@jriker1 wrote:
I am struggling with two items:
I am creating a shell script, shutdown.sh. Where should this physically reside and how do I call it? I’m thinking to put it in the scripts folder but do you use the full path or just do scripts/shutdown.sh?
Are you able to pass parameters to this script? Using wake_on_lan with the turn_off call. This script takes 3 commands now, and hoping 4 eventually. So when I call the script it would be like:
./shutdown.sh -a -b -c
Then the script will take these variables and call a shutdown script, passing the right parameters and stopping the computer. So take, in my switch file that is a parameter:
- platform: wake_on_lan name: "Mediacenter" mac: "##:##:##:##:##" host:
But can I pass this to my script?
So if you have something like the below in my switches yaml file:
turn_off: service: shell_command.wol_off
and then call my script thru my shell commands yaml like
wol_off: shutdown.sh -a $host -b jriker -c <password>
Can thee values for -a , -b , and -c be passed in the service call above somehow? The $host is just made up, not sure if it would work.
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