Best Practices
Hello Could someone please advise if the best practice is to have Home Assistant on a stand alone machine or can it work on a VM. My issue is that my entities will loose connection (about one a week)...
View ArticleLast update in Custom button Card
Hi everyone. I need to show last updated state for motion sensors in my tablet view using the custom-button card. What’s the way to do it? I searched around but can’t obtain good results. I can show...
View ArticleAutomation condtion condition:state using 'match: any' error
I’m trying to simplify my home presence detection setup, and the logs are showing an error when I attempt the following configuration. input_boolean: at_home: name: If either Bob or Alice is at Home,...
View ArticleMissing 'Supervisor' and 'Configuration' tabs
I’m new to HA. I’m using Raspberry Pi with a SSD. I installed HACS and I believe one other add on that was suggested. I’ve also hit the upgrade button for ‘HA Core’. I’m in the process of setting up...
View ArticleHelp with install conbee2 on HA docker synology ds220+
hello people, i am trying to get my synology ds220+ to recognize a conbee2 stick. i can not get the device listed under fdisk -l under lsusb it is shown as connected. the device is also shown in the...
View ArticleAttributes change depending on state
I’ve noticed something - and I’m not sure if it is a bug or feature. But it has caused me some confusion until I figured out what was going on. So, I’m posting here to hopefully get some more context...
View ArticleWebhooks don't fire with Trigger IDs
I am tearing my hair out… I have an automation to toggle a variable from on to off and back. I am trying to track a motion sensor state from another home automation system. I simply can’t figure out...
View ArticleTemplate sensor to tell me how long a door remained open for the last time
Is there a way to define a template sensor (without an automation) that can tell me how long a door remained open? it will be updated for the next event (open/close cycle). So for example: Door was...
View ArticleHow to enable modbus tcpserver / slave
I’m locking to emulate some sort of energy meter over modbus tcp. I have the values for AC, Power, etc as sensors in home assistant and I need to read them from Victron VRM. I configured a specific...
View ArticleInsteon devices - Inconsistent activation
I’ve got the latest Home Assistant OS running in Hyper-V on Windows 11 desktop. I’ve been able to register all 17 of my Insteon devices (outlets, switches and Keypads). I notice that when I toggle the...
View ArticleConbee II firing/triggering Automation twice
Hello, I tried using a Sonoff usb zibgee 3.0 dongle but it was having problems picking up some of my Ikea shortcut buttons. only 2 out of 5 worked and 0 out of 2 of my STYRBAR remotes worked. I...
View ArticleAdjusting light brightness/temperature
I am new to HA template, I want to set an automation to increase/decrease light brightness and temperature on trigger. However, when I test the below action in development/service page, the code is...
View ArticleZwaveJS2MQTT Stopped working - Missing plug serial-port
Hi, Looking for some hints or guidance to get me unblocked. So, first of all, I need to state that I am a little confused about the various versions and options around Zwave integrations (I migrated a...
View ArticleAlexa Actionable Notifications To Multiple Alexa Devices?
Hi, Just added the Alexa Actions to my HA which works great. Home · keatontaylor/alexa-actions Wiki ( Can anyone tell me if it is possible to target multiple Alexa devices when the...
View ArticleInvalid config for [automation]: [True] is an invalid option for [automation]
Hi! I use this automation to alert me when a heat recovery fan’s filter needs cleaning: - alias: bathroom_fan_clean_filter mode: single trigger: - platform: template value_template: '{{...
View ArticleLogin to mosquitto-broker fails after last update
Hi folks, after my last update of the mosquitto broker to the latest version (6.1.1) I don’t receive any value. A look into the log sais to me that my login fails. Fatal error: Uncaught...
View ArticleHow to remove leftovers from removed ESPhome node
I removed a node from ESPHome, however it is not completely removed. After every reload I get. Logger: aioesphomeapi.reconnect_logic Source:...
View ArticleHelp using attributes in "above" and "below" scripting
Hello! I am trying to control my battery depending on weather. The end result is to not discharge battery if electricity is below daily average since its cheaper to buy from the grid. Which means if...
View ArticleComparison of time sensors
Gentlemen! Please tell me: there are two time sensors. One time sensor is static, and the second is the sunrise attribute time. So I need to compare these two sensors for a sign greater than or equal...
View ArticleHive integration issues
Hi Guys Has anyone got any experience with the hive heating integration. Whenever I enable it in HA I stop being able to get access via the app. It then doesn’t respond in HA either. Any ideas? 1 post...
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