Channel: Configuration - Home Assistant Community
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How to trigger an automation based on a license plate


I followed this tutorial to get license plate recognition in HA. It worked great, I got it to read my plate. But how can I trigger an automation based on the plate reading? for example, if HA sees the license plate “ABC 123” send me a notification.

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Change name of state for badges


The state is not shown nicely for persons at home: “Zu Hau…”

I would rather have a short alias for this. How can I do this?

Alternatively, how can I make the text bar longer?

1 post - 1 participant

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Remove Value from input_number


Hello everyone,

I have an entitie input_number like shown below.

    name: Gas Meter Reading
    mode: box
    unit_of_measurement: m3
    min: 0
    max: 99999
    step: 1

With this input_number i also fill my utility:

  source: sensor.gas_verbrauch_qm
  cycle: daily

and monthly and so on. But unfortunately today I put in one digit too much. 11121,32qm instead of 1121,32. So my values are nor 10.000 to much. Is there any way to remove the value from the database?
Or purge everything starting today?

Some help would be great. Would be a shame if I miss the values.

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How to delete sensor entity that was defined in the configuration.yaml before?


I was playing around for a bit with the configuration.yaml and created some custom sensors. After i removed them from the configuration.yaml they are still listed as entities. I cannot delete them, because they are marked as read only. What did I do wrong?

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History strange behaviour


Hello! After X days i lost 3/4 entities in history (total 10 entities)…
i have to to restart HA and history comes normal.
I’m using last HA version, only 10 entities in history and recorder.

This is my recorder.yaml configuration…

  purge_keep_days: 30
  auto_purge: true
  commit_interval: 30

Someone with a similar problem???

thanks a lot

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H2 Play Media in random order?


I would like to create a script that starts playing a playlist in random order. So I use “Play Media”, select a media player, then Sonos, and then a playlist. The only problem is that the order isn’t random. Where would I specify that?

I found an older thread with the same problem but no real solution. This can’t be hard, can it?

1 post - 1 participant

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Automation with various conditions


Hello Everyone,

I need some help to finish an automation. I have a motion sensor that turns on my bathroom light. I had it to set a low light between 1-6 am and full-strength any other time. It then has a delay of 3 minutes and switches off if no motion is detected. This works fine most of the time but I decided that I wanted it to stay on and ignore the motion sensor if it’s switched on manually. Therefore the state of the light.master_bathroom light.master_bathroom has to be “off”. I’m constantly getting the error “[choose] is an invalid option for [automation]” although I have used it before in automations. Any help will be appreciated.

This is what I have so far:

- alias: Turn on/off Main Bathroom Light using sensor4
    - platform: mqtt
      topic: "zigbee2mqtt/IKEA Sensor 4"
      payload: true
      value_template: "{{ value_json.occupancy }}"
    - choose:
      - conditions:
        - condition: time
          after: '01:00:00'
          before: '06:00:00'
        - condition: state
          entity_id: light.master_bathroom
          to: "off"    
        - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.master_bathroom    
            brightness: 35
            color_temp: 554    
        - delay:
          minutes: 3
        - service: light.turn_off
            entity_id: light.master_bathroom        
      - conditions:
        - condition: state
          entity_id: light.master_bathroom
          to: "off"                                      
      - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.master_bathroom    
          brightness: 255
          color_temp: 225        
      - delay:
        minutes: 3
      - service: light.turn_off
          entity_id: light.master_bathroom      
      default: []              
  mode: restart

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Heatit Z-TRM3 Device Documentation



I just installed a Heatit Z-TRM3 thermostat which I try to configure.
It shows up nicely, but I would like to know excactly what is measured
by the different sensors Air temperature (2), Air temperature (3)
and Air temperature (4). Should there be a Air temperature(1)?
I have read the manufacture’s manual and looked at the diagnostics file
with no success. I can guess, but hope for an answer
or a link to some documentation. Neither do I have any clue to
what hides behind Basic(2), Basic(3) and Basic(4) .

Thanks, Ola

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Help with automation for outside lights


This is my automation for my outside lights. The dashboard says they are on but they are not.
If I go to the dashboard turn them off then back on then they come on… Not sure what I missed here.
It does fire every night but no lights.

Thank you!

- alias: 98 - Turn on Outside lights
  description: ""
    - platform: sun
      event: sunset
      offset: "00:15:00"
    - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.outside_front_lights
          ["0.{{ range(1, 100000)|random }}", "0.{{ range(1, 100000)|random }}"]
        brightness: 85

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Safe mode suddenly activated after restart?


Hey everyone,

Don’t know exactly what happened, but after a restart I am suddenly in Safe Mode, I got the following errors and warnings in my log:

2022-04-30 13:09:13 WARNING (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration afvalwijzer which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant

2022-04-30 13:09:13 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration hacs which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant

2022-04-30 13:09:14 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.util] The system could not validate that the sqlite3 database at //config/home-assistant_v2.db was shutdown cleanly

2022-04-30 13:09:14 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.util] Ended unfinished session (id=14 from 2022-04-30 10:51:11.857662)

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [http]: not a valid value @ data['http']['trusted_proxies'][1]. Got ''. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 26). Please check the docs at https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/http

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for http: Invalid config.

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of diagnostics. Setup failed for dependencies: http

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for diagnostics: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of auth. Setup failed for dependencies: http

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for auth: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of hassio. Setup failed for dependencies: http

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for hassio: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of webhook. Setup failed for dependencies: http

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for webhook: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of api. Setup failed for dependencies: http

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for api: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of websocket_api. Setup failed for dependencies: http

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for websocket_api: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of image. Setup failed for dependencies: http

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for image: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of config. Setup failed for dependencies: http

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for config: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of cloud. Setup failed for dependencies: http, webhook

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for cloud: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http, webhook')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of network. Setup failed for dependencies: websocket_api

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for network: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: websocket_api')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of usb. Setup failed for dependencies: websocket_api

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for usb: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: websocket_api')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of search. Setup failed for dependencies: websocket_api

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for search: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: websocket_api')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of analytics. Setup failed for dependencies: api, websocket_api

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for analytics: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: api, websocket_api')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of person. Setup failed for dependencies: image

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for person: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: image')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of zeroconf. Setup failed for dependencies: network, api

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for zeroconf: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: network, api')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of ssdp. Setup failed for dependencies: network

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for ssdp: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: network')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of onboarding. Setup failed for dependencies: analytics, auth, http, person

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for onboarding: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: analytics, auth, http, person')

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of frontend. Setup failed for dependencies: api, auth, config, diagnostics, http, onboarding, search, websocket_api

2022-04-30 13:09:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for frontend: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: api, auth, config, diagnostics, http, onboarding, search, websocket_api')

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of hacs. Setup failed for dependencies: http, websocket_api, frontend

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for custom integration hacs: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http, websocket_api, frontend')

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of map. Setup failed for dependencies: frontend

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for map: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: frontend')

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of tts. Setup failed for dependencies: http

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for tts: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http')

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of mqtt. Setup failed for dependencies: http

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for mqtt: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http')

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of media_source. Setup failed for dependencies: http

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for media_source: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http')

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of history. Setup failed for dependencies: http

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for history: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http')

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of my. Setup failed for dependencies: frontend

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for my: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: frontend')

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of system_health. Setup failed for dependencies: http

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for system_health: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http')

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of logbook. Setup failed for dependencies: frontend, http

2022-04-30 13:09:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for logbook: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: frontend, http')

2022-04-30 13:09:17 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of energy. Setup failed for dependencies: websocket_api, history

2022-04-30 13:09:17 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for energy: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: websocket_api, history')

2022-04-30 13:09:17 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of sonos. Setup failed for dependencies: ssdp

2022-04-30 13:09:17 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for sonos: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: ssdp')

2022-04-30 13:09:17 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of mobile_app. Setup failed for dependencies: http, webhook, person, websocket_api

2022-04-30 13:09:17 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for mobile_app: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: http, webhook, person, websocket_api')

2022-04-30 13:09:17 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of dsmr_reader. Setup failed for dependencies: mqtt

2022-04-30 13:09:17 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to prepare setup for platform dsmr_reader.sensor: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: mqtt')

2022-04-30 13:09:17 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of default_config. Setup failed for dependencies: cloud, energy, frontend, history, logbook, map, media_source, mobile_app, my, network, person, ssdp, system_health, usb, webhook, zeroconf

2022-04-30 13:09:17 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for default_config: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: cloud, energy, frontend, history, logbook, map, media_source, mobile_app, my, network, person, ssdp, system_health, usb, webhook, zeroconf')

2022-04-30 13:09:17 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Detected that frontend did not load. Activating safe mode

Anyone know what happened and where to start fixing this?

Thanks in advance for your help!


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How to trigger the alarm without waiting for the delay time?


I’m looking at the alarm control panel to use in my Home Assistant.

But I don’t see a possiblity to trigger the alarm immediately without waiting for some delay time.

Let me explain:

For the sensor on the front door you want to have some delay, so that you can enter the house and disarm the alarm (with some hardware when you don’t use your phone). So for this option you have to specify the delay_time in the configuration.yaml.

But other sensors should trigger the alarm immediately without the delay time.

The service alarm_control_panel.alarm_trigger uses the delay time.

Is there a possibility to skip this delay when executing this service for some situations?

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Making the robotic mower smarter


My mower already returns to the base when it starts raining or it is too hot. But I want too take this a bit further.

Basically, I would take the weather and the growing rate into account.

If the weather is like X, Y mowing minutes a week are required.
If the weather is like Z, U mowing minutes a week are required.

Parameters for the weather seem to be temperature, minutes of sunshine and rain in the last 7 days.

According to this it will limit the mowing a day or extend if the weather in the prior days was bad (hence no mowing).

Now, there are two problems to solve:

  • find the right parameters for the growing rate (difficult part)
  • do this in Home Assistant

Any ideas for this topic?

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Google calendar automations not working


I have set up an automation using a Google calendar event to turn on a scene at a specific date and time.

The automation yaml is:

alias: Christmas Test
description: ‘’

  • platform: state
    entity_id: calendar.home_assistant_events
    to: ‘on’
  • condition: state
    entity_id: calendar.home_assistant_events
    attribute: message
    state: Christmas Test
  • service: scene.turn_on
    entity_id: scene.dr_lights_on
    metadata: {}
    mode: single

The Google calendar yaml is:

  • cal_id: dtspinella@gmail.com

  • cal_id: addressbook#contacts@group.v.calendar.google.com

    • device_id: birthdays
      ignore_availability: true
      name: Birthdays
      track: true
  • cal_id: en.usa#holiday@group.v.calendar.google.com

    • device_id: holidays_in_united_states
      ignore_availability: true
      name: Holidays in United States
      track: true
  • cal_id: en.christian#holiday@group.v.calendar.google.com

    • device_id: christian_holidays
      ignore_availability: true
      name: Christian Holidays
      track: true
  • cal_id: XXXXXXXXXXX@group.calendar.google.com

    • device_id: home_assistant_events
      ignore_availability: true
      name: Home Assistant Events
      track: true

The state is: On

message: Christmas Test
all_day: false
start_time: 2022-04-30 09:00:00
end_time: 2022-04-30 10:00:00
offset_reached: false
friendly_name: Home Assistant Events

Yet it will not trigger.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Terminal open


How do I open Terminal or
how can I open a internetadres?
gr, Martin

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Energy dashboard: missing selfconsumed solar energy


The energy dashboard is working but does not calculate the percentage of selfconsumed energy. Can anyone point out the reason?

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Automation clock discrepancy


I am new to HA with a handful of Insteon devices. I installed HASSWP. I am trying to set a simple automation of a light turning on at a certain time. However, the time the light turns on is 5 hours before the time I have set.
The automation trigger is set to 2:57 pm. coding is as follows
id: ‘1650738764220’
alias: turn on column lights
description: ‘’

    • platform: time*
  • at: ‘14:57:00’*
    However, the light is turning on at 10:57 am. here is the “Trace timeline”:
    Triggered by the time at April 28, 2022, 10:57:00 AM
    The time zone under “Configuration - General” is set to “America/New_york” which is the time zone I am in.
    Any ideas about what I am doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

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Runtime optimisation on per week basis


Let’s say I need to have a device to be running 10 hours a week and I usually let it run 2 hours a day. Some days it will not run at all, other weeks it will run 14 hours. So from 0 to 14 hours is both possible.

I need a sensor template that accumulates the runtime of the last 7 days. If the runtime is too low in the last days to achieve that it would extend the runtime per day to compensate. Target time will be 10 hours, but there is a limit per day.

It is a bit of a complex task - or at least I am stuck in finding a way to do that in HA.

2 posts - 2 participants

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Changing source name in Energy dashboard? And why is cost not accurate?


1. Is there a way to change the source name shown in the Energy dashboard without changing the actual name of the entity?

I inlude “kwh” in the name because I want to be able to distinguish it from other entities when viewing everything as a whole. But when I’m in the Energy dashboard, seeing “kwh” is kind of redudant. I’d like to just change the name in this dashboard so rather than: “Dryer active energy draw”, it would just say “Dryer”

2. Also in the picture you can see dryer has used .65kwh and cost is $.03. But then the basement lights has used .98kwh and the cost is $0. But I have them both setup as the same static price.

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Pentair Color Sync Controller Integration?


Is anyone aware of a an integration (official or custom) for the Pentair Color Sync Controller (see link below)? There is an official integration for the Pentair ScreenLogic, but I believe that’s a different device.

Or, does anyone know how to get the Color Sync Controller working with Home Assistant? For example, does ScreenLogic need to be installed and connected with the Color Sync Controller, and then the integration will work?

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Studio Code Server: An unexpected error occurred that requires a reload of this page



since a few days I can’t start Studio Code Server on any browser like brave or firefox.
I will get this error message

An unexpected error occurred that requires a reload of this page.
The workbench failed to connect to the server (Error: Time limit reached)

Log from Studio Code Server:

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] 00-banner.sh: executing... 
 Add-on: Studio Code Server
 Fully featured Visual Studio Code (VSCode) experience integrated in the Home Assistant frontend.
 Add-on version: 5.0.1
 You are running the latest version of this add-on.
 System: Home Assistant OS 7.6  (amd64 / qemux86-64)
 Home Assistant Core: 2022.4.7
 Home Assistant Supervisor: 2022.04.0
 Please, share the above information when looking for help
 or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat.
[cont-init.d] 00-banner.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 01-log-level.sh: executing... 
[cont-init.d] 01-log-level.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] code-server.sh: executing... 
[cont-init.d] code-server.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] mosquitto.sh: executing... 
[cont-init.d] mosquitto.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] mysql.sh: executing... 
[cont-init.d] mysql.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] user.sh: executing... 
[cont-init.d] user.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
[18:12:57] INFO: Starting the code server...
[2022-04-30T16:12:57.486Z] info  Wrote default config file to ~/.config/code-server/config.yaml
[2022-04-30T16:12:57.913Z] info  code-server 4.3.0 09bc30027a7fbba170f907a527eaa9f7219fe739
[2022-04-30T16:12:57.914Z] info  Using user-data-dir /data/vscode
[2022-04-30T16:12:57.935Z] info  Using config file ~/.config/code-server/config.yaml
[2022-04-30T16:12:57.935Z] info  HTTP server listening on 
[2022-04-30T16:12:57.936Z] info    - Authentication is disabled 
[2022-04-30T16:12:57.936Z] info    - Not serving HTTPS 
[18:16:20] Extension host agent started.

I didn’t change anything in the last couple of weeks. I only installed the newest updates from home assistant and esphome and so.

Does someone hast an idea how to fix this?

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