@jacoscar wrote:
I’m trying to understand my options for viewing my cameras (they’re standard cctv cameras connected to a DVR via coaxial cable); the DVR is an iCatch
I can navigate to the IP address of the DVR and I can see a link to open a JPEG viewer
If I right click on the image and copy its url I get
I installed motionEye in Hassio and I manage to see the camera streaming in MotionEye WebUI by using
I configured my configuration.yaml as
camera: - platform: mjpeg name: Test camera 1 still_image_url: http://hassio.local:8123/api/hassio_ingress/xxxxxxsomethingxxxxxxx/picture/3/current/?_username=admin&_signature=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx #copied from MotionEye snapshot URL mjpeg_url: http://hassio.local:8083 #copied from MotionEye streaming URL username: admin password: 1234
If I add the camera as a picture entity card to “overview”, I don’t see anything, what is wrong?
Also are username and pssword meant to be my Motion Eye, Hassio or my DVR’s credentiials?
At the moment I’m using the MotionEye’s ones…Ultimately I would also like to see my camera in HomeKit
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