@Mariusthvdb wrote:
please check with me…I am lost
Ive made an error in the bottom line (referencing the trigger.to_state, while I should have referenced the binary_sensor in the condition. Having said that, I completely fail to see why the I see this error:
about an attribute lower in the script execution using this automation:- alias: Uv Alert id: 'Uv Alert' trigger: platform: state entity_id: sensor.dark_sky_uv_index condition: condition: state entity_id: binary_sensor.uv_alert state: 'on' action: service: notify.notify data_template: title: > {{as_timestamp(now())|timestamp_custom('%X')}} : Uv Alert: {{trigger.to_state.state}} message: > {% set mapper = {'1':'Zeer laag','2':'Zeer laag','3':'Laag', '4':'Laag','5':'Matig','6':'Matig', '7':'Hoog','8':'Hoog','9':'Zeer hoog', '10':'Zeer hoog'} %} {{trigger.to_state.name}} {{'verbeterde' if trigger.to_state.state|int < trigger.from_state.state|int else 'verslechterde'}} from {{trigger.from_state.state}} - mapper[trigger.from_state.state] to {{trigger.to_state.state}} - mapper[trigger.to_state.state]. Maximaal {{state_attr(trigger.to_state, 'Maximaal in zon')}}
more-info on the logged error in 2 images because of too large for my screen:
If anyone can spot the attribute lower…
btw, this is the referenced binary_sensor in the condition, but, since it is not used in the bottom notification template that shouldn’t even matter.
Shouldn’t I simply get an error about trigger.to_state not having the attribute ‘Maximaal in de zon’ ?
binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: uv_alert: friendly_name: Uv Alert value_template: > {{states('sensor.dark_sky_uv_index')|int > 4}} attribute_templates: Uv index: > {{states('sensor.dark_sky_uv_index')|int}} Omschrijving: > {% set index = states('sensor.dark_sky_uv_index') %} {% set mapper = {'1':'Zeer laag','2':'Zeer laag','3':'Laag', '4':'Laag','5':'Matig','6':'Matig', '7':'Hoog','8':'Hoog','9':'Zeer hoog', '10':'Zeer hoog'} %} {{mapper[index] if index in mapper else 'unknown'}} Maximaal in zon: > {% set index = states('sensor.dark_sky_uv_index') %} {% set mapper = {'1':'100 - 50','2':'100 - 50','3':'35 - 25', '4':'35 - 25','5':'25 - 15','6':'25 - 15', '7':'15 - 10','8':'15 - 10','9':'minder dan 10', '10':'minder dan 10'} %} {{mapper[index] if index in mapper else 'unknown'}} minuten. device_class: safety
thanks for having a look
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