PSA: IKEA TRADFRI (and maybe other) bulbs support setting color while off!
You can probably do this with ZHA too (I don’t remember the UI, sorry!), but here’s how to do it in zigbee2mqtt: Navigate to the device’s dev console Set the options attribute of the LColorCtrl...
View ArticleImou Ranger 2C : activate/deactivate privacy mode with automation?
Hello, I have a Imou Ranger 2C camera with Privacy mode and I would like to automatically activate this mode when I’m back home and, of course, to deactivate when I’m leaving. Is it possible with a...
View ArticleCan't add RaspberryMatic as addon to HAssOS installation
I’m “starting” with my first HAOS installation/integration. I was able to successfully add a tasmota socket via MQTT to my installation. Next step I tried to add my different Homematic devices to my...
View ArticleMedia player card discrete off button for projector that needs a repetition?
Hi I’m controlling an Optoma projector using SmartIR. The code set for the projector has discrete On/ Off. But in the media player card I get only one Power button. While this works as a toggle...
View ArticlePSA: Sense (power monitoring) is experiencing an outage this morning... 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleNewbie Setup Question Zigbee / HomeAssistant / Virtual Box / MacOS
Hi, Day2 of Home Assistant and my USB/Zigbee adaptor has arrived from the Amazon fairy. Plugged into Mac, added that to Virtual Box USB settings for the VM. When I run do integration, I can select the...
View ArticleHomekit critical alarm for security system
Hello, I have set up an alarm system for our house if we are at home. For example: Somebody opens a window or door and we get a acoustic signal via Sonos in our bedroom. I would like to extend the...
View ArticleHelp running a script via AppDaemon
Hello, I would like to integrate my photovoltaic system in HA. Since the integration does not want to work for me, I would like to do it as described here: SMA Solar WebConnect - #21 by csacre For...
View ArticlePicture element card inside config-template-card seems to work fine but...
Currently I have the following configuration: that seems to function properly: type: custom:config-template-card entities: - sensor.wirelesstag_east_intake_temperature -...
View ArticleAutomation Trigger - Media player - trouble shooting
I am trying to trigger on my media player starting to play - id: '1651490678798' alias: Home-Audio-Zone-Set description: '' trigger: - platform: state entity_id: media_player.itunes to: "playing"...
View ArticleMask value within developer tools?
Is there a method to mask values for devices in developer tools? Say you were storing a value for a lock code. 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleHow to "clone" a weather entity into a template sensor, with less datafields?
Hey everyone, I’m using the openweathermap integration to get the percipitation probability for the next 48 hours, to then push the attributes of that to an esphome node via a home assistant text...
View ArticleHA setup with Insteon Hub & Alexa but still one issue
I recently got HA setup with my Insteon Hub. I have a small older AMD Media Center PC that I repurposed and installed Ubuntu, and Virtual Box to run HA. Setup and discovery of Insteon devices worked...
View ArticleIssue with Switch Helper and Automations
I have noticed an issue when converting a switch to a light. In the below sample list note that integration value for the Exterior Uplight device has the value “Change device type of a switch”...
View ArticleZwave JS - updates always lose nodes
Every time I update z-wave JS, I lose nodes…healing doesn’t work, restarting the entire system doesn’t work…it’s become incredibly frustrating. I am running HA supervised under proxmox which is very...
View ArticleRaspberry Pi install fried?
I had not restarted my implementation of HomeAssistant, which is the Raspberry Pi version. Of course, when I powered off the Pi and restarted it, I get an error: “HA CLI not starting, jump to...
View ArticleHard coded Entity in Custom Card doesnt work
Im trying to hard code an entity into a custom card but nothing seems to word, does anyone know how to fix this? My custom card file… class SecondTry extends HTMLElement { // Whenever the state...
View ArticleHistory stats for past n days
Hello all, I’ve managed to use history_stats to show the duration a switch has been ‘on’ for today. However I would like to have a plot showing the ‘on’ duration each day for the past 7 days. Is there...
View ArticleStruggling with Ecobee Temperature Condition for Automation
Hi, I am struggling with the conditional portion of a motion-sensor triggered event. The logic is that I want me walking into my office to trigger the fan, if the temperature is above 24C. Below is...
View ArticleNeed help setting Kasa switch off at specific room temp from Flair RoomDuct...
My daughters room gets cold at night so I have a space heater installed that kicks on at 7 pm and off at 7 a.m. The problem is when the furnace starts at 5:30 triggered by the upstairs thermostat, her...
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