@Aussybob wrote:
Found this brilliant code to put 2 automation into 1 which works great to turn something ON/OFF, but I can’t work out how to adjust the dimming when the light goes on.
Can someone put me on the right track- id: Automatic_Study_lamp alias: Automatic Study Lamp trigger: - platform: state entity_id: binary_sensor.study_motion_occupancy_a to: 'on' - platform: state entity_id: binary_sensor.study_motion_occupancy_a to: 'off' for: minutes: 1 condition: - condition: or conditions: - condition: and conditions: - condition: state entity_id: binary_sensor.study_motion_occupancy_a state: 'on' - condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.study_motion_illuminance_a below: 100 - condition: state entity_id: binary_sensor.study_motion_occupancy_a state: 'off' action: service_template: > {% if trigger.to_state.state == 'on' %} light.turn_on {% else %} light.turn_off {% endif %} data_template: transition: 1 entity_id: light.study_test
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