I have a recurring problem wherein every once in a while ZHA will “lose” three of my tradfri lights. The lights are all in the same fixture and are set to all be in the same ZHA group on the coordinator.
I have a peanut plug near the lights and they always show that they have “green” connection paths in the visualization panel but I still lose the devices.
I don’t know the root cause of the devices dropping (and I would like to figure that out) but one thing I’ve noticed is that the ZHA visualization is showing that the three lights are still connected and are working but home assistant isn’t showing them as being connected at all.
I’ve restarted my coordinator and HA and I still see the lights are part of the visualization.
Why does this happen? Is there a way to force the visualization to update so it’s accurate? Perhaps it’s an indication of a larger issues on my ZIgbee network?
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