@xbmcnut wrote:
Looking for advice on the best way to toggle an input boolean on and off every second. I’m a dashboard nut and have tried them all. The one I’ve been using is MQTT Dashboard but this became unusable when HA devs depreciated usefulness of the camera links inside HA. I was using these HTTP links to display my camera images but now that there is no local IP exemption, these links expire after a minute or so.
I’ve tried many other dashboards and my favorite by far is HomeHabit as it’s highly configurable and has a remote JSON editor which is super useful (video coming).
Anyhoo, none of the dashboards I’ve tried support flashing an icon in a programmable state yet (a feature of MQTT Dashboard) so the rubbish collection has been missed 2 weeks in a row severely diminishing the WAF and my domestic credits!
I’m looking to cheat by mimicking a devices state to an input boolean but have the input boolean toggle repeatedly when the device is active (or not). This way I can create a fake flashing icon.
What’s the best approach?
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