I have a Zooz 72 switch that shows as unavailable on my light switch card. When I tap it I see an error:
This entity is currently unavailable and is an orphan to a removed, changed or dysfunctional integration or device.
If the entity is no longer in use, you can clean it up by removing it.
When I go to Devices->integrations and drill into that switch I see a page that shows the switch is active and allows me to ping and heal the device. When I ping the logs show it pinged successfully. When I tap to heal it says it was successful. However I then I attempt to reinterview the device or configure it fails.
I haven’t run into this type of issue before. Is the only solution to remove and reset and reconfigure? I’m concerned I’ll have to redo all my automations and scripts too…
Thoughts on the most painless way to resolve? (I’ve tried rebooting the raspberry pi and removing and reinserting the Zooz usb 700 stick)
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