@Nick4 wrote:
Hi all
I’m trying to use the sun azimuth to close/open curtains.
In configuration.yaml I have created these sensors:binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: sun_azimuth: friendly_name: "Sun Azimuth" unit_of_measurement: 'degrees' value_template: "{{ state_attr('sun.sun', 'azimuth') }}" binary_sensor: - platform: threshold upper: 311 lower: 308 entity_id: sensor.sun_azimuth name: "sun azimuth front"
This is the automation (for now it’s just a test with a mediaplayer):
- id: '1590702116486' alias: test sun front description: '' trigger: - entity_id: binary_sensor.sun_azimuth_front from: 'off' platform: state to: 'on' action: - data: {} entity_id: media_player.1 service: media_player.media_pause
I have tested the sun_azimuth template which returns the right value.
The ‘binary_sensor.sun_azimuth_front’ state remains off after the sun has passed the lower value.
Am I doing something wrong or what am I missing?Thanks A LOT in advance!
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