Hi everyone,
this is my first post here, though I am reading posts in here for a while and did manage to get my problems normally solved with this easily.
For today I have a problem I am trying to figure out since a couple of days and did not manage so far.
First my Setup: I am using HASS OS on a Raspberry pie 4 wit a dedicated Vlan and Wifi for it and all Automation things. I am currently slowly building up, I started first by adding a SonOff Zigbee bridge and flashed it with Tasmota, I am using it via MQTT to integrate it in ZHA.
I have a few motion sensors that work fine, but I also have already motion sensors installed in front of the house in 2 out of 6 Lamps (All Zigbee enabled and linked). I would like to use those two lamps as trigger for the others, since they are switched off when there is no motion it seems the first idea of a trigger on the status “on” does not work. I would need a trigger aiming at the MQTT Status.
I did find this Topic, which I hoped would be enough to solve my problem: Trigger automation when device becomes online - #8 by BooBoss
I guess this is how I should do it, now I am trying to figure out what the topic is that I need to trigger. I did open Mosquitto broker on HA and listened to the Topic “#” - with the result of a lot of information. I figured out it was most likely one of these messages that was indicating the switched on light
Message 2 received on tele/zigbridge/LWT at 13:09:
What I seem not to be able to extrapolate from this is the device ID and I am a bit lost at how to use it. I tried to use the trigger MQTT, Topic tele/zigbridge/LWT and Status Online to no avail.
My logic tells me that the topic must be wrong, I highly doubt any device is registered with such a simple Identifier?
So I guess I need a bit of support in finding out how to identify the correct MQTT topic, that - in case all the other thoughts were correct - should solve my problem.
Thanks so much for reading, I hope this was detailed enough to understand.
Best regards, Fripi
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