@ShawnP wrote:
I have the Google integration setup and working:
google_assistant: project_id: XXX service_account: !include google.json report_state: false secure_devices_pin: !secret google_pin exposed_domains: - cover - sensor - light - alarm_control_panel
My garage doors are configured as “device_class: garage” which causes the pin to be required when opening. This is working fine.
I also have Envisalink setup for my DSC alarm panel. This is working in Home Assistant; however, when I try to control using voice - it asks for a PIN then appears to ignore the response. Instead it searches on my PIN (as if the conversation ended - and restarted).
I am currently using a different secure_devices_pin than the alarm_control_panel code; but, I did try making them match as well - same result.
envisalink: host: panel_type: DSC user_name: user password: !secret envisalink_password code: !secret envisalink_code evl_version: 4 zones: 1: name: 'XXX' type: 'opening'
One interesting note is that on my Google Home Hub (screen) - if I ask to arm the alarm on it - it displays a keypad on the screen, and if I type it in - it works as expected.
This leads me to believe the secure_devices_pin is working as expected, but something is off with the Google voice conversation or mappings.
Anyone else experiencing this? Saw other threads with voice issues, wondering if anyone else tried on a device with a screen to type in the PI.
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