@DemonAngel44 wrote:
I have a number of Sonoff T0 US 3 Channel switches installed across the hours that is running Tasmota 8.3.1.
A few of these channels are not actually connected to any lights (nothing linked on the relay) and I use these switches to control other items for example the bathroom fan, another one switches the existing kitchen light (second switch setup) and even use one to open and close my gate.
What I am stuggling with is to classify only some of the channels in a 3 channel T0 as lights. For the switches that I only use for lights, I used the tasmota SetOptions30 1 command but this seems to be an all or nothing command.
From the following image, how to I classify the lights as lights but leave the switches as is. (then they are coming from the same Sonoff T0)
One more thing that I found if that if I leave the Device Name field populated, homeassistant will append the device name to the switch name and you’ll end up with “Sun Room Light Kitchen Switch 2” which is a bit of a mouth full for Alexa to handle. Is there a way of populating the Device Name field but have homeassistant ignore it?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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