@basesnow wrote:
I have a wyzecam (RTSP) in the garage that I want to integrate into my garage notification using the iOS companion app. With the current setup I have, it just gets stuck with “loading camera” with a spinning wheel. Anyone got this working with a Wyze cam? Any suggestions on what I might be messing up? The camera is working fine in Lovelace, and all other aspects of the notification are working. Here is how I have it set up:
stream: camera: - platform: generic still_image_url: !secret garage_rtsp stream_source: !secret garage_rtsp name: garage ios: push: categories: - name: GARAGE identifier: 'camera' actions: - identifier: 'close' title: 'Close the Garage Door' authenticationRequired: 'false' destructive: 'true' - identifier: 'stop_1_hour_garage' title: 'Pause Garage Notifications for 1 Hour' authenticationRequired: 'false' destructive: 'false' - identifier: 'stop_til_tomorrow_garage' title: 'Pause Garage Notifications Until Tomorrow' authenticationRequired: 'false' destructive: 'false'
Here is the automation action to send the notification (I get the actionable items that are called out in the iOS push category actions, but no camera feed):
data: data: attachment: content-type: jpeg entity_id: camera.garage push: category: camera thread-id: garage message: Garage door was just opened. title: Garage Door service: notify.colins_apple_stuff
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