Turning off lights which a Automation has started
Hi Guys, I am fairly new to HomeAssistant, I have a small home lab going for my learning and media consumption in my house, and I have a bunch of Sonoff Mini’s around the house that is flashed with...
View ArticleHow to control Inovelli branded dual zwave outlet (automation from GUI...
Hello all, hopefully you all can help me out with the issue in the topic that I will show/ explain below. Essentially, I have an Inovelli NZW37 which is a zwave outlet with 2 zwave individually...
View ArticleAutomation: Service Template using sunrise and sunset (struggling)
Hi all, I’ve been searching all through the forums and haven’t been able to find the code that would assist me on doing the following: Starting my pool pump 3 hours after sunrise for 30 min and then...
View ArticleInput_text 255 character limit
Hey everyone I’m using a webhook to write a lot of text( 255+ characters) to an input_text helper. I then use that input_text to display it in my dashboard using a markdown.(it’s more complicated than...
View ArticleAvoid calculating value template when value not available
Hello, I have a template sensor which subtracts an offset from a temperature sensor. However when the sensor data drops out, or whenever home assistant restarts, the temperature sensor data...
View ArticleAfter sunset OR before sunrise
I am very helpless to get a very simple automation running by configuring it just by clicking. There is a PIR (motion sensor) installed and the light has to be turned on from sunset to sunrise with a...
View Article4 gang power strip with USB problem
hello, i have a problem with 4 gang power strip with USB https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/devices/SM-0306E-2W.html#useelink-sm-0306e-2w when I turn on any outlet, all the others turn on as well. When I turn...
View ArticleScript does not execute
Hi, I have a script which checks if any doors or windows are open and stops the alarm arming if they are. Up until upgrading to 2022.5.3 I assumed this was working fine as no errors were reported. It...
View ArticleDetect solar invertor not working
I would like some help in finding the best HA techniques to solve the following use-case: Situation: I have: a weather station which reports the solar radiation (in watt/m²). solar panels for which...
View Article"statistics"">What qualifies a sensor to appear in "developer tools" ->"statistics"
There is a statistics tab that contains a relatively small subset of my entities (30 out of hundreds [too many to count] of available sensor entities) and very few of these statistics sensors...
View ArticleHA not seeing area anymore?
So i have an automation that doesn’t see the living_room area anymore. If i go to area’s in configuration it’s there, but it doesn’t show, nor do entries show up. If i add it as yaml, it will accept...
View ArticleAlexa skill and ports settings
Hi everyone, I have already set it up the Alexa skill connection, and working fine. But I have a doubt, because in my config I have forwaded port 443 to my HA port, this is the only way I have found...
View ArticleWifi Configuration from the ha> console prompt - debug suggestions
Hi, I’m using the latest Rpi 4 image and booting up to the ha> prompt. It’s OS 7.6 and Core 2022.5.3 I can see SSIDs when I: ha> network scan wlan0 so I assume the interface is operational....
View ArticleHow to get HDR status
How do I get the HDR status either of the receiver (onkyo) or the TV (Panasonic) in HA? 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleSensor-template for caldav-addon: sometimes working, mostly not
I use the Caldav addon from Github, which works very well so far. Now I want to output the upcoming 10 appointments from two calendars as a list for a display. These are to be published later via...
View ArticleDifferent behaviour of Ikea Motion Sensors when used with ZHA
I have recently migrated from using deCONZ to ZHA. Mostly as a learning experiment, but also I like the better integration of ZHA. However, I ran into an interesting issue with the Ikea Motion...
View ArticleDouble devices with MQTT and Zwavejs2mqtt - how do I fix that?
I’ve been trying to get an automation where if I open a door, the light turns on. It turns off after a few minutes of being closed. I am using an Aeotec 7 in door sensor (Recessed Door Sensor 7 user...
View ArticleIntegration of WebCams into Home Assistant
I was curious if anyone had created an integration / method of allowing webcams sitting on PC’s as security cameras? If there was an issue at home you could look at webcams that are active to see what...
View ArticleZwave switch shows as unavailable on one screen and active on another -...
I have a Zooz 72 switch that shows as unavailable on my light switch card. When I tap it I see an error: This entity is currently unavailable and is an orphan to a removed, changed or dysfunctional...
View ArticleTunneling wont work
hey guys, i have a problem connecting to HA, every thing i do wont let me connect. i am in the middle of an exam always the same problem with Tunnel connection could not be established 3 posts - 1...
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