@Fredrik13 wrote:
I have a magnetic switch from Telldus, that shows up in HA as a switch, where the states are “on” and “off”. I am going to use in to see if my garage door is open or not. It is not going to control anything. I would like it to show up as a sensor or door, and not a switch in the frontend.I have tried to add sensor.yaml to my config folder and included that under homeassistant in my configuration.yaml and then tried to make a template sensor in sensor.yaml (I admit I have no clue what I am doing here). But I can not see the “sensor” under entities. Shouldn’t it come up as a sensor?
homeassistant: sensor: !include sensor.yaml customize: !include customize.yaml customize_domain: light: assumed_state: false switch: assumed_state: false
- platform: template sensors: garage_door_state: value_template: >- {% if is_state('switch.garasjeport_sensor', 'on') %} Open {% else %} Closed {% endif %} icon_template: >- {% if is_state('switch.garasjeport_sensor', 'on') %} mdi:garage-open {% else %} mdi:garage {% endif %} friendly_name: 'Garasjeport'
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