Install HA Supervised in VirtualBox
I have two devices using the MySensors MQTT gateway and they are sending data to the MQTT broker. I have the MySensors integration set up (mysensors-out to the '-in and vice-versa) At one point I saw...
View ArticleLocal object recognition without Docker
What options do I have on macOS? I prefer python venv. 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticlePicture entity for "Home" / "Away" Status
Hi there, I’m using some Profile Pictures for the HA users - and I have included them into a Picture entity for displaying the stauts of the person (Home, Away, in another zone)… While this is working...
View ArticleDaily Total Increase from a REST Service in Energy Dashboard
Hi, I’m new to Home Assistant trying my first integrations and I’m stuck at one point. I get measurement data in watts via a REST service. These are then combined via an integration. In addition, I...
View ArticleHow to I set update interval, now that we are moving camera from yaml to UI...
So I have this on my Dashboard/Lovelace for 4+ years, using the camera card. I understand it is a bit unusual using generic camera, but fits well and works well, and is one of the examples on the...
View ArticleIkea Fyrtur Phoscon, deconz, positions not updating
Hello, Phoscon and Conbee 2 are on the newest stable releases. Homeassistant is updated too. i own a Ikea Fyrtur, yesterday i begin to add it to deconz, its now visible as a light, whats “correct” how...
View ArticleChange Button icon based on binary sensor state
Hi, I would like to change the icon of this button card based on the state of some other binary sensor (so not the state of this switch). What would be best practice to do so? 1 post - 1 participant...
View ArticleGoogle Cloud TTS error
Hello, I just set up GC TTS for the first time, and am getting following error in the log: Logger: homeassistant.components.tts Source: util/ Integration: Text-to-Speech (TTS)...
View ArticleHow to make Sensor show minutes or hours instead of 0.52 hours = 30 minutes
Hello, Have a sensor that takes attribute of my thermostat to tell me if its on or off, then have a sensor created to tell me it in time being on state. it currently shows 0.5 hours which is 30...
View ArticleError when change config to use Custom directory
Hi there, I want to setup the Mosquitto Add-on as an Bridge. but when is change customize: active: false folder: mosquitto to this customize: active: true folder: mosquitto the Addon does start but...
View ArticleTemplate as trigger never triggers
Hello I try to send a notification when the outdoor temperature is about to reach the indoor temperature (or vice versa). I have 2 sensors and created a derivative helper from the outdoor sensor. Now...
View ArticleAutomation Panasonic Heatpump
I guess, being new to Home Assistant, I am doing something wrong. I would like to start my Panasonic Heat Pump, based upon temperature, but only if the time is between 06.00 and 22.00 on all days of...
View ArticleMissing zha_event: hardware issue?
I’ve bought an Osram Smart+ Switch Mini (AC0251400NJ) and configured it with zha through a Sonoff USB dongle plus. The switch get correctly added to HA and I was able to use the events to do things...
View ArticleHow to create a "light state lock" inside a button card?
Like most, I have a bunch of automations for my lights. For instance, the kitchen lights are motion activated, and turn off if there has been no motion for three minutes. I move like a sloth though,...
View ArticleAutomation Temperature Thermostat with Window (store temp)
Hello at @ im looking for a way to automate my thermostat when opening a window. what I would like to have: window opens, the thermostat turns it selve off. window closes, the thermostat goes back to...
View ArticleCan I mount additional drive to Home Assistant OS?
Hi Community, I have installed HAOS on an x86 NUC’s nvme drive. I don’t think the system requires that much speed. There is another SATA port (m.2 2242) on the board. I am thinking, can I move the...
View ArticleHow to control Tuya devices without internet?
Hi! I can access my Home Assistant through DuckDNS remotely. The Raspberry Pi is connected to the router via ethernet cable. I have configured a Tuya switch to run via Tuya Local on HACS. Since the...
View ArticleGit Hub Pull permissions Denied on repository
Hi everyone, im trying to use this addon : Home Assistant Add-on: Git pull. But I always receive this message : The project you were looking for could not be found or you don’t have permission to view...
View ArticleUpdated Home assistant and now math using int not working
I just updated my home assistant and now it appears to not like my Modbus math templates. The file check works but in HA the test fails showing it doesn’t like my data type. I did try adding int32...
View ArticleZwave device - issue - Dead
hi, sometimes when i power off zwave device for some time … and afterwards power it on … it shows as DEAD, when i execute ping it immediately goes to Online any idea why is it happening and is there a...
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