Different Voice Commands per User
@caebrida wrote: Dear folks, Not sure if this is the correct category. If not I’m sorry about that. I’ve been searching for a solution but found nothing yet. I’m wondering if it’s possible to set...
View ArticleModerately frustrated- cannot start Zwave
@suburbazine wrote: Been struggling with a move from Wink to HASS, trying to get Zwave started and the errors aren’t being self explanatory. I’ve tried both /dev/ttyACM0 and the direct path, both seem...
View ArticleAutomation with sensor threshold (sun azimuth) doesn't work
@Nick4 wrote: Hi all I’m trying to use the sun azimuth to close/open curtains. In configuration.yaml I have created these sensors: binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: sun_azimuth:...
View ArticleShould my base_url be my Nabu Casa remote URL or my local IP?
@tmchow wrote: Suppose I primarily access my HA instance with the Nabu Casa remote UI url (e.g. https://abcdef1234.ui.nabu.casa/ ). Should my configuration.yaml have the base_url set to my local IP...
View ArticleIkea Fyrtur with Deconz and ikea remote
@Heijt771 wrote: Hey! I recently bought a few Ikea Smart Blinds “Fyrtur” that I have connected through Deconz to control. Now I would also like to add the support of the original ikea open/close...
View ArticleDate convert format from sensor file
@menarcarlos wrote: Hello, this is the first time I publish desperate, i’m could not get it to work, the correct date format from a sensor.file that extracts the date from a json string, this is my...
View ArticleSchlage and Calendar Booking
@chrisaxe21 wrote: hi all I like the look of the schlage locks, especially as you can use a physical key with them in the event of a system failure. Are there and solutions or projects where you can...
View ArticleXiaomi Roborock S5 - Starts automatically after each homeassistant restart
@kwetiaw wrote: HI there just wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same ‘issue’ as me. My xiaomi roborock s5 starts automatically after each homeassistant restart Anyway to disable this?...
View ArticleHome Assistant and RaZberry2/Aeotec stick on different devices?
@sofakng wrote: Is it possible to run Home Assistant on one machine and RaZberry2 (or Aeotec stick) on a different machine? For example, I have a Linux server (dual-cpu, etc) in my basement that runs...
View ArticleCannot Start Z-Wave on RP4/Aeotec 5
@Bleak_Chimera wrote: Hi! I have gone through everything I can find on this topic, and I have tried everything including running the Aeotec stick through a USB 2.0 hub. HA locates the stick no problem...
View ArticleUpdate state of montion sensor in Imou camera
@Kevintitan wrote: Hi everyone, I have Imou camera which is added to Hass via ONVIF. All functions works well, including motion detection. I make an automation to turn on light. The thing is time...
View ArticleZwave2mqtt- cannot connect to local mqtt broker
@suburbazine wrote: Can’t figure out why zwave2mqtt isn’t able to connect to the local mqtt broker. I’ve tried using HASS admin credentials, setting up local users, anonymous (after setting the ACLs...
View ArticleiOS companion app - Wyze cam livestream?
@basesnow wrote: I have a wyzecam (RTSP) in the garage that I want to integrate into my garage notification using the iOS companion app. With the current setup I have, it just gets stuck with “loading...
View ArticleAutomation does not trigger input_boolean
@barnosell wrote: Hello, I’m trying to define a template for automation to enable / disable between two dates and times. It is an automation to activate a conditional mode. For this I have defined the...
View ArticleTuya lights not working when exposed to Google
@cnschulz wrote: Gday, Ive had the Tuya integration working for many months now (heater, kettle). I have exposed these devices to Google and they have bee working fine. I added two wifi bulbs and they...
View ArticleZHA vs. deCONZ
@Klagio wrote: Hi, I want to try ZHA, with a COnbee one or Conbee two. Is it possible to have both running in a production environment (wish to see ZHA compatibility and ease of use) , or one excludes...
View ArticleLovelace doesn't show button state
@DenisSh wrote: I can’t understand what’s wrong with this code: - entity: switch.sw_two image: 'http://dshgmbh.ru/uploads/light_bulb_off.png' state_filter: 'off': brightness(80%) saturate(0.8) 'on':...
View ArticleContinue plex to chromecast casting
@mpahic wrote: Is it possible to create an automation that would run plex on chromecast and would continue the series or a movie where I left off? Posts: 1 Participants: 1 Read full topic
View ArticleTasmota 8.3.1 on SOnOff 4CHProR2 - Switch turns off in 17 seconds everytime
@vishnunn wrote: Hi, I have been trying to get my head around this problem since few days now. I have 2 4chpror2 having tasmota and connected to home assistant via external MQTT. One works fine but in...
View ArticleMiio Humidifier unable to discover
@suxarik wrote: Hello all! I am trying to integrate my Xiaomi Humidifier (CA1) into Home Assistant (0.110.4). Configuration: # Xiaomi Humidifier fan: - platform: xiaomi_miio host:
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