@fender4645 wrote:
I’m trying to setup a simple notification that will notify me every night to turn on the alarm. Eventually I’ll add some conditions but trying to keep it simple for now.
Here’s what I have in my configuration.yaml:
ios: push: categories: - name: alarm identifier: 'ALARM' actions: - identifier: 'ARM_ALARM' title: 'Arm Alarm'
And this is my automation yaml:
- alias: Notify To Arm Alarm hide_entity: true trigger: - platform: time at: '22:00:00' action: service: notify.mobile_app_chriss_iphone data: title: "Alarm Check" message: "Would you like to arm the alarm?" data: push: badge: 0 category: "ALARM" - alias: iOS app notification action ALARM hide_entity: true trigger: platform: event event_type: ios.notificaiton_action_fired event_data: actionName: ARM_ALARM action: service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_home entity_id: alarm_control_panel.ring_alarm
The notification gets sent to my phone phone but without any button. All I see is a basic notification with the ‘Title’ and ‘Message’. Clicking on the notification just sends me to the HA app. Any ideas? Thanks!
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