@barrymossel wrote:
I have configured an iFan03 (with Tasmota) as MQTT fan based on some other topics here at the forum. That results in:
fan: - platform: mqtt name: "Plafondventilator" command_topic: "cmnd/tasmota_8FAD22/FanSpeed" speed_command_topic: "cmnd/tasmota_8FAD22/FanSpeed" state_topic: "stat/tasmota_8FAD22/RESULT" speed_state_topic: "stat/tasmota_8FAD22/RESULT" state_value_template: > {% if value_json.FanSpeed is defined %} {% if value_json.FanSpeed == 0 -%}0{%- elif value_json.FanSpeed > 0 -%}4{%- endif %} {% else %} {% if states.fan.plafondventilator.state == 'off' -%}0{%- elif states.plafondventilator.state == 'on' -%}4{%- endif %} {% endif %} # optimistic: true speed_value_template: "{{ value_json.FanSpeed }}" availability_topic: tele/tasmota_8FAD22/LWT payload_off: "0" payload_on: "1" payload_low_speed: "1" payload_medium_speed: "2" payload_high_speed: "3" payload_available: Online payload_not_available: Offline speeds: - "off" - "low" - "medium" - "high"
When I comment the optimistic: true, HA will wait for the state topic before setting state. Unfortunately it doesn’t set speed to
.Here it is on
Here I set the fan speed to
The fan turns off, but the speed remains
When I uncomment optimistic: true almost all works as expected. When I change speed to
in the dropdown, the fan turns off AND the speed changed to'off'
. But… when I change the speed to ‘off’ in the Tasmota interface it won’t change speed again (other speeds DO work though).This is what Tasmota publishes in the state topic:
{"FanSpeed":1} **qos** : 0, **retain** : false, **cmd** : publish, **dup** : false, **topic** : stat/tasmota_8FAD22/RESULT, **messageId** : , **length** : 42 {"FanSpeed":0} **qos** : 0, **retain** : false, **cmd** : publish, **dup** : false, **topic** : stat/tasmota_8FAD22/RESULT, **messageId** : , **length** : 42
So it seems FanSpeed: 1 is understood (as the speed changes to
), while FanSpeed: 0 isn’t understood by Home Assistant?So what does Home Assistant expect as a value, as
isn’t working, maybe'off'
? How would I change speed_value_template to test?
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