Hi all!
I have a Sonoff NSPanel and managed to upload the tft file for testing from here:
But now I have the problem, I can’t upload any other file. Any hints what it could be?
The log looks like this:
[16:19:12][D][nextion_upload:169]: Connected
[16:19:12][D][nextion_upload:175]: Requesting URL:
[16:19:12][D][nextion_upload:209]: Updating Nextion NX4832F035_011C...
[16:19:12][D][nextion_upload:235]: Waiting for upgrade response
[16:19:13][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[16:19:13][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[16:19:13][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[16:19:13][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[16:19:13][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[16:19:13][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[16:19:14][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[16:19:14][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[16:19:14][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[16:19:14][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[16:19:14][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[16:19:14][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[16:19:14][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:239]: Upgrade response is 43
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 0 : 0x00
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 1 : 0x00
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 2 : 0x00
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 3 : 0x00
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 4 : 0x00
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 5 : 0x00
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 6 : 0x00
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 7 : 0x00
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 8 : 0x00
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 9 : 0x55
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 10 : 0xBB
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 11 : 0x13
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 12 : 0x00
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 13 : 0x65
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 14 : 0x76
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 15 : 0x65
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 16 : 0x6E
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 17 : 0x74
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 18 : 0x2C
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 19 : 0x73
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 20 : 0x74
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 21 : 0x61
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 22 : 0x72
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 23 : 0x74
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 24 : 0x75
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 25 : 0x70
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 26 : 0x2C
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 27 : 0x33
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 28 : 0x32
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 29 : 0x2C
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 30 : 0x65
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 31 : 0x75
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 32 : 0xDE
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 33 : 0x74
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 34 : 0x74
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 35 : 0x74
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 36 : 0x74
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 37 : 0x74
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 38 : 0x74
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 39 : 0x74
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 40 : 0x74
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 41 : 0x74
[16:19:14][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 42 : 0x74
[16:19:15][D][nextion_upload:248]: preparation for tft update failed 0 ""
[16:19:15][D][nextion_upload:324]: Restarting Nextion
[16:19:16][D][nextion_upload:327]: Restarting esphome
# Name the device and it's entities
node_name: nspanel-werkstatt
device_name: Werkstatt NSPanel
- source: github://pr#2956
components: [nextion]
refresh: 1h
name: $node_name
comment: $device_name
board: esp32dev
# Wifi settings. Add these to your secrets.yaml. fast_connect must be true for a hidden ssid.
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "$node_name"
password: !secret esp_ap_password
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
# Service to upload a new screen file (TFT)
- service: upload_tft
- lambda: 'id(disp1)->upload_tft();'
# Enable Web server.
port: 80
# Uart for the Nextion display
id: tf_uart
tx_pin: 16
rx_pin: 17
baud_rate: 115200
1 post - 1 participant