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Memory leak when using Google Calendar and location in an automation


Relatively new to HA - about 3 weeks in.

HA Core - v2022.4.6
Synology NAS Docker install : Low-pri CPU + 2048Gb RAM assigned
Nothing too much integrated yet. Still feeing it out before I commit to a Pi4 build.

I had an issue recently during a late night session where my docker container was crashing due to memory full and then auto-restarting.
Initially I thought the issue was due to a typo in the raw config editor (as I shared here), but the next day I had a load of emails waiting for me from my NAS telling me that HA had been crashing every 30 minutes overnight.

Last night it started doing the same. Emails and I could see it fill up the RAM within 15 mins, slowly become unresponsive and then crash at about the 30minute mark. “Why is it only doing this at night?” … and then I realised what it may be.

The pattern seemed to follow an automation I have that triggers every /10 to re-activate my phone’s charger when the battery level dips below 93% but only when my calendar is set to “sleeping”.

As soon as I de-activated that Automation and reset my HA that it stopped. CPU load is back down and RAM back to reasonable numbers.

The only thing different in this automation compared to the others I have for my phone charging on/off is the use of the Google Calendar in this one automation as well as (“is_home”).
It’s weird 'cos this was one of the first automations I’d set up about 10 days in (preventing battery overcharging as my motivation to start HA)

The calendar itself seems to be fine. I followed SlackerLabs YT guide on integrating it into my HA and it updates quickly and the card on my homepage works fine too. I don’t use search or offset features in the google_calendars.yaml as I don’t do all day events there. Just as a trigger for events for tasker to automate different profiles on my phone.

Some screenshots below for reference

No-one likes to see this in the morning :frowning:

Next night and it’s happening again. RAM full for 10 minutes and counting…

After disabling the automaton and it’s still happy No emails:

Here’s the automation (edited to remove phone ID and real calendar name)

`alias: MyPhone Sleeping Recharge Top Up
description: ''
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /10
  - condition: state
    entity_id: calendar.schedulingcal
    state: 'on'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: calendar.schedulingcal
    state: Sleeping
    attribute: message
  - type: is_battery_level
    condition: device
    device_id: 12345678901234567890123456789012
    entity_id: sensor.myphone_battery_level
    domain: sensor
    below: 93
  - condition: device
    device_id: 12345678901234567890123456789012
    domain: device_tracker
    entity_id: device_tracker.myphone
    type: is_home
  - service: script.myphone_master_recharge_on
    data: {}
mode: single`

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Getting Owl 160 on the Energy Dashboard from MQTT


I have an OWL CM160 Energy Monitor and for years have been using Eagle-Owl to monitor my household energy consumption using the USB connection.

However the display unit has been getting increasingly unreliable and stops reading from the transmitter all the time, so I’d like to stop using it.

However rtl_433 picks up the messages sent from transmitter and puts them into my MQTT server just fine.

A typical payload to rtl_433/Oregon-CM160/8 looks like the following

{"time" : "2022-04-27 15:51:38", "brand" : "OS", "model" : "Oregon-CM160", "id" : 8, "power_W" : 676}

My understanding is that the power_W is the current draw, and this payload is only updated on significant changes & once a minute - therefore you can assume (like it’s display unit did) that 676w is being drawn from now until the next message.

However by adding a new MQTT sensor to homeassistant/sensor/rtl433/Home_temperature_c/config with the payload:-

{"device":{"name":"OWL Energy Monitoring - Home","identifiers":["home"],"manufacturer":"RTL 433","model":"Aitken"},"name":"Home - Power Consumption (W)","unique_id":"rtl433_Home_temperature_c","state_topic":"rtl_433\/Oregon-CM160\/8","json_attributes_topic":"rtl_433\/Oregon-CM160\/8","value_template":"{{ value_json.power_W }}","unit_of_measurement":"W","state_class":"measurement","device_class":"energy"}

This is then added to the sensor like so and shows up fine in Home Assistant

It doesn’t show up on the energy dashboard as an option.

Searching around it seems that some form of value needs to be added to last_updated (where - guessing the config?) but this isn’t something I know.

Is it possible for these to be read into the energy dashboard in any way?

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Addons Page keeps loosing Community Apps and 3rd parties


hi i like to know been dealing with this over a year…
and i google and soooo many people have same issue but no fix

but is there a way to protect HA from loosing Community Addons and any other 3rd party addons you add via the Addons page? like a Reg file like in windows you click it and re installs all the addons…
as it happens randomly and sometimes at updates… is there a way to fix this?

only thing i going to do next is have a text file with the web address’s to install these
as without them in the addons page you dont even know when an addon has an update ready…

is there a common thing that causes it to loose it so i can avoid it etc. do other intergrations cause it to be erased… like logs say this hasnt been tested with home assistant warnings in the logs

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Logs doesn't appear


In supervisor all the addons are working and running well, but I can’t see the logs.

i tried to add in the configuration.yaml this code lines:

default: info
homeassistant.components: info

Those lines worked but after rebooting never worked again. Any idea or suggestions. I tried to delete reboot and write again but doesn’t work.

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Multiple warning errors id like to fix


hi so i have lot of warning errors. some i realize are ok if something offline but some i dont know how to fix

Logger: homeassistant.components.binary_sensor
Source: helpers/entity_platform.py:719
Integration: Binary sensor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 12:09:17 AM (17794 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:17:24 AM

Updating ping binary_sensor took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:01
Updating command_line binary_sensor took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:01:00
Logger: homeassistant.helpers.template
Source: helpers/template.py:1840
First occurred: 11:10:27 AM (24 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:15:28 AM

Template variable error: None has no element 0 when rendering '{{ state_attr('weather.peterborough','forecast')[0].templow | default('0') }}'
Template variable error: None has no element 0 when rendering '{{ state_attr('weather.peterborough','forecast')[0].temperature | default('0') }}'
Template variable error: None has no element 0 when rendering '{{ state_attr('weather.peterborough','forecast')[0].precipitation_probability | default('0') }}'
Template variable error: None has no element 0 when rendering '{% if state_attr("weather.peterborough","forecast")[0].condition =='clear-night' %} 3 {% elif state_attr("weather.peterborough","forecast")[0].condition =='cloudy' %} 5 {% elif state_attr("weather.peterborough","forecast")[0].condition =='fog' %} 16 {% elif state_attr("weather.peterborough","forecast")[0].condition =='hail' %} 6 {% elif state_attr("weather.peterborough","forecast")[0].condition =='lightning' %} 13 {% elif state_attr("weather.peterborough","forecast")[0].condition =='lightning-rainy' %} 17 {% elif state_attr("weather.peterborough","forecast")[0].condition =='partlycloudy' %} 8 {% elif state_attr("weather.peterborough","forecast")[0].condition =='pouring' %} 18 {% elif state_attr("weather.peterborough","forecast")[0].condition =='rainy' %} 9 {% elif state_attr("weather.peterborough","forecast")[0].condition =='snowy' %} 11 {% elif state_attr("weather.peterborough","forecast")[0].condition =='snowy-rainy' %} 7 {% elif state_attr("weather.peterborough","forecast")[0].condition =='windy' %} 14 {% elif state_attr("weather.peterborough","forecast")[0].condition =='windy-variant' %} 14 {% else %} 12 {% endif %}'
Logger: homeassistant.components.stream.stream.camera.camera2
Source: components/stream/__init__.py:347
Integration: Stream (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 12:03:01 AM (90 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:10:55 AM

Error from stream worker: Error opening stream (EOF, End of file) rtmp://
Logger: homeassistant.helpers.template
Source: helpers/template.py:1292
First occurred: 8:40:12 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:40:12 AM

Template warning: 'float' got invalid input 'unavailable' when rendering template '{{ (states('sensor.outside_barometric_pressure') | float * 0.029529980164712) | round(2) }}' but no default was specified. Currently 'float' will return '0', however this template will fail to render in Home Assistant core 2022.1
Logger: homeassistant.config
Source: config.py:454
First occurred: 12:02:46 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:02:46 AM

Invalid config for [template]: invalid template (TemplateSyntaxError: invalid syntax for function call expression) for dictionary value @ data['sensor'][0]['state']. Got "{{ as_timestamp(states('sensor.date_time_iso',default)) | timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p',local=true,default) }}". (See /config/template.yaml, line 0).

now the last one i have issues with all my time stamps i bee googling but i keep trying what people said in this communuity but i keep getting warnings… my code is

- sensor:
    #    - name: "Date and time"
    #      state: "{{ as_timestamp(states('sensor.date_time_iso',default)) | timestamp_custom('%A %B %-d, %I:%M %p',local=true,default) }}"
    #      icon: "mdi:calendar-clock"

    - name: "Display Time"
      state: "{{ as_timestamp(states('sensor.date_time_iso',default)) | timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p',local=true,default) }}"
      icon: "mdi:calendar-clock"

    - name: "Display Hour"
      state: "{{ as_timestamp(states('sensor.date_time_iso',default)) | timestamp_custom('%I',local=true,default) }}"
      icon: "mdi:calendar-clock"

    - name: "Display Minutes"
      state: "{{ as_timestamp(states('sensor.date_time_iso',default)) | timestamp_custom('%M',local=true,default) }}"
      icon: "mdi:calendar-clock"

i remmed out the first one to see if i wouldnt get errors… but i still get errors it doesnt like the default i did have default=none prior i had nothing…

these are just some errors warnings i working with hopefully i can get some of these cleared and ill ask the next batch… as i knwo some are from my bad interent connection and it cant get access

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Getting volume controls from TV on dashboard



I just added my Samsung TV to Home Assistant through the Samsung Smart TV-integration.
I want to have a card on my dashboard that shows both power-button and volume +/- etc.
If I add a entity card now all I get is this:


And if I click on the three dots on the upper right corner I get more info like this:


Is it possible to get all the controls here, power, mute volume -/+, play/pause in a single card?

2 posts - 2 participants

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Unique entity ID



I have an odd question. I am using the ical sensor integration to create entities based on my next events.

I am also using the awesome Dwains Dashboard and would like to mark one of the ical entities as a favourite, but to do so it needs to be set to an area. Unfortunately, areas can’t be set for entities without a unique ID.

Any help highly appreciated!

3 posts - 2 participants

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Need help with triggering an automation when a timestamp is X days old


Hello all,

I am trying to get a low-battery warning for my various Insteon Leak sensors, which talk to HA through MQTT. In addition to wet/dry, they each connect daily for a ‘heartbeat’. This shows up in HA as a timestamp entity. I pulled one battery out and sure enough, the timestamp of that sensor’s heartbeat still shows the last day it was successful. So, I need an automation that notifies me when any of those heartbeat sensors’ entities states gets to be more than 2 days ago. But it’s not formatted nicely, so I am stuck.

Right now, the State of the Entity i’m playing with says this “2022-04-22T22:48:32+00:00”.

Can anyone help me make an automation that constantly monitors those entities and fires whenever that timestamp strays further than 2 days from current time?

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A few bad stats for total_increasing


I have a few entities that are really struggling with stats. I’ve tried to correct the underlying data in the mariadb database but each hour it generates a new stat that is way off the mark. I have 3 examples but the one I’ll focus on is my space heater total kwh:

It shows as using 44,744 kWh. This is a filter entity:

  - platform: filter
    name: "Office Space Heater [kWh]"
    entity_id: sensor.office_space_heater_raw_kwh
      - filter: outlier
        window_size: 10
        radius: 5.0

The underlying sensor, office_space_heater_raw_kwh likes to randomly provide a super high value but in this case, I don’t see any of those in the state table:
SELECT * FROM states where entity_id = "sensor.office_space_heater_raw_kwh" and state > 2;
Returns 0 rows. The same with
SELECT * FROM states where entity_id = "sensor.office_space_heater_kwh" and state > 2;
The sensor itself has a pretty normal value:

If I run the query:
SELECT s.* FROM statistics s, statistics_meta sm where s.metadata_id = sm.id and sm.statistic_id = "sensor.office_space_heater_kwh" order by start DESC;
I see the problem statistics:

If I update the two most recent so sum = state the graph is fixed for now but it’ll break again the next hour.

I’m seeing similar challenges with 2 other entities, both are total_increasing.

My questions are:

  1. How is sum calculated for a statistic?
  2. For a total_increasing entity, how does it determine the base value/last reset value?
  3. Any other recommendations for fixing this?

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Show Person Group as Badge


I’m trying to display the status in the badge card, whether “ALL” or “NONE” is in the house.
So if EVERYONE is at home, then “HOME”
When ALL are gone, then AWAY

I thought you could do that with a template sensor.
And then maybe with “unit_of_measurement”?
but somehow i don’t get any result here.

At first i create a group.all_person_group

then i create a sensor: (some of my attempts are commented out here)

- platform: template
      unit_of_measurement: Home
      # unit_of_measurement: ${entities['group.all_person_group'].state}
      # theme: >
      #   if (state === 'home') return 'green_badge';
      #   return 'grey_badge';
      # unit_of_measurement: "{{ 'Zuhause' if  is_state('group.all_person_group', 'home') else Abwesend }}"
      # unit_of_measurement: >
      #   {{ 'Zuhause' if  is_state('group.all_person_group', 'home') else 'Abwesend' }}    
      # unit_of_measurement: >
      #   {{ 'Zuhause' if  is_state('group.all_person_group', 'home') else Abwesend }}
      # unit_of_measurement: >
      #   {% if  is_state('group.all_person_group', 'home') %}
      #   Zuhause
      #   {% else %}
      #   Abwesend
      #   {% endif %}
      entity_id: group.all_person_group
      friendly_name_template: >
        {% if is_state('sensor.home_badge', 'home') %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
      value_template: >
        {% if is_state('sensor.all_person_group', 'home') %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}

then I read that the unit_of_measurement can only be “adjusted” via customize.yaml. But I can’t do this either.

  state_card_mode: badges
    unit_of_measurement: >
      {{ 'Zuhause' if  is_state('sensor.home_badge', 'home') else 'Abwesend' }}
#    unit_of_measurement: ${entities['sensor.home_badge'].state}
#    theme: >

can this work at all?

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How do I get a template cover to take more than one position templates?


I have an issue with a template cover and position templates. I’ve been trying to get the current position of four different blinds. e.g. if two are open and two are closed, I want the the cover template to give me the option to close or open the remaining ones.
This works perfectly if I only set One cover in “position_template”, but when I try to add more than one it either does not work for me at all, or it’s only concidering the last specified blind.

Here is the code:

   - platform: template
         device_class: blind
         friendly_name: "Kitchen"
         #position_template: "{{ state_attr('cover.right_window', 'current_position') }}"
         position_template: >-
           {% if state_attr('cover.right_window', 'current_position') %}
           {% elif state_attr('cover.left_window', 'current_position') %}
           {% elif state_attr('cover.slim_window_right', 'current_position') %}
           {% elif state_attr('cover.slim_window_left', 'current_position') %}
           {% endif %}
           service: cover.open_cover
               - cover.right_window
               - cover.left_window
               - cover.slim_window_right
               - cover.slim_window_left
           service: cover.close_cover
               - cover.right_window
               - cover.left_window
               - cover.slim_window_right
               - cover.slim_window_left
           service: cover.stop_cover
               - cover.right_window
               - cover.left_window
               - cover.slim_window_right
               - cover.slim_window_left
         icon_template: >-
           {% if is_state('cover.right_window', 'open') %}
           {% elif is_state('cover.left_window', 'open') %}
           {% elif is_state('cover.slim_window_right', 'open') %}
           {% elif is_state('cover.slim_window_left', 'open') %}
           {% else %}
           {% endif %}

How would you go about solving this issue?

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Automation MQTT trigger not firing


I have an automation I want to trigger from a camera/motion_image topic. I can see in MQTT explorer the topic is being published to.


The topic is also used by an MQTT Camera entity and is working as expected there.
However my automation is never triggered (confirmed by trace) by this MQTT trigger. I have tried using a different topic (camera/motion) as a trigger and the automation runs correctly.
Is it possible the size of the payload (a ~600kb jpeg) is interfering with the trigger operation?

alias: Drive motion notification
description: ''
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: camera/motion_image
    id: image
condition: []
  - service: camera.snapshot
      filename: /extsd/ipwebcam/snapshot.jpg
      entity_id: camera.drive_motion_detection_image
  - device_id: ad91f0fdf7dae795ff215c2440663373
    domain: mobile_app
    type: notify
    message: |
      {{ trigger.id }}
    data: >
      {% set android_data = {"image": "%s"} |
      %} {{ android_data }}
    title: Drive camera
mode: single

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Google Cast devices showing status as Restored?


I am running Home Assistant in Docker on a Raspberry Pi 4. I recently noticed that all my Google Casts entities are showing their statuses as Restored and the devices themselves seem unavailable.

I’ve seen many posts about Google Cast issues with Home Assistant in Docker but mine seems to be a bit different, I think. Home Assistant discovers the devices but they are unusable. I am not sure when this started happening but I can confirm the entities were working earlier.

This is my docker-compose.yml for Home Assistant:

version: '3'
    container_name: homeassistant
    image: homeassistant/raspberrypi4-homeassistant:stable
      - "/home/pi/Docker/Home Assistant/config:/config"
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: host

I can confirm that mDNS is work (or else the devices would be discovered in Home Assistant) and have also tried solutions from posts like this this but haven’t been able to fix the issue yet.

Does anyone have any idea how to solve this issue?

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How to change a Tasmota RGB LED strip's color?


I’m having troubles finding documentation regarding the color control of a Tasmota controlled RGB LED strip. I think I must be missing something obvious here, but I can’t find it.

I have a strip of RGB LEDs, and a Tasmota flashed controller. The controller is set up with this MagicHome RGB Controller template. The device has been added to Home Assistant automatically through the Tasmota integration.

When I look at the device in Home Assistant, the only control I have available is a toggle. Home Assistant clearly knows the color of the LEDs, as the icon changes to match the color setting, but no controls for that color are exposed.

Is a manual configuration (in configuration.yaml) required to get control of the LED color through Home Assistant? Or am I simply missing something?

Thanks in advance!

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Problem Logical problem or hardware problem?


Hello everyone- Maybe the question is silly but I don’t understand why it doesn’t behave as I want.
I have a temperature sensor. I need to turn on two heaters when the temperature is below 28.4 and turn it off when it is above 28.4. The issue is that there are times when it is at 29 and I don’t turn it off or it is at 27 and I never turn it on. Is it ok or is there something wrong with this. Because if it is not this, it could be another problem that I have with the relay board that momentarily loses connection. Thank you very much

  #                                                  #
  #                Acuario Climate                   #
  #                                                  #
  - alias: "Enciende el calefactor del acuario cuando la temperatura esta debajo 28.3"
      - platform: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.temperatura_plantado
        below: 28.4
      - service: switch.turn_on
            - switch.relay_2
            - switch.relay_3

  - alias: "Apaga el calefactor del acuario cuando la tempera turaesta en 28.5"
      - platform: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.temperatura_plantado
        above: 28.4
      - service: switch.turn_off
            - switch.relay_2
            - switch.relay_3

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Troubles with Generic Camera Snapshot


I feel like this could be a bug, but I’m currently trying to setup the ring-mqtt streaming using the generic camera integration (as instructed in the documentation: ring-mqtt/CAMERAS.md at 3943159123e685547a673a751faf927f53bbf210 · tsightler/ring-mqtt · GitHub).

If I setup the generic camera in the configuration file (or in the UI) without the still image URL, it actually works fine, but without the still image capability. However, I really want to have the still image capability so it’s not launching a stream every time I launch the picture glance card on the dashboard.

So, when I attempt to enter in the url, as instructed, into the still image configuration, I get an error.

Here’s an example of what I’m adding to the configuration.yml (secrets replaced with non-identifying values):

  - platform: generic
    name: Doorbell Video
    still_image_url:{{ states.camera.ring_doorbell_snapshot.attributes.entity_picture }}
    stream_source: rtsp://username:password@
    verify_ssl: false

This fails due to an ‘Unknown Error’. And when I check the log file, I see that there was an interesting problem with the processing of the still_image URL as follows:

ValueError: Port could not be cast to integer value as '8123{{ states.camera.ring_doorbell_snapshot.attributes.entity_picture }}'

For some reason, it’s not separating the port number from the template provided.

And from the documentation, it specifies NOT to put a slash after the port:

Note that the still_image_url uses the guessed hostname and/or localhost. This could work in some cases, but if SSL is enabled or the default default port has been changed, the correct URL may not be reflected here, simple use the Home Assistant base URL with the value template on the end and make sure there is no slash after the hostname or port. For example, if the Home Assistant instance is accessed directly via https://myha.mydomain.local/ then the URL would be https://myha.mydomain.local{{ states.camera.front_porch_snapshot.attributes.entity_picture }}.

Thanks in advance for any help or guidance!

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Automation doesn't fire action but trigger and action work themself


Hi guys,

I have a “Shelly Plug S” which i want to automate in Home Assistent.
First at all I configured that Plug via a Sensor and a Command Line Switch in my configuration.yaml because my Home Assistant Instance isn’t running in my home network and so i can’t use the Shelly Integration.
This way is working just fine and i get the output of the plug as well i can switch it on and off.

Now there comes the tricky part:
I build an automation which should switch the plug off if the output is above XY Watts.

- id: '....'
  alias: Test Switch
  description: ''
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.fahrrad
    above: '5'
  condition: []
  - service: switch.turn_off
    data: {}
      - switch.fahrradswitch
  mode: single

This action just works perfectly if i press the “Execute” button.
My trigger is also working perfectly because i tested it with other devices (Homematic IP Plugs).

I can also see in the Logfile that the command_off statement is fired but still nothing happens…
Is there a tiny difference how actions in automations are executed automatically and manually?

I’m totally confused…

Thanks and best regards

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ZHA / Sonoff keeps losing all devices


At the end of March, I had this problem, which I posted on a HA Facebook group:

As of about 5pm yesterday, all my Zigbee devices started showing as unavailable.
They connect through a Sonoff Zigbee bridge that is flashed with Tasmota ZHA ZBBridge.
I can access the Sonoff over the wifi, so it’s running, but none of my motion, door or other sensors seem to be connecting to it.

Since then, it has happened multiple times, but always seems to be triggered by me updating HA to the latest build.

It happened yet again yesterday, and I had to get all my devices one by one and put them right next to the coordinator to pair again. I couldn’t do this with the door sensor, so I had to unplug the Sonoff to move it closer, but it did seem that all was well. All my motion sensors were triggering on movement, and the door sensor worked.

Now this evening, they are ALL showing as offline again. Reboots do not work, I will have go round and pair them all again. :frowning:

Someone suggested the Sonoff has problems, but it does allow me to run it in the house where most of my Zigbee devices are. I run HA on a Pi in my garden office, so if I put a USB Zigbee stick in there, I might not get the devices connecting anyway.

So, I’m looking for thoughts/ideas/suggestions. Would it be a bug in the ZHA integration perhaps? Hardware issue with the Sonoff? Or maybe the stuff I flashed on there with Tasmota is out of date ?

I’ve seen posts on here from years ago with the same problem but none seem to relate directly to mine - pretty sure it’s not wifi interference as they were all working perfectly for 6 months.

All help appreciated - I am pulling out what little hair I have left

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RGB strip turns on before color change? (old color shows briefly)


I’m seeing an issue with turning on an RGB strip through an automaton. It seems as if Home Assistant is commanding the Tasmota controller to turn on, and then commands it to change the RGB color. For example, if the LEDs were previously red, and my automaton is set to turn them on in blue, the LED strip will turn on and will briefly be red before switching to blue.

Might there be a configuration issue here?

The YAML for the action is quite simple:

service: light.turn_on
    - 0
    - 255
    - 0
  brightness: 255
  device_id: 40a85e67fae76f87c908595877b90e34

I’ve tried to work around this by adding an initial command to the light to set a different color at brightness 0, followed by the same color at brightness 255, but that does not help.


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Automation trigger on Rest sensor completion


Hi all, I’ve a rest sensor (platform: rest) that gets an access token which is stored as an attribute.

I then have some platform: command line sensors that use this value to access a data source.

At HA startup the command line and rest actions happen at the same time so i have to then wait for the scan_interval on the command line sensors to expire before they output valid data.

My plan was to set an automation so that once the rest sensor completes it would then refresh the command line sensors. The actions on this work fine if i manually trigger them but I don’t seem to be able to figure out the trigger.

What is the best way to trigger this automation and does anyone have an example they could share?

Thanks in advance

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