HOW TO: Trigger an Insteon Scene using Alexa or Google Assistant
This HOW TO is specifically written to address setting up Home Assistant to trigger an Insteon scene using a standard Home Assistant scene, with a goal of having that be triggered via Alexa or Google...
View ArticleScripts into a scene trigging insteon
I created a script “that does work” to shut my garage with a if/then condition. However when I put that script in my scene, it doesnt want to run the script at all. Anyone know why this would be? 1...
View ArticleCan't activate switch via MQTT
Hi, yesterday i have updated my HA to version 2022.05.0. Since this moment all my MQTT switches are inactive. I have added a one-o-one copy of the confirguration example => bedroom_switch. Please...
View ArticleAutomations with HomePod/Apple TV fail after 2022.5
Could this be related to the update? Logger: homeassistant.components.script.play_critical Source: components/apple_tv/ Integration: Skript (documentation, issues) First occurred:...
View ArticlePool Monitor Device Yieryi BLE-YC01
Hello, I am looking for a pool monitor device and i found the below device: Digital Temp Chlorine ORP EC TDS PH Meter Blue Tooth Online Monitor Water... Has anyone integrate this with...
View ArticleLess items in the media tab on mobile web UI
There are many more items in the media tab when I login my home assistant web UI via my desktop as comparing to logging in via the iPhone App or my mobile browser. Is there a way to see those missing...
View ArticleGoogle calendars intergration keeps saying: The component is not configured....
I thought I’d try the Google Calendar integration now that it is fully integrated in the UI. But I keep on getting this error and no mentions about it in the logs. The documentation only talks about...
View ArticleSonoff NSPanel - Uploading tft to Nextion display fails
Hi all! I have a Sonoff NSPanel and managed to upload the tft file for testing from here: nspanel-mf/hmi-compiled at main · marcfager/nspanel-mf main/hmi-compiled Custom HMI controlled by...
View ArticleTime conversion no longer work after 2022.5 update
Hello, I use a couple of sensors to record how many time every user is at home. This first sensor count the time but the measurement is in hours (like 12,3 h): - platform: history_stats name: Time at...
View ArticleAfter updating to the newest HA I get an invalid config, no idea where or...
After updating to the newest Mai update I get: The following integrations and platforms could not be set up: updater (Show logs) In my logs i see no errors??? everything is running! But… now if I do a...
View ArticleSubtract two dates, problem with format
I’ve tried my best to try to find a solution, in threads and on documentation, but I can’t get it… I just want to subtract 2 dates in format MM/DD/YY… and get the days between the 2 dates Things that...
View ArticleConfigure automation at sunset/sunrise with +/- random delay (+/-15 minutes)...
Hello, I’m new here, I’ve migrating from my current domoticz setup to home assistant. I’d like to get everything working the same as with domoticz. Here’s what I’d like : (1) I’d like to close my...
View ArticleAutomation with Logitech Squeezebox not working anymore
Hey, I have an automation setup to start my media-player in the morning and stop it later. That worked for a long time, but for about a month it stopped working. I suppose there was a breaking change...
View ArticleCreate Energy kwh measurement for energy dashboard from
Hey I’m trying to make a sensor for the energy dashboard (from watts reading with a couple of conditions) but for some reason it’s not working. - platform: template sensors: energy_in: friendly_name:...
View ArticleHomeAssistant as MQTT bridge to KNX
Hello I have KNX at home, and use Gira HS/FS to control the system. After discovering Hass, I would like to add additional visualization utilizing the hassio. I have approx 20+ tasmotas, all...
View ArticleNew Sonos Favourites sensor - iterate through values
Hi - I am trying to iterate through the list of favourites in the new sensor.sonos_favorites, in order to populate an openHASP display field. My old code looked like the block below, note I have...
View ArticleDirectly pass sensor value to the entity
Hi! Is there an option to pass value of sensor directly to the switch entity state? Like action: do_magic: entity_id: switch.my_cool_socket value: {{ states('sensor.my_cool_calculated_sensor') }}...
View ArticleHourly Weather Forecast
Hello. I have a template which checks the next 8 hour weather condition and writes down if it is going to rain or not. What I wonder is can we include other rainy situations like lightning rain to the...
View ArticlePST02B Reset motion detection
Hi, would anyone have the above motion detector working correctly? Currently my sensor shows as ‘motion detected’ and no matter what I choose in the configuration, this doesn’t appear to reset. I...
View ArticleCan't restart home assistant after update?
I can’t find the GUI option to reboot the core anymore or reload stuff 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
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