Hi, I’m using the latest Rpi 4 image and booting up to the ha> prompt. It’s OS 7.6 and Core 2022.5.3
I can see SSIDs when I: ha> network scan wlan0
so I assume the interface is operational. ‘nmcli radio’ also confirms Wifi is enabled.
I then attempt to connect wifi to a network:
ha> network set wlan0 --wifi-mode infrastructure --ipv4-method auto --wifi-auth wpa-psk --wifi-ssid ssid --wifi-psk password
… obviously replacing ssid and password appropriately.
The box thinks for around 5 seconds, and then reports:
Error: Activating connection failed, check connection settings.
Interestingly, when I add the ‘-e’ flag to the above, the response is:
Error: Requested network interface update is not possible
Thinks I’ve also done:
- quoted the strings - fortunately I have no spaces in SSIDs anyway
- tried 3 different networks (different APs) - all with the same response
Have I messed up the incantations? Is there any other way to enable WiFi given that this appears to be a containerised solution?
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