Hey everyone,
I’m using the openweathermap integration to get the percipitation probability for the next 48 hours, to then push the attributes of that to an esphome node via a home assistant text sensor and deserialize the state of that sensor from JSON.
Problem: the attributes of the weather entity within HA are way bigger than the 255 characters of the esphome text sensor state on the receiving end.
Is there a way the clone/copy a weather entity within HA into e.g. a template sensor, but to restrict the number of copied datafields?
My current workaround would be to create one template sensor each in HA per datapoint, which sounds horrible. sensor.chanceOfRain1hlater, sensor.chanceOfRain2hlater, …
Let alone I would have to setup individual HA text sensors on the esphome side…
I checked the forum and the documentation, but it didn’t “click”.
Thanks a lot in advance!
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