_database
entity_id: light.switchlinc_dimmer_33_a9_6f

When I execute the service calls, I get a green check box, but nothing “printed” anywhere. Is it possible that this “link” is just in the hardware between the 2 switches and the Insteon app “links” are a different thing and they actually don’t exist for me?

What is the expected output of running these 2 services?

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