Hello everyone. I have a strange problem. I am sensing an 18b20 connected to a nodemcu that I had to make a correction of 1 degree so that it is like another one that I have. In the graph that measures the sensor without the template it works well. The graph showing the modified sensor shows values of 1 degree. I did this the same but with a sonoff th and it works fine. Someone sees something wrong. If you look at the two graphs you will see that the original shows the data well but the one that is modified shows it badly. Thank you so much
- platform: template
unit_of_measurement: °C
friendly_name: temperatura_sump
value_template: "{{'%0.2F' | format(states('sensor.temperatura_sump_sin_template') | float(0) + 1) | round(1)}}"
Without template
With temolare
1 post - 1 participant