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How to delete double devices in integartion?


@Canedje wrote:

I do have double devices added at integration (Hp printer and iPad) I don’t know how i created them double, but also don’t know how to get rid of them.
My Logfile is giving an error that there are double devices with the same name (thats correct).
I did look at entity section, but also not possible to delete them there also.
Because I can not find them as entity?
At the section “Apparaten” (devices) they are there but can not delete them over there
The iPad does have entities but I can not delete them at entity because the delete button is grayed out

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Rest command send state in url


@ligeza wrote:

I’m trying send link like this
the begining is always the same: http://dane.pvmonitor.pl/pv/get2.php?idl=11107&p=xxxxxxxxNu7G
I’m trying to use rest command to sent data, but with no luck

    url: http://dane.pvmonitor.pl/pv/get2.php?idl=11107&p=xxxxxxxxNu7G{{pvm}}
    method: GET
  'pvm': '&F4.3={{states("sensor.salon_energia")}}'

and I’m getting:

Apr 04 15:36:57 HomeAssistant hass[252]: 2020-04-04 15:36:57 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: domain=rest_command, service=pvmonitor, service_data=pvm=&F4.3={{ states.sensor.salon_energia }}>
Apr 04 15:36:58 HomeAssistant hass[252]: 2020-04-04 15:36:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rest_command] Success. Url: http://dane.pvmonitor.pl/pv/get2.php?idl=11107&p=xxxxxxxxNu7G&F4.3=%7B%7B+states.sensor.salon_energia+%7D%7D. Status code: 200.

any idea how to fix it?

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Onkyo receiver strange problem


@scoobydoo wrote:

Hi guys
I have a strange problem with my Onkyo receiver.
In fact, everything is working fine and i can control my Onkyo receiver, but there is a strange massage on Onkyo display saying “not availbale” every 10 seconds.
If I disconect the network cable from the Home asisstant, then the massage is not showing any more…
Is there enybody else who has the similar problem or I’m the only one :slight_smile: ?
It is really annoying to see the massage “Not availbale” every 10 seconds …
I hope someone can help me.
Best regards

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Help with value_template for serial port data


@kenm wrote:

I’m trying to figure out how to parse data from a serial port into individual sensors. I’m familiar with Django templating but not so much with Jinja2.

The data is coming from a Midon Design TEMP05 1-wire data logger in the following format:

Sensor #01[E40008001E1A0710]=64.16F

Here’s the configuration.yaml for the serial sensor and a template sensor:

  # TEMP05 1-Wire Data Logger 
  - platform: serial
    serial_port: /dev/ttyUSB0
    name: TEMP05

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Computer Room Temperature
        unit_of_measurement: "°F"
        # Sensor #01[E40008001E1A0710]=64.16F
        value_template: >-
          {% if states('sensor.temp05').startswith('Sensor #01') %}
            {{ states('sensor.temp05').split('=')[1].strip('F') }}        
          {% endif %}

I get the following error when checking the configuration:

Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while scanning for the next token
found character '%' that cannot start any token
  in "/config/configuration.yaml", line 50, column 12

I’m hoping it’s something glaring for those familiar with sensor templating.

EDIT: There might be a clue when looking at the code highlighting. Is it the “#” in the .startswith string that’s causing me grief?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Scrape Integration help


@ttaidapos wrote:

I’m having a hell of a time trying to get this to work. I’ve given up after reading examples, CSS documentation, eeeeeerfff No matter what I do, i’m getting “error on device update” when loading the sensor with a whole bunch of invalid characters in my select statement.

My goal is to pull covid-19 confirmed cases and deaths. I realize that after a while the deaths will be entered as a digit vs. using a word and that’s fine. I think once someone helps me scrape I can mess around with it later on to get it fix.

Looks like i will need two sensors to scrape each of the two values but I can’t even get to 1!

Thanks in advance everyone!

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Error in title when change custom lovelace ui


@fra wrote:

Hi! I have 2 new HA 0.107.7 installations on rpi4 and i’ve created custom lovelace dashboard.
For ex: 001 with title 001 and 002 with title 002 and 003 with title 003.

The problem is that if i’m in the 003 view and click on 001 the title of panel 001 remains 003 …

it’s a bug ???
How to solve???
Thanks a lot

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RTSP cameras with no sound


@imike964 wrote:

I have installed Dafang on a Neos camera (UK equivalent of Wyze) and I am to get the RTSP stream into home assistant using either generic_camera entity or the MotionEye addon however I get no sound no matter what I try.

But if I view the stream within VLC Media Player I have sound, I am able to access the streams via a link such as http://192.168.1.X/unicast.

Anyone have any ideas why this is happening and how I can resolve it?

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[Sonos] Select source without playing it


@dantist wrote:

I want to reset the audio sources of my Sonos devices each night, so no matter what played during the day, radio station xy will be set for the next morning.

I tried it with media_player.select_source, but this will automaticall play the selected source. Is there any way to load a source without playing it? I don’t like messing around with mute, load, pause, unmute.

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MQTT Publish does not continuously working with automation


@m4rk wrote:


I have configured two automation with my motion sensor but its not working correctly.

The first should be turn on my light and my android tablet’s screen through the WallPanel application

- alias: Turn on dining room light when there is movement
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d000289f382
    to: 'on'
    service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.dining_room_light
    service: mqtt.publish
      topic: 'wallpanel/mywallpanel/command'
      payload: "{\"wake\": true}"
      retain: true
      qos: 2

The second automation just turn off the light if there is no movement:

- alias: Turn off dining room light 3 minutes after last movement
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d000289f382
    to: 'off'
      minutes: 3
    service: light.turn_off
    entity_id: light.dining_room_light

Issue: The first automation publish (mqtt) only once in ~10 minutes or it just not turning on my light. Could you help me what am I doing wrong?

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Qubino RGBW as 4-channel switch


@DaveDixon wrote:

I saw a post on this topic some time ago but can’t seem to find it now. There is a way to make the Qubino RGBW dimmer work as 4 individual DC switches. Here’s how I managed to get it to work.

When the Qubino RGBW controller is included in the z-wave network, it’s added in its default color dimmer mode. To convert it to a 4-channel DC switch, you have to change a parameter. The problem then is that the z-wave configuration doesn’t change to reflect this. So you have to change the z-wave configuration.

Add the controller
Add the Qubino RGBW controller in the usual z-wave way. Note the node id.

Change the parameter
I wrote a script to do this, but then found out it’s easier to use the z-wave ui.

  1. Go to configuration, select z-wave configuration
  2. In the Nodes pulldown, find the node for the Qubino RGBW controller
  3. In Node Config Options, select parameter 14. For Config Value select 2. Click SET CONFIG PARAMETER.

Remove the node
This is the easiest way to get all the changes into the config file. Use the z-wave configuration to remove the Qubino RGBW node.

Modify z-wave configuration
Although you removed the node, it is still in your configuration file. That means that, if you re-add it, it will have the old collor-dimmer configuration and not the 4-channel configuration. So you have to edit the z-wave configuration file to remove the node for the Qubino RGBW controller.

  1. Edit the configuration file. My configuration file is /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/zwcfg_0xe696b7a9.xml.
  2. Delete the Qubino RGBW node. Everything starting <Node id=“xx”… where xx is the node id. The next few lines should look like this
                <Manufacturer id="159" name="Unknown: id=0159">
                        <Product type="1" id="54" name="Unknown: type=0001, id=0054">
                                <MetaData />

Be sure you delete it all the way to the corresponding tag before the next <Node tag.
3. Save the configuration file
4. If it’s there, delete the corresponding <Node tag from the cache file (mine is called ozwcache_0xe696b7a9.xml). It shouldn’t have cached the definition yet, but it’s possible.

Restart the server
Restart the server, then add the controller again. This should add the complete 4-channel controller configuration to the z-wave configuration file. You can check the z-wave configuration file again, or you can go to the z-wave configuration page and check the list of parameters. There should be more and different parameters than before. In particular, you should see reference to multichannel and 4 different channels.

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Hassio: login not working from custom domain with SSL


@Djiest wrote:

I have Hassio installed on my Synology. Synology acts as a reverse proxy with SSL (Let’s Encrypt).

I can login from my local IP-adres, but not from the custom domain with SSL.

Any ideas?


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Control Aqara Hub with Home Assistant and Aqara (or Mi Home) app?


@jjross wrote:

Anyone know if it’s possible to have the Aqara hub associated with the HomeKit Controller in Home Assistant but still be able to control it with the Aqara app? Once I add the device to Home Assistant (via the HomeKit controller) I can’t seem to continue to control it via the Aqara app which means I can no longer define which devices trigger the alarm and I can no longer add new devices.

The ability to add the Hub to the Aqara app without using HomeKit would solve this issue but I can’t seem to find a way to do so.

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2 google calendar questions


@dicko wrote:


I have 3 different types of calendars in my google calendar. 1st is my rugby teams fixtures, School Holidays and parents holidays.

1st question. Before Coronavirus and league season was running and fixtures appeared. Since fixtures have now been removed, all I get is Unknown. Is there a way to get blank rather than unknown.

2nd question. My other calendar is telling me when the next school holidays are. Today was meant to be the 1st day since breakup but its still showing me the event. Should this not change to the next event after expirey of first date ?


Thank you in advance


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Efergy to control Smart Plug


@TonyV wrote:

I hope I’m posting this in the right place, if not I apologise and would appreciate the redirection.

I’ve recently become aware of Home-Assistant and reading about it like what I see. Before I get into it I’d like to know it can do what I’d like it to.

The initial use is to control a Smart Plug which has an EV charger plugged into it, when there is sufficient Solar generation, which is monitored with 2 sensors (Solar and Total Load) on an Efergy system.

I’d like the plug to switch on when the Solar > 1.5 KWH and Total Load < 2.5KWH
Switch off if the load exceeds 2.5KWH or Solar generation is less than 1.5KWH
Only operating between 9am and 5pm.

The plug will be switched on between 9pm and 7am

I’m not sure if this will need anything other than the Efergy Integration and an Smart Plug integration.
Can the Efergy integration monitor and create these triggers.


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Installation help


@harpdogg wrote:

I’m running an Ubuntu system trying to (re)install the home assistant supervised method - https://www.home-assistant.io/hassio/installation/

I am getting this error in the web ui -

Unable to load the panel source: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js.

And I cannot find where my /config directory is on the filesystem. When I’ve installed this previously, it was always located at $HOME/hassio/homeassistant/ using (the old?) command curl -sL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/home-assistant/hassio-installer/master/hassio_install.sh" | bash -s

Can someone please help?

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Entity id of Xiaomi roborock (rockrobo?) vacuum


@aik wrote:

I cannot change settings of the vacuum from the UI:
“This entity does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI.”

This is its state:

  - Silent
  - Standard
  - Medium
  - Turbo
  - Gentle
battery_level: 88
battery_icon: 'mdi:battery-90'
fan_speed: Standard
do_not_disturb: 'on'
do_not_disturb_start: '22:00:00'
do_not_disturb_end: '08:00:00'
cleaning_time: 23
cleaned_area: 22
cleaning_count: 134
total_cleaned_area: 9340
total_cleaning_time: 11959
main_brush_left: 100
side_brush_left: 175
filter_left: 125
sensor_dirty_left: 5
status: Cleaning
clean_start: '2020-03-30T12:07:28'
clean_stop: '2020-03-30T12:16:28'
friendly_name: Xiaomi Vacuum cleaner
supported_features: 14204
entity_id: rockrobo-105

This is the config:

  discovery_retry: 20
    - mac: 7811dcb78c58
      key: up99XXXXXXy98

  - platform: xiaomi_miio
    token: 5352XXXXXXX744f

Setting entity_id in either file config or web UI does not have an effect, I can only change the friendly name this way. One of the answers I found that I cannot set it as it is set by the integration (which is what, my Xiaomi Control Hub?), however the vaccum itself goes to the internet via wifi and at least in theory does not need a hub, or did Xiaomi screw this part too?

Is there a way to enable the vacuum settings from the UI? Thanks,

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Mobile App can't connect after enabling SSL


@Redfish wrote:

I am trying to check out Grocy add on and I had to enable SSL in order to get the camera to work on my Android. Wanted to see how it all works before I drop a few bucks on a bar code scanner. So I created a cert via OpenSSL per the instructions and added this into my conf. I can use https now via the website but the mobile app won’t connect. Wants me to check config. I am not running any DNS or anything. I just have my RPi on local network. so my connection is the 192.168.x.x:8123. I have tried https as well and still no go. I suspect I have to do something on my phone since the cert was unsigned but what? Am I supposed to manually load one of the pem files?

  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

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Graphing issues?


@dirtdiver1977 wrote:

SO I have noticed that after 12am on 4-4-2020 that all my graphing data is off totally…hasn’t changed at all even though I know my sensors were way above or below that it states…anyone else having this issue?

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Discover TPLink devices on a separate subnet?


@guice wrote:

I recently installed a new Unifi Dream Machine, placed many of my IoT devices onto a separate VLAN. A few items, such as Hue and HomeKit devices still work. However, all my TP Link devices on HA have stopped (but they still work in KASA).

Is there a setting I may be missing to allow HA to discover my devices on my IoT subnet?

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How to handle 1 media player that's acts like multiple media players


@Darbos wrote:

I have an Nvidia shield an each room, and depending what I’m doing it shows a certain media player playing. I’m trying to get a nice clean Lovelace card for say living room TV.

The shield uses media_player.living_room_tv if I am listening to youtube music or if I tell google to turn on cnn for example (so basically casting).

If I open the youtube tv app and turn cnn on by myself the entity that is showing the information with the show title and graphic is media_player.living_room_tv.

And if I am watching plex, the entity that has all the info is media_player.plex_plex_for_android_tv_shield_android_tv_2.

Is there a way to tell home assistant to use one media player for these different things? I dont want to have 3 different living room tvs in my lovelace.

thanks for any help!

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