I am trying to control my battery depending on weather.
The end result is to not discharge battery if electricity is below daily average since its cheaper to buy from the grid.
Which means if sensor.electricity_price_stenbrottsgatan attribute “price_level” is above or below attribute “avg_price”.
I havent done much outside of the GUI scripting before since I havent needed to, but now I am trying to do something that HA GUI does not support diffing 2 attributes against each other.
Any idea how to make this flow work?
The part which does not work is ofc "Above/Below: “{{ parts }}”.
alias: Solceller - Discharge control
description: ''
mode: single
- type: value
platform: device
device_id: 7c55e92786ad7a593c2aa71bcd74261a
entity_id: sensor.electricity_price_stenbrottsgatan
domain: sensor
condition: []
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: and
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.solceller_xioqdrhwj2_realtime_power
below: '2'
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.electricity_price_stenbrottsgatan
attribute: price_level
above: "{{(state_attr('sensor.electricity_price_stenbrottsgatan', 'avg_price'))}}"
- device_id: ff076423060843a775e130cecff60ab6
domain: number
entity_id: number.maximum_discharging_power
type: set_value
value: 5000
- conditions:
- condition: and
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.solceller_xioqdrhwj2_realtime_power
below: '2'
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.electricity_price_stenbrottsgatan
attribute: price_level
below: "{{(state_attr('sensor.electricity_price_stenbrottsgatan', 'avg_price'))}}"
- device_id: ff076423060843a775e130cecff60ab6
domain: number
entity_id: number.maximum_discharging_power
type: set_value
value: 0
- device_id: ff076423060843a775e130cecff60ab6
domain: number
entity_id: number.maximum_discharging_power
type: set_value
value: 5000
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