@AmitMa wrote:
I created this card using button-card:type: 'custom:button-card' color: '#5DAEED' entity: light.kitchen_led_light icon: 'mdi:fire' name: Kitchen Led show_state: true size: 30% state: - value: 'off' styles: card: - background-color: '#3A3F43' icon: - color: '#747980' name: - color: '#747980' state: - color: '#747980' - font-weight: bold - value: 'on' spin: true styles: card: - width: 200px - height: 200px - border-radius: 10% - background-color: '#D4D4D4' grid: - grid-template-areas: '"i" "n" "s"' - grid-template-columns: 1fr - grid-template-rows: 1fr min-content min-content icon: - margin-top: '-15%' - margin-left: '-30%' img_cell: - align-self: start - text-align: start name: - justify-self: start - padding-left: 10px - font-weight: bold - font-size: 25px - font-family: Candara - color: '#5B5B5B' state: - justify-self: start - padding-left: 10px - color: '#5B5B5B' - font-weight: bold
I’m trying to fit the card into “picture-elements” card and I want the “button-card” to change it sizes if the main card change (panel mode on/off, different screen size and etc…)
I tried to change the percentages in “style” section (width: 10%), but it doesn’t really change the size of the “button-card”.
Any help please?
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