Trigger script for irrigation at sunset and sunrise
I’ve got the following automation, which checks for a rainy day in 48h (found somewhere on this forum a while ago). No i want to trigger my script at sunrise and sunset and water my garden for 10min...
View ArticleZ-stick 5 vs 7
I was looking for a controller and just noticed the Z-stick 7. It’s $5 cheaper on the bezos bazaar, does it function the same as the v5? Anything to be aware of during setup or usage? 1 post - 1...
View ArticleCheck previous state of automation trigger in condition
Hi, I’m trying to create an automation condition for my automation that runs when my robot vacuum dockes (after finishing cleaning). For that I have this trigger: platform: device device_id: xxx...
View ArticleI cant find the add-on store
Cant find the add-on store, installed on linux. Searched everywhere but nowhere to be found 2 posts - 2 participants Read full topic
View ArticleUpdate to Supervisor 2022.05.0 failing?
I’m unable to install Supervisor 2022.05.0: Logs 22-05-03 17:05:16 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [supervisor.docker.interface] Can't install 500 Server...
View ArticleBest method to display 2nd low-res stream on Hikvision camera in lovelace
Hello - I have a camera pointing at my front gate, with the switching mechanism controlled by tasmota via HA lovelace dashboard, using nabucasa. I also use lovelace to browse the security cameras,...
View ArticleError in medition o bad templare
Hello everyone. I have a strange problem. I am sensing an 18b20 connected to a nodemcu that I had to make a correction of 1 degree so that it is like another one that I have. In the graph that...
View ArticleEditing UI helpers
I tried to use the recommended Helpers through the UI (in the Automations section of the Configuration). In particular, I created several Light Groups. Everything works well, except I can find no way...
View ArticleWhere are blueprint configurations stored?
when i first started playing with blueprints, i mistakenly used the link in the community portal as the link to import the blueprint (for example: ZWave-JS - GE/Jasco Double Taps) instead of clicking...
View ArticleCard-mod font size
Hello all. I am trying to get my head around using css to customize HA cards. Wanted to increase the font size of the text in the Weather card. I installed the card-mod from HACS. I can change the...
View ArticleCan I move an existing Zigbee to a new HA box by just moving the dongle?
I’m looking to move my existing Zigbee network to a new physical HA box. Can I simply install ZHA (they’re all currently via ZHA), plug in my Conbee dongle, and get up and running without needing to...
View ArticleModern forms fan - no access to speed?
In the official integration, I can select the device, then controls, then the fan, then the ‘3 sliders’ icon and change the speed. There’s no speed option in automations / scripts however. Is there...
View ArticleTrying to setup adaptive light add-on
Hi, i installed the adaptive light plugin through HACS, and after that added the integration in the configuration. It created 4 switch, seem the default ones. But when i select some light in the...
View ArticleHelp with conditions and actionable notifications
I’m trying to create an actionable notification that allows me to do one of three things once two people leave my house. My goal is the following: If emilie and ignacio are not home, then send an...
View ArticleNotification with all the "choose" true actions
Hi! There is any way with automations to do something like this? trigger - actions: choose option 1: if true set a = 1 choose option 1: if true set b = 2 choose option 1: if true set c = 3 notify...
View ArticleUnreliable MQTT Messaging - Pulling My Hair Out
After two years of working on my own home-brew smarthome projects, this is the first time I have posted a request for help on a support forum. I have never been unable to find the answer I was looking...
View ArticleTemplate to script or automation help/ heating schedule
Hi could some one help with the below automation which is currently in use and working, i have this automation running for each room of the house. The final goal is to shorten the code using a...
View ArticleConfig.yaml error for automation integration
hi All, newbie here I am running into an error which I have no idea what causes it and I would appreciate any pointer: Invalid config for [automation]: required key not provided @ data[‘entity_id’]....
View ArticleUnique ID error when trying to add a switch to an area within home assistant
Hope you all can help me with the attached error showing up in my yaml config file. I have done quite a bit of reading and I’m not sure that there is a solution. Essentially, I have “wrapped” a...
View ArticleCan we change weather state language?
Hello everyone. I have an automation that triggered everynight at 21:00 which tells me tomorrows Forecast taken from Accuweather. The message is delivered via a telegram bot. Message content is...
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