Can someone explain me what the right event code I need to use.
I tried several combinations without any success.
The ID is: C 1C 1C
The Unit codes is: 3
RFY command is: 0C 1A 00 20 0C 1C 1C 03 08 A5 00 05 00
idl-3 is : 0C1C1C decimal: 793628
The RFXCOM RFXtrx manuel is mentioning:
Make a note of the assigned ID and Unit Code and then add a device to the configuration with the following id 071a0000[id][unit_code]. E.g., if the id was 0a 00 01, and the unit code was 01 then the fully qualified id would be 071a00000a000101, if you set your id/code to single digit in the rfxmngr, e.g., id: 1 02 03 and unit code: 1 you will need to add 0 before, so 102031 becomes 071a000001020301
So in my case this would be?
071a0000[793628][03] 071a000079362803
Or must it be:
071a0000[0C1C1C][03] 071a00000C1C1C03
Or any other combination?
Please help don’t get it working
This is the info from the windows RFX software:
17-3-2022 01:02:28:840= RFY command: 0C 1A 00 20 0C 1C 1C 03 08 A5 00 05 00
Packettype = RFY
subtype = RFY
Sequence nbr = 32
id1-3 = 0C1C1C decimal:793628
Unit = 3
Command = > 2 seconds: program
rfu1 = A5
rfu2 = 00
rfu3 = 05
Signal level = +10 dBm
17-3-2022 01:02:31:942= 0402012000
Packettype = Receiver/Transmitter Message
subtype = Transmitter Response
Sequence nbr = 32
response = ACK, data correct transmitted
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