Zwave JS - updates always lose nodes
Every time I update z-wave JS, I lose nodes…healing doesn’t work, restarting the entire system doesn’t work…it’s become incredibly frustrating. I am running HA supervised under proxmox which is very...
View ArticlePlay .wav on motion
I added a .wav file to the media library and started creating an automation to play it via Play Media when motion is detected. Do I need to find/add a media player integration and install it first?...
View ArticleInsteon and Thermostat
I just updated HA and now Insteon THermostats are now working again. Just wanted to throw an update out. Home Assistant Core 2022.5.0b6 Home Assistant Supervisor 2022.05.0 Home Assistant OS 8.0.rc3 1...
View ArticleHow-to Get the Energy Dashboard values
I am wanting to know how to get the cost values (and potentially others) that are generated from the Energy Dashboard. I.e. how do I get the monthly cost at the bottom here? I assume I can do it via...
View ArticlePossible to create one automation with many door open notifications?
Kind of new here but have a decent understanding of the very basics. I was able to create a notification automation for each door and window. So 20 separate automations in all. I imagine there has to...
View ArticleWebhook Shortcut on Desktop
Hello, this is my first post here and I’m pretty new to this stuff so please be a little lenient with me . I’m looking to be able to use a shortcut/batch file or something like that to trigger a...
View ArticleHow to get Media Player to shuffle Apple Music Playlist
I am having trouble getting HA to shuffle my Apple Music Playlist. I was able to create a script to get it to play music just fine. I did research and found there was some success getting spotify to...
View ArticleMQTT Setting
I think I have installed all the requisite applications, edited the conf files and rebooted. But I cannot figure out what to put in the spots in this window… enclose the config files… 1 post - 1...
View ArticleDouble Press ZW4005
Hello! I am relatively new to home assistant, switching over from Hubitat. I have a GE Z-Wave Light switch which has double press functionality and I used that functionality within Hubitat to turn on...
View ArticleUsing Zigbee online status of bulb as trigger with MQTT
Hi everyone, this is my first post here, though I am reading posts in here for a while and did manage to get my problems normally solved with this easily. For today I have a problem I am trying to...
View ArticleHow to multiply a numeric state by an input number
I’m using the Smart Irrigation integration to automate my yard irrigation. The integration uses weather data to calculate the amount of time to run each irrigation zone. I want to add an adjustment to...
View ArticleCan I calculate water usage if I know GPM and run time?
I have 65 irrigation heads and I know they flow 2.3 gallons per minute (GPM). I’m using HA to run the irrigation (using Smart Irrigation). Since HA will know the amount of time the irrigation runs can...
View ArticleHelp setting tasmota timers over mqtt
Hi, i am hoping someone can help me create a button that can send a json string to tasmota power strip that will set the timer at a time set by input_datetime. i can publish this string:...
View ArticleUnknown Homekit controller device
I am trying to figure out what these 2 possible homekit devices are. I do have an august lock and Level lock that are homekit compatible but didn’t figure with them being bluetooth they would work....
View ArticleWeather integration that shows rain probability in the next 24 hours
I’m looking for an integration that will tell me the probability of rain in my area over the next 24 hours. I want to use this with my irrigation automation to skip a watering day if the chance of...
View ArticleTado Heating -> Windows Sensors
Hey, i am quite new to all this and was happy with just showing all information about my smart home for a long time. After getting a Bosch door sensor for free and started playing around I tried to...
View ArticleWeather-chart-card doesn't show corecctly in picture-element?
GitHub - Yevgenium/weather-chart-card: Custom weather card with charts Hi, Hi, In a normal dashboard, I try this code, everything shows good. cards: - entity: weather.stclair_hourly show_main: true...
View ArticleMod-card CSS styling works on Mac/Safari but not iPad/HAapp
I use the mod-card plugin to enable CSS styling of dashboard cards. I added a pixel margin to cards in a panel view, in order to have cards not touching the side of the panel view. This works perfect...
View ArticleDevice that I've never owned keep reappearing
There’s a device present called Daylight, Philips, PHDL00 - integration deconz, but I do not own and I haven’t owned such a device. The device does not show up in deconz, unless it is the Virtual...
View ArticleChange text status Alarm panel
Hi everyone, Is it possible to change text status in alarm panel? I want to change text to ‘activited’ and ‘deactivited’ Thanks! 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
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