I’m using a template sensor for battery level of my iphone. Reason for this is that the icloud3 sensors regularly report 0 for battery. This will trigger my charger automation. So i created a templated sensor which only changes value when the battery actually changes (using a textlabel from info sensor):
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Frans iPhone Batterystate"
value_template: >-
{% set battext = states('sensor.frans_iphone_info') %}
{% set pattern = '-(.*)%' %}
{% set batperc = (battext | regex_findall_index(pattern)) if battext is search(pattern) else states('sensor.frans_battery_iphone') %}
{{ batperc | int(0) }}
unit_of_measurement: "%"
The value is consistent but my automation is not triggered. Also when i test the sensor for numeric value using template editor:
{{states.sensor.frans_battery_iphone.state > 0}} i get TypeError: ‘>’ not supported between instances of ‘str’ and ‘int’
What am i doing wrong?
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