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Disable precise tracking outside Home zone?


Hi, I use the iOS app tracking to determine whether my partner and I are home, but other than that, I don’t really want precise tracking to be available at all times.

Is it possible to somehow disable location tracking outside a certain zone, if that makes sense? Or maybe leave tracking enabled but disable precise location reporting to HA when outside a certain Zone (that probably makes more sense)?


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Automate backup creation with HA container



I’m trying to understand how I can trigger backups (then eventually upload them somewhere else) from an automation. I’m not using supervised installation (only the container version).

I would assume there is a service to call but could not find any, neither in HA interface nor in documentation.

Only trace would be to call the http api (which is always a possibility).

Would you have any pointers?

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Alexa's scene from tuya trough home assistant are lost every reboot of HA


Pretty much that is the problem.

I have a nabu casa account, using Alexa integration, Tuya integration.

I have a scene created in Tuya (IR remote control scene), it is integrated to home assistant, and the Alexa picks it up by the Home assistant Alexa Skill.

The deal is that every time I reboot Home Assistant the tuya native scenes are forgotten by Alexa, but not the Home Assistant native scenes.

To fix this I have to hit the “SYNC ENTITIES TO AMAZON” on “Configuration”, “Home Assistan Cloud” every time.

any suggestion??

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Cannot connect to foscam C1 ip cam


Hello everyone,

I’ve just installed HA on a rpi-4 and while it’s been a breeze at beginning, I’m now having trouble with foscam integration.

I have a foscam C1 which has been working well with foscam’s cloud for years, so we can assume :

  1. It’s correctly set up : I have a foscam account (login+pwd) and the C1 has its own login+pwd
  2. It’s correctly wired to the Internet, with reliable, stable ethernet cable

My problem is : when I fill in the form asking for connection info (host; port; username; pwd; stream; RTSP port) and submit it, I get this error message : “Failed to connect”.

I went to HA logs but didn’t find anything useful.

  • host:port should be correct because I found them directly in foscam android app.
  • Camera’s own login+pwd are correct too as I’ve just tried and succeeded in modifying them in foscam android app.
  • For RTSP port, I tried the default (554) as well as 88 because I saw it helped someone else on another topic but no success for me.

I’ve run out of ideas and hope someone here will have the answer!

Thanks in advance for any help :slight_smile:

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Adding a MQTT doorbell to my configuration.yaml file - What am I doing wrong?


Hello HA Community!

I’ve managed to get my doorbell to publish mqtt events to the Mosquitto broker installed in my HA instance but I’m having trouble creating the binary sensor to state change on those incoming mqtt events.

My goal is that when the doorbell rings I can trigger an automation to play a sound on several smart speakers.

This is the event that the doorbell emits when someone rings the bell:

    "Action": "Start",
    "Code": "CallNoAnswered",
    "Data": {
        "CallID": "8",
        "LocaleTime": "2022-04-28 10:21:55",
        "UTC": 1651170115.0
    "Index": 0,
    "serialNumber": "LNWZ6C34FA0F941"

And this is the binary sensor create that I’ve added to my configuration.yaml file which isn’t working:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Doorbell Button State"
    state_topic: "DahuaVTO/CallNoAnswered/Event"
    availability_topic: "DahuaVTO/CallNoAnswered/Event"
    value_template: "{{ 'ON' if value_json.Action == 'Start' else 'OFF' }}"

The resulting binary sensor has failed to pick up any state changes:

Thanks for any help!

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Create total increasing from binary_sensor


hello there,
I’ve got a binary_sensor which indicates my oilheating is on. The burner consumes 2.84 liters per hour on.
So I can find the time the burner is on today via history stats.

  - platform: history_stats
    name: "Brennerlaufzeit heute"
    entity_id: binary_sensor.brennerstatus
    state: 'on'
    type: time
    start: '{{ now().replace(hour=0).replace(minute=0).replace(second=0) }}'
    end: '{{ now() }}'

and from this i can do the amount oli consumed today:

        friendly_name: "Ölverbrauch Heute"
        unit_of_measurement: 'l'
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.brennerlaufzeit_heute') | float * 2.84}}" 

What I wanted to do now is a total_increasing sensor. I tried by finding the total time the burner is running, but i can’t figure out a good way. at he moment I’m putting the value of oil burned at the end of any day into a variable, and then adding this to the daily value, but this causes values jumping around midnight. Something smooth would be nice. And next Up I’d like to be able to manually reset this every about 2 years… but then again most likely the heating will be changed to a heatpump in the next three years anyways.
Here’s what i tried:


- id: set_total_Oil
  alias: set total oil
  description: ''
    platform: time
    at: "23:59:59"
    - service: input_number.set_value
        value: "{{(states('sensor.oelverbrauch_heute')) | float }}"
        entity_id: input_number.oil_today
    - service: input_number.set_value
        value: "{{ (states('input_number.oil_running_total')) | float + (states('input_number.oil_today')) | float }}"
        entity_id: input_number.oil_running_total
    - service: input_number.set_value
        value: "0"
        entity_id: input_number.oil_today

Would appreciate any help

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History stat for an attribute from an Entity

Automation based on Onkyo receiver state


I’m trying to setup a very simple automation (turn on/off a zigbee power plug) based on the power state of one of my Onkyo receivers but can’t get it to trigger.
I have two receivers from Onkyo, both are added using yaml as described here: Onkyo - Home Assistant
I can see both of them under “History” and state reporting there is very accurate. If i turn one of them on for 10 seconds and then turn it off, i can see that under history so HA is seeing their state.

When i try to create an automation (using GUI) is where i run into trouble. If i select “Trigger type” “Device”, i can only find one of them (the one i want to use). If i select that, “Trigger” is greyed out.
If i instead select “Trigger type” “State”, i can find both entities but i can’t find “On” or “Off” as attributes. Trying to set it manually to “On” or “Off” doesn’t trigger either.

Does anyone know what i should use to trigger my automation and why one of my receivers are missing under “Device”? Checking core.config_entries and core.device_registry there’s not a trace of the missing one but it’s there in the GUI.

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How to Change an Icon on a Door Contact to Its Default


I have a door contact via Hubitat that has an entity id of binary_sensor.kitchen_garage_door_contact. Home Assistant assigned the garage door icon to it instead of the standard door one that it uses on all my other door contacts. Is there a way to change it to the normal default? I don’t want to delete the contact and re-add it as it’s in several automations and I’d probable have to delete from Hubitat as well.

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Monitor nearby access point with Unifi


I have a cable modem provided by my ISP with built in Wi-Fi. But I use a Unifi AP. So I have disabled the Wi-Fi in the modem. However it will enable Wi-Fi again on its own after a period of time for some reason. I assume the ISP is responsible.
So my question is if I can somehow tap in to the Unifi controller and query the list of nearby access points that I can see in the Unifi controller interface? So I know when it is time to disable the cable modem’s Wi-Fi again.

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Is there a way to sort the content shown in an entity card?


Hi all,

I have a card showing various fuel stations and basically I’m quite happy with this card. It looks nice, but it’s always hard to see, which station is the cheapest.

The code looks like:

type: entities
  - entity: >-
  - entity: sensor.tankerkoenig_station_2
  - entity: sensor.tankerkoenig_station_3
title: Fuel stations

In order to solve this, I’ve filled a markdown card like this:

type: markdown
content: >-
  # Diesel: {% for entity in  expand('group.fuelstations_diesel_group') | sort(attribute='state') | map(attribute='entity_id') | map('string')  | list %}
      {{states(entity) }} € -- {{state_attr(entity, "friendly_name")}} 
  {% endfor%}
title: Fuel

This is pretty nice, because it is less code and nearly no maintenance in the future … but it looks quite ugly. Yes, I could add icons and such, but still it is nothing compared to the entity card …at least not for me.

So my question is, can I somehow combine the list operation from the markdown card with the nice layout of the entity card? Each time I try, I run into issues…

Thanks a lot.

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Samsung Radiant360 R1 - Wireless Multiroom Speakers


Anyone have these speakers integrated with Home Assistant. I’ve tried the custom integrations posted on the forums but all seem to not work any longer. If anyone has a working config and willing to provide some assistance it would be greatly appreciated.


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Ring Glass Break Sensor (without ring integration)


Bought these Ring Glass Break sensors that just came out in february, and i paired one with zwavejs/ha to see what would happen. well,it only shows up with 2 entities: “Home Intrusion” and “Battery”. I’m kind of at a loss how to proceed. I tried various things to trip the alarm and it does nothing. I am wondering if I should try integrating it through zwave2mqtt or whatever instead. any ideas? anyone played with one of these yet? not much info on the web.

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Entities Page Has Changed


I’ve been doing cut and paste from the entities dialog page of the entity id into my yaml. That was last week and earlier. Now the id’s are gone. I’m on 2022.4.0. When I checked the HA customization page, it showed this dialog:

Mine looks like this:

Did I change a setting somewhere to cause it to display like this? How can I get the version shown on the customization page?

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Don't return light to snapshot state if light changed while script is running



I have a script that creates a snapshot of a few lights, then changes the lights to blue for a few minutes and then restores the states of the lights. That works fine.

But I was looking if there’s a way that I could prevent the states from being restored if I turned off the light while the script was running.

For example, the light is on white, then the script is activated, snapshots the state, then turns the lights blue, but if I turn off the light while the light is blue (let’s say to go to sleep). Now I would want that light to remain off instead of being restored

Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

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Insteon on/off outdoor switch 2634-222 integration problem


The subject switch successfully links as a responder to my hub1, but fails to toggle from HA.

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Z-Wave JS - Aeotec doorbell ZW162 no longer triggering automation


I recently noticed that my doorbell based automations mostly don’t work anymore. I’ve been working on this for the last 6 hours and received no more than 5 automated e-mails. I think this may be since a recent update. Now I tried all kinds of ways like triggering based on Z-Wave notifications (which I see in the Z-Wave JS log), Using Group base commands, sensor status, rebooting, … nothings seems to fix this problem. Any suggestions anyone? Thank you very much

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Alarm Decoder - Voice/Sound Push Notifications


Hi Everyone,

Love HA, thank you!! Have got an AD2USB configured with the Alarm Decoder integration. Working fine. However, coming from a Micasaverde Vera, one feature I’m REALLY missing is getting push notifications of arm and alarm states to my phone. (so if the alarm is triggered, it pings my phone to let me know the alarm has triggered. AND if someone disarms, or changes arm state, it pings my phone to let me know)

I’ve searched but can’t seem to find if this is possible?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Automation Condition - Check if any state.light or state.switch is on


Hello! I’m trying to set up an automation that does that following:

Trigger: I leave home
Condition: Check if any light/switch is on
Action: Notify me via push notification/action to turn everything off

I’m stuck on what i can use in condition, template to check and proceed if any light/switch is on? Anyone able to steer me in the right direction? Thanks!

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Template sensor with unavailable sensor



I have a template sensor that calculates the area cleaned since calling the emptying script for my vacuum. It works by subtracting the “milage” when emptying from total “milage”. My vacumm sometimes goes unavailable, and then I cannot read the total area cleaned and the sensor value is incorrect. I’ve tried to solve it from the tips in this thread LINK but it doesn’t work. Then my template sensor shows unknown.

Anyone knows what could be wrong? I’m open for better solutions as well if there are :slight_smile:

  - platform: template
          - input_number.dammsugare_nere_last_emptied_milage
          - sensor.dammsugare_nere_total_clean_area
        unit_of_measurement: "m²"
        value_template: >-
          {% set last = states.input_number.dammsugare_nere_last_emptied_milage.state|float %}
          {% set current = states.sensor.dammsugare_nere_total_clean_area.state| float %}
          {% if states.sensor.dammsugare_nere_total_clean_area.state | float > 10 %}
            {{ (current - last)|round(1) }}
          {% else %}
            {{ states.sensor.dammsugare_nere_area_since_empty.state }}  
          {% endif %}

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