@yves1 wrote:
I’m a new HASS user.
I have 3 lights: store, room, kitchen. I’m only sending brightness values
My set up is: Node-Red MQTT Modbus-TCP.Using Node-red, I can send inject a json: {store:0, room:25, kitchen:200} and it works
Using mosquitto commands:
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t home/lamp/command -m {“store”:0}, will work for the store
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t home/lamp/command -m “{“store”:0,“room”:25,“kitchen”:200}” will also work for the 3 lightsconfiguration.yaml
- platform: mqtt
name: “Store”
state_topic: “home/lamp/position”
command_topic: “home/lamp/command”
brightness_state_topic: “home/lamp/position”
brightness_command_topic: “home/lamp/command”
on_command_type: “brightness”
brightness_value_template: “store: {{ value_json.store }}”When I use HASS slider for the store, for example, and subscribe (mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t home/lamp/command), Il will only get the value (0) and not the entire string. Therefore, the command will not work.
Can you help me, please?
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