@denis.besir wrote:
The Entities card have support for header and footer widgets. Are there any other, I would love to have it on a glance card?
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Participants: 1
@denis.besir wrote:
The Entities card have support for header and footer widgets. Are there any other, I would love to have it on a glance card?
Posts: 1
Participants: 1
@pullb0x wrote:
Does anyone know what is causing these messages?
None of my Zwave Sensors work anymore.Currently running 108 hoped that that release would fix it, but this is happening since 105 and potentially earlier.
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Participants: 1
@niconath wrote:
Bonjour, j’ai des ampoules qui ne sont pas reconnu par HA mais j’ai réussi à les faire remonter par alexa média player en tant que routines. J’ai donc créer un script pour lancé mes routines avec un tap button et je voudrais savoir si c’est possible d’avoir un retour d’état pour savoir si ce script est déclenché comme pour une ampoule traditionnelle. Ou alors avez vous une autre solution ?
Merci à vous.
Posts: 2
Participants: 2
@d.lee wrote:
I have a dimmer switch for the light over my bathroom vanity and managed to get two different mqtt light entries in the configuration file. Is there a way for them to share the same state?
What my lovelace card looks like (Vanity is full dimmer capability while “nightlight toggle” only takes the Vanity lights to 5% brightness. That part works, but the dimmer does not indicate the lights are turned on when the nightlight is toggled (showing that light it on and dimmer is at 5%) and when the lights are turned off / dimmed to 5%. The toggle switch for the “Nightlight” however does toggle on when the dimmer is set and off when taken to 0.
I am guessing my issue lies in the payload_on and payload_off entries. I can hardcode these as set values in the nightlight part (since I only care about on/off being 5% brightness and 0%) but uncertain how to do this for the Bathroom Vanity since default (“on/off” is not recognized by the dimmer).
The dimmer switch is a GE enbrighten.
- platform: mqtt name: "Bathroom Vanity" state_topic: "zwave/bathroom_vanity/38/1/0" state_value_template: "{{ '0' if value == '0' else '99' }}" command_topic: "zwave/bathroom_vanity/38/1/0/set" brightness_command_topic: "zwave/bathroom_vanity/38/1/0/set" brightness_scale: 99 brightness_state_topic: "zwave/bathroom_vanity/38/1/0" on_command_type: "brightness" payload_on: "on" payload_off: "off" qos: 0 optimistic: false - platform: mqtt name: "Bathroom Nightlight" state_topic: 'zwave/bathroom_vanity/38/1/0' state_value_template: "{{ '0' if value == '0' else '5' }}" command_topic: 'zwave/bathroom_vanity/38/1/0/set' payload_on: '5' payload_off: '0' brightness_scale: 5 brightness_state_topic: 'zwave/bathroom_vanity/38/1/0' brightness_command_topic: 'zwave/bathroom_vanity/38/1/0/set' on_command_type: 'brightness'
Posts: 1
Participants: 1
@gdreelin wrote:
Ok looking for some help here on excluding Plex entities from browers from being created in HA. Each time I open my PC desktop and go to Plex page via Firefox it creates a new entity each time and numbers it one higher than the first. I prefer not to have any browers versions of Plex show up. I use Plex on Rokus only and only want those to show up. I have not had much luck at using include and exclude as of yet so turning to the experts. Any help would be appreciated.
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Participants: 1
@Corey_Maxim wrote:
I had a few questions because I can’t figure out how to set this up and what I’m doing wrong.
My ui_lovelace.yaml
button_card_templates: !include 'lovelace/resources/templates.yaml' ##################################### # VIEW areas # ##################################### views: - !include lovelace/views/areas.yaml - !include lovelace/kitchen.yaml - !include lovelace/livingroom.yaml - !include lovelace/printer.yaml - !include lovelace/livingroom2.yaml - !include lovelace/bedroom.yaml - !include lovelace/courtney.yaml - !include lovelace/darlene.yaml - !include lovelace/bathroom.yaml - !include lovelace/cameron.yaml - !include lovelace/morgan.yaml - !include lovelace/pool.yaml - !include lovelace/garage.yaml - !include lovelace/alarms.yaml - !include lovelace/laundryroom.yaml - !include lovelace/upstairs.yaml - !include /lovelace/mail&packages.yaml - !include lovelace/creditcards.yaml - !include lovelace/security.yaml - !include lovelace/tv.yaml - !include lovelace/remote.yaml - !include lovelace/entertainment.yaml - !include lovelace/zones.yaml - !include lovelace/home_security.yaml - !include lovelace/calendar.yaml - !include lovelace/virus.yaml - !include lovelace/people.yaml - !include lovelace/cameras.yaml - !include lovelace/cast_view.yaml - !include lovelace/travel.yaml - !include lovelace/remote2.yaml
#button_card_templates: - calendar: color_type: label-card size: 50% color: rgb(0,0,0) styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) - height: 80px - padding: 0px 0px - box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px 2px rgb(255,0,0) show_state: true show_icon: false - peoples: show_entity_picture: true aspect_ratio: 1.33/1.88 color_type: card show_name: true show_state: false color: rgb(0, 0, 0) tap_action: action: none haptic: heavy styles: grid: - grid-template-areas: '"i" "n" "s" "l" "speed" "place"' - grid-template-columns: 1fr - grid-template-rows: 1fr min-content min-content min-content entity_picture: - height: 98% - width: 98% card: - background-color: black - height: 100% - color_type: card - border-radius: 2px - color: rgb(255,140,0) - box-shadow: 0px 0px 13px 2px rgb(255,0,0) label: - color: rgb(255,250,250) - font-size: 25px name: - color: rgb(102, 255, 0) - font-size: 30px custom_fields: speed: card: type: "custom:button-card" show_state: true show_icon: false show_name: false styles: label: - color: black card: - height: 100% - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - font-size: 25px state: - value: 'Traveling at 1 Mph' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) - value: 'Traveling at 0 Mph' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) - value: 'Traveling at 2 Mph' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) - value: 'Traveling at 3 Mph' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) - value: 'Traveling at unknown Mph' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) - value: '0 Miles 0 Mins Away' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) - value: '0 Miles 1 Mins Away' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) - value: '0 Miles 2 Mins Away' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) - value: 'None' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) - value: '0' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) place: card: type: "custom:button-card" show_state: true show_icon: false show_name: false # entity: 'sensor.wendy_place' styles: label: - color: black card: - height: 100% - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - font-size: 90% name: - font-size: 90% state: - value: 'Home' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) - value: 'None' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) - value: '0' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) - value: '0 Miles 0 Mins Away' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) - value: '0 Miles 1 Mins Away' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) - value: '0 Miles 2 Mins Away' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0) - color_dimmer: show_entity_picture: true aspect_ratio: 1/1.50 deep_press: true color_type: card tap_action: action: toggle haptic: heavy hold_action: action: more-info color: auto show_last_changed: true show_name: true show_state: true custom_fields: slider: card: type: custom:slider-entity-row full_row: true hide_state: true hide_when_off: true entity: '[[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]' rgb: card: type: 'custom:rgb-light-card' entity: '[[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]' justify: center size: 25px colors: - rgb_color: - 255 - 255 - 255 - rgb_color: - 0 - 0 - 255 - rgb_color: - 255 - 0 - 0 - rgb_color: - 0 - 255 - 0 styles: card: - padding: 4px 4px - background-color: black icon: - height: 75% - width: 75% grid: - grid-template-areas: '"i" "n" "s" "l" "slider" "rgb"' - grid-template-columns: 1fr - grid-template-rows: 1fr min-content min-content min-content name: - color: white - justify-self: center - font-size: 20px - font-weight: bold - text-transform: Titlecase label: - font-size: 15px - padding: 0px 10px - justify-self: center - color: rgb(255,255,255) state: - color: white state: - value: 'on' styles: card: - background-color: black - box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px 2px var(--button-card-light-color) icon: - background-color: var(--button-card-light-color) label: - font-size: 15px - padding: 0px 10px - justify-self: center - color: rgb(255,255,255) - value: 'off' styles: name: - color: rgb(255,255,255) card: - background-color: black - box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px 2px rgb(255,9,9) - color: rgb(255,255,255) label: - font-size: 15px - padding: 0px 10px - justify-self: center - color: rgb(255,255,255) - value: 'unavailable' styles: card: - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) - color: rgb(0,0,0) icon: - color: rgb(0,0,0) label: - color: rgb(0,0,0) state: - color: rgb(0,0,0)
random room kitchen.yaml
############################################################################################ ####### INCLUDES ####### ############################################################################################ button_card_templates: include! lovelace/resources/templates.yaml custom_header: include! lovelace/custom_header/custom_header.yaml ########################################################################################### ####### KITCHEN ####### ########################################################################################### title: kitchen path: kitchen id: kitchen cards: - type: "custom:button-card" template: divider-black - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: color_dimmer entity: light.cabinet name: Cabinet entity_picture: /local/icon/cabinet.jpg - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: color_dimmer entity: light.pods name: Ceiling Lights entity_picture: /local/icon/ceiling.PNG - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: divider-black - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: color_dimmer entity: light.cabinet name: Cabinet entity_picture: /local/icon/cabinet.jpg - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: color_dimmer entity: light.pods name: Ceiling Lights entity_picture: /local/icon/ceiling.PNG - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: divider-black - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: color_dimmer entity: light.bar name: Bar Light entity_picture: /local/icon/bar.jpg - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: dimmer entity: light.pendants name: Pendant Lights entity_picture: /local/icon/pendant.jpg - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: divider-black - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: color_dimmer entity: light.tree name: Tree entity_picture: /local/icon/tree.jpg - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: dimmer entity: light.chandelier name: Chandelier entity_picture: /local/icon/dr_light.jpg - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: divider-black - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: door name: Diningroom entity: binary_sensor.diningroom_door - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" show_last_changed: true entity: binary_sensor.glass_door show_entity_picture: true show_name: true name: Sliding Door aspect_ratio: 1/1.50 color_type: icon size: 90% styles: name: - color: white icon: - height: 90% - color: rgb(0, 0, 0) card: - border-radius: 10px - background-color: rgb(0,0,0) label: - color: rgb(255,255,255) state: - value: 'on' entity_picture: /local/icon/glass_open.png styles: card: - box-shadow: 0px 0px 13px 2px rgb(0,255,0) - value: 'off' entity_picture: /local/icon/glass-close.jpg styles: card: - box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px 2px rgb(255,0,0) - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: divider-black - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: "custom:button-card" entity: lock.dining_room_door show_entity_picture: true aspect_ratio: 1/1.50 deep_press: true color_type: icon tap_action: action: toggle haptic: heavy show_last_changed: true show_label: true show_state: true name: Door Lock styles: card: - padding: 4px 4px - background-color: black icon: - height: 100% - width: 100% grid: - grid-template-areas: '"i" "n" "s" "l" "blank1"' - grid-template-columns: 1fr - grid-template-rows: 1fr min-content min-content min-content name: - justify-self: center - font-size: 20px - font-weight: bold - text-transform: Titlecase - color: white label: - font-size: 15px - padding: 0px 10px - justify-self: center - color: white state: - value: 'locked' entity_picture: /local/icon/greenlock.png styles: card: - background-color: black - box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px 2px rgb(0,255,0) icon: - background-color: var(--button-card-light-color) - height: 90% - width: 100% - value: 'unlocked' entity_picture: /local/icon/unlock.png styles: card: - background-color: black - box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px 2px rgb(255,9,9) icon: - background-color: black - height: 100% - width: 100% custom_fields: blank1: card: type: "custom:button-card" entity: sensor.dining_room_door_battery color_type: label show_state: true show_icon: false name: Battery Remaining styles: state: - justify-self: center card: # - height: 30px - width: 100% - background-color: '#000000' label: - justify-self: center - color: white name: - justify-self: center - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" color_type: blank-card - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: divider-black - type: horizontal-stack cards: ########################################################################################### ####### HOME BUTTONS ####### ########################################################################################### - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: rooms - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder - type: "custom:button-card" template: home - type: "custom:button-card" template: boarder
Is there anything obvious that i’m missing?
Posts: 1
Participants: 1
@Panos wrote:
I don’t know if this is the correct category to post this question. I am completely new to the whole subject, but trying my best. So I have a raspberry pi running home assistant and a few esp8266 around the house with various sensors and relays on them. One of them is far away and doesn’t get signal from my router, so I thought I’d use an esp as a wifi extender and change my setup and divert all the traffic to my raspberry pi instead of the router but I still need my raspberry to be connected to the internet for cloud control of my automation. So I am currently on case 1 and I want case 2, any links to follow?
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Participants: 1
@hub4code wrote:
I try to enable the i2c bus on a fresh home-assistant-operating-system (docker), the goal is to connect a BME680 sensor.
I tried the steps on hassio-documentation.
When I import from USB it seams to load the files from USB, but HA or Docker or Pi don’t restart?
20-04-10 08:22:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.hassos] Syncing configuration from USB with HassOS. 20-04-10 08:22:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.host.services] Restart local service hassos-config.service 20-04-10 08:22:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.utils.gdbus] Call org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.RestartUnit on /org/freedesktop/systemd1
When I restart manually, nothing changes, sensor is not detected and hardware info shows no input.
serial: /dev/ttyAMA0 input: disk: /dev/mmcblk0p7 /dev/mmcblk0p4 /dev/mmcblk0p8 /dev/mmcblk0 /dev/mmcblk0p5 /dev/mmcblk0p3 /dev/mmcblk0p2 /dev/mmcblk0p1 /dev/mmcblk0p6 gpio: gpiochip0 gpiochip504 gpiochip100 audio: 0: name: bcm2835_alsa - bcm2835 ALSA type: ALSA devices: [object Object] [object Object] [object Object]
Someone know what i am doing wrong? Thanks.
Posts: 1
Participants: 1
@poponuts wrote:
Totally newbie here. I have a raspberry pi installed with the home assistant image.
I was able to access the pi via URL: http://homeassistant.local:8123/ in my macOS.
So all the on-boarding has been set up, now comes to customization…I wanted to do a simple change of changing the component:
icon / avatar / image using the attribute:entity_picture
. However, I am not sure what value / path to enter and how to access that directory. Obviously, I need to add an image like "/local/image.jpg"Do I need to remove the SD card from the pi then access it via a Windows OS (after flashing the HA image, I am unable to read it from macOS) and place the image in the root directory:
?Also, do I manually create a yaml file on that directory?
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Participants: 1
@mvieleers wrote:
First post and very new to all of this, but willing to learnRunning HA on Raspi 4b. Installed RaspBee II. Have a IKEA Tradfri remote and light bulb which can be manipulated from HA.
Now I’m trying to assign the normal functionality to the buttons of the remote. I know I can do this from within deCONZ, but I want to keep everything in HA.
These are the automations I use for that:
- id: '1587459801036' alias: Increase Color Temp description: Increase Color Temperature of lamp from remote trigger: - event_data: event: 5002 id: remote_bureau_marc event_type: deconz_event platform: event condition: [] action: - data_template: color_temp: '{{state_attr(''light.bureau_marc'', ''color_temp'') + 25}}' entity_id: light.bureau_marc service: light.turn_on - id: '1587461216277' alias: Decrease Color Temp description: Decrease Color Temperature of lamp from remote trigger: - event_data: event: 4002 id: remote_bureau_marc event_type: deconz_event platform: event condition: [] action: - data_template: color_temp: '{{state_attr(''light.bureau_marc'', ''color_temp'') - 25}}' entity_id: light.bureau_marc service: light.turn_on - id: '1586459801036' alias: Increase Brightness description: Increase Brightness of lamp from remote trigger: - event_data: event: 2002 id: remote_bureau_marc event_type: deconz_event platform: event condition: [] action: - data_template: brightness: '{{state_attr(''light.bureau_marc'', ''brightness'') + 10}}' entity_id: light.bureau_marc service: light.turn_on - id: '1586461216277' alias: Decrease Brightness description: Decrease Brightness of lamp from remote trigger: - event_data: event: 3002 id: remote_bureau_marc event_type: deconz_event platform: event condition: [] action: - data_template: brightness: '{{state_attr(''light.bureau_marc'', ''brightness'') - 10}}' entity_id: light.bureau_marc service: light.turn_on - id: '1586460637104' alias: Turn On normal description: '' trigger: - event_data: event: 1002 id: remote_bureau_marc event_type: deconz_event platform: event condition: - condition: device device_id: 1598707957774db3830c017f782fc5c9 domain: light entity_id: light.bureau_marc type: is_off action: - data: brightness_pct: 50 entity_id: light.bureau_marc service: light.turn_on - id: '1586460691667' alias: Turn On Bright description: '' trigger: - event_data: event: 1001 id: remote_bureau_marc event_type: deconz_event platform: event condition: [] action: - data: brightness_pct: 100 entity_id: light.bureau_marc service: light.turn_on - id: '1586460791735' alias: Turn Off description: '' trigger: - event_data: event: 1002 id: remote_bureau_marc event_type: deconz_event platform: event condition: - condition: device device_id: 1598707957774db3830c017f782fc5c9 domain: light entity_id: light.bureau_marc type: is_on action: - data: {} entity_id: light.bureau_marc service: light.turn_off
The frustrating part is that changing brightness works like a charm, changing color_temp does nothing. Instead of color_temp, I’ve also tried kelvin. Same issue.
If I don’t try to use a function for color_temp, but simply set it to an integer, it works. As soon as I try to do the formule, it stops working.Any help appreciated to get this working.
Posts: 11
Participants: 3
@madmaiike wrote:
Hi all,
Turns out my internet was down this morning and while I was trying to open up HA through the application, I’ve had an error message.
I’m on Android if that matters, have configured access using https://myhost.duckdns.org
When I try filling in my local URL using my IP Address the app doesn’t work.
Any hint ?
http: base_url: https://myhost.duckdns.org ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem ```
Posts: 5
Participants: 3
@niconath wrote:
Hello, I have bulbs which are not recognized by HA but I managed to get them up by alexa media player as routines. So I created a script to launch my routines with a touch button and I would like to know if it is possible to have a feedback to know if this script is triggered as for a traditional light bulb. Or do you have another solution?
Thank you.
Posts: 10
Participants: 2
@pengu-fr wrote:
I’m running Home Assistant 0.108.2.
In the Frontend /config/automation there’s the list of automations from my configuration file. Each one of them have a checkbox in front of it. I though it was to disable (deactivate) the automation… but it doesn’t seems to work.For instance, I’ve created a simple test automation which toogle a light every minutes :
- alias: test trigger: platform: time_pattern minutes: "/1" action: - service: light.toggle entity_id: light.L22
This automation keeps running even if I unchecked it in the list of automations.
Maybe the checkbox isn’t about disactivating ? Or is it a bug ?
Posts: 3
Participants: 2
@mmatesic01 wrote:
I am using Broadlink RM3 mini and I have no problems learning remote codes from the remotes I use.
But I am having problems converting IR discrete codes (which are not as buttons on my remote) from Pioneer HEX to BASE64 code, which I use in my HA with ‘broadlink.send’ service.
I have searched the web on solutions and conversion steps but the end result of BASE64 code was never successful in a way that I could sen IR code to power OFF or power ON command to my Pioneer VSX-321 AVR.Any advice appreciated, thank you.
Posts: 1
Participants: 1
@shawly wrote:
I use the REST API of my Sony Bravia TV to get it’s power state and pull other data from it.
The problem is, the TVs power is cut off when my master-slave socket sees that my AVR is turned off and when the TV has no power the API becomes unavailable.
But my rest sensors keep trying to pull data from the unavailable API resulting in the log to be spammed with errors over night which is pretty unnecessary, so I want to disable the sensors until the presence detection can ping my TV again. The other problem is that the media_player for the bravia won’t come up again as well.
Is it not possible to disable the sensors? I can’t find any solution to this…
Posts: 2
Participants: 2
@ItsMee wrote:
the automation of my garden watering works so far:
- exernal script with logic determines water amount per relais & populates a sensor
- input_number shows those values in an user editable way
- external script sends updates (e.g. if temperature raises over the day) - those update the input_number to reflect the change
- input_number state change trigger an MQTT message that will tell ‘manual user overwrite’ to the external script
All that works fine - with the exception that the state change could be originated from a user change (in that case I want the MQTT message & stop the script from doing further changes) or by the script (in that change - no MQTT message so the script will not stop calculation.
Not sure if that’s very clear. Basically I’d love to have an option in below automation to determine if the trigger was caused by a UI change - or via automation.
Trigger MQTT on (UI sourced) change of input_number
- alias: arti2mqtt trigger: - platform: state entity_id: 'input_number.inb1' [..] - platform: state entity_id: 'input_number.inb8' action: - service: mqtt.publish data_template: topic: "artirain/homeassistant2db" payload_template: '{"KEY":"{{trigger.from_state.attributes.friendly_name | replace("Kräuterbeet","ART_MIN_R1") | [..] | replace("Vorgarten Beete","ART_MIN_R8" ) }}", "VALUE": "{{ trigger.to_state.state}}", "TS": "{{now().year}}-{{now().month}}-{{now().day}} {{now().hour}}:{{now().minute}}:{{now().second}}", "SENSOR_TYPE":"ARTIRAIN-MANUAL", "OBJECT":"ARTIRAIN", "SENSOR":"HOMEASSISTANT", "UNIT":"min" }'
Alternativly I could create a temporary variable in the automated update of the input_number (e.g. 'AUTOMATED_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS=1 | 0) and change that before and after the automated change. With that I could include an if statement in the mqtt posting. However, that doesn’t sound very elegant.
Populate external script change into input_number
- alias: ArtiRainRelais1Change trigger: - platform: state entity_id: 'sensor.krauterbeet' - platform: homeassistant event: start action: service: input_number.set_value data_template: entity_id: input_number.inb1 value: "{{ states('sensor.krauterbeet') | float }} "
Thanks for your thoughts!
Posts: 1
Participants: 1
@JamesDenby wrote:
I just updated to v0.108.2 and when I select the page for scene I get this error:
Error while loading page scene GO BACK
If I try to get to the Scripts page I get this error:
Error while loading page script GO BACK
I don’t know if this problem existed prior to the .2 release. Is there something that I missed in the update?
Posts: 1
Participants: 1
@Borto wrote:
I need a little help with what I suspect is a simple syntax question.
I am reading the following value from MQTT
All I care about is the second numeric value, in my example 910. I want to be able to display this as a sensor.
If anyone can help me with the syntax, that would be appreciated.
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@skgunputh wrote:
Hello Dear people,
using SmartIR custom component and a Broadlink RM mini, i got my IR remotes working.
I got an LG TV (Fully smart, can be turned on/off via network), and a set top box that i receive my cable tv.- alias: Turn on TV/myT on MBC1 trigger: platform: state entity_id: binary_sensor.tv_switch to: 'on' action: - service: media_player.turn_on entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv - service: media_player.turn_on entity_id: media_player.myt_box
The above automation works fine, however am trying to send the channel number 230 after a 10 second delay. I did it on the developer tab and it works, but can’t understand how to send it via code.
- alias: Turn on TV/myT on MBC1 trigger: platform: state entity_id: binary_sensor.tv_switch to: 'on' action: - service: media_player.turn_on entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv - service: media_player.turn_on entity_id: media_player.myt_box - delay: seconds: 10 - service: media_player.select_source entity_id: media_player.myt_box source: Channel 230 # This is not working !?
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@myradon wrote:
Hi guys,
I’m wondering can I convert MQTT-payload, which is received/handled as a string, into a JSON-object And updating the sensor itself?
I don’t use HA for automations. My automations are handled by Node-RED. Now I have to add a JSON-node to convert string into json-object on Node-RED. It would be nice the ESPHome wall switches behave the same like my other zigbee devices.The advantage I find off receiving payload as string is it will be in sync. An example of published payloads;
topic: home/test/esph_test/sensor/switch_test/state
{"action":"single"} {"action":""} {"action":"double"} {"action":""} {"action":"hold","count":1} {"action":"hold","count":2} {"action":"hold","count":3} {"action":"hold","count":4} {"action":"release","count":""} {"action":""}
When I manually configure a sensor and move count-key to seperate json_attributes_topic the sensor will not show the count in HA’s Developer Tools. Then also the asynchronous handling of topics start to show up. Also HA will drop duplicate payloads. So continuous ‘action:hold’ events will become 1 event > not good. (continuous) messages with payload = hold will be configured as brightness increase of lights.
I want the sensor itself being updated into proper format. Is that possible?
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