Scene Transitions do not work as expected
I am starting to use Home Assistant. So I read the docs, searched the forum etc. but did not find a solution to my problems. Scenes do absolutely not work as I expect them to do. I try to break down...
View ArticleScenes work unreliably
I am starting to use Home Assistant. So I read the docs, searched the forum etc. but did not find a solution to my problems. Scenes do absolutely not work as I expect them to do. I have a Raspberry 3...
View Alert webhook
I have tried to set up’s Alert notification through a webhook, but I am not sure that have I done it right. I cannot find any reference what is the content of the POST message to the...
View ArticlePlay a Spotify Playlist on a Google Nest
Heyy I’m new to the party, so please have a bit understanding I’m trying to start a Spotify Playlist with a button. It should play on the device “schlafzimmer”. I made following code but it won’t...
View ArticleHow to disable the "overview" dashboard
I have created a few dashboards and do not use the default “overview” dashboard. I’ve changed the default dashboard on all of my devices but randomly it will change the default back to the overview...
View ArticleProblem with mqtt hvac thermostat
I’m having trouble with mqtt hvac integration. The thing is: I have 2 of them and one works fine and the other one doesn’t. And almost everything was copy-paste. As you can see there is no feedback...
View ArticleCounting simple variable in jinja (loop)
I am trying to create a simple loop where a variable is counted up. The variable is relevant for a later query. Actually I would have the values 2, 4, 6… but I only get 2, 2, 2,… Where is the error?...
View ArticleInsteon not working with Core Update 2022.5.2
Installed ODROID-XU4 running Home Assistant. It recognized my Insteon Hub and detected my devices over the first day. The second day, I upgraded the Core to 2022.5.2 from 2022.5.0 and upgraded the...
View ArticleMqtt how to add a switch
Okay so, I don’t quiet understand the process of setting a switch as an mqtt. Can any switch be an mqtt? I have one connected to my wifi, it has it’s own IP and all but I don’t know how to make it...
View ArticleMQTT sensor invalid timestamp format
Hi awesome folks. I’ve had HomeAssistant monitoring my oil tank for a few years now, but in the last few releases I’m seeing log errors due to the rtl433 sensor timestamps not being properly...
View ArticleZigbee Unavailable Device Count
Im wanting to create a sensor that counts how many of zigbee devices become unavailable just to keep on them. I have done light counts using templates, but not something using an Integration? Any...
View ArticleTemplate binary_sensor &"unknown" state
Got a template sensor, still using an old notation: battery_charging_xxx: value_template: >- {% if .... -%} ... {%- elif ... -%} {{ "unknown" }} {%- else -%} ... {%- endif %} icon_template: >-...
View ArticleWhy does ZHA lie to me? (Visualization issues)
I have a recurring problem wherein every once in a while ZHA will “lose” three of my tradfri lights. The lights are all in the same fixture and are set to all be in the same ZHA group on the...
View ArticleHelp with Regex template sensor
Hi all, I’m trying to use regex to pull out a value from an email retrieved using the IMAP integration, but using the example of the integration page just gives me an “index out of range” error when...
View ArticlePlatform error sensor.attributes - Integration 'attributes' not found
Hello I have this error and can’t restart hassio, did I accidentally delete some integration? how I can solve? 2 posts - 2 participants Read full topic
View ArticleMontly changing energy costs
with my current energy provider, they change on a monthly basis the costs of Electricity and Gas. Can we add a variable that changes by month to adjust the cost for the new or even the past month. 15...
View ArticleUpgrading HomeAssistant Core in a Python VE
Hi, Installing or Upgrading Home Assistant to the Latest & Greatest in a Python Virtual Environment, may be tricky. So I Thought I’d create a post after I’ve struggled through it enough times now....
View ArticleCustom mqtt client id
Hi there. Is there any option to set custom mqtt client id in HA? I use HA in Docker and MQTT server is external. Going through my MQTT broker’s logs HA assigns random client ID but I would like to...
View ArticleAutomated way to generate MQTT Sensors?
Hi, I was reading the MQTT discovery docs but I am unsure if this matches my case… I am populating a mqtt topic with weather forecast values through json-string: "wetter_vorhersage": {...
View ArticleNFC Tag and Spotify
Hi guys… So I just stumbled into the wonderful world of NFC tags… Now I naturaly want it all do work with just a scan… But… Spotify seems to be a big showstopper for me… Every evening when putting the...
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