What is required for phone notifications to work?
I set up an automation to notify my phone when my wife’s phone entered a zone. If I run the automation manually, I get the notification. But the automation did not trigger on its own. What are the...
View ArticleI need to run a shell Script and use output as a variable for autumatition
Hi and sorry if id should have found the exact answer in an existing thread. All I found didn’t really match my needs. I’m a total rookie - started yesterday. So I have setup home assistant (docker)...
View ArticleNeed help with a script to notify multiple devices (Alexa, Google Home,...
Hi All, I am in the process of creating a single reusable notification script that will notify Alexas, Google Assistant, and mobile entities all in one shot. Though this script is triggering I don’t...
View ArticleTemplate entities reload causes erroneous datapoint
I have a rain gauge hooked up to a D1mini. When there is “enough” rain collected it swings over and a pin is shortly pulled high on the D1mini. Integrated with ESPhome I have a binary sensor that is...
View ArticleText To Speech not working after last update
I everybody,after last update to 2022.5 Text to speech is not longer working for me. My tts configuration (very basic): tts: - platform: google_translate and - service: tts.google_translate_say data:...
View ArticleInsteon Motion Sensor II configuration problem in 2022.5.1
I’m trying set “Night only mode” Insteon Motion Sensor II to true, but I receive the following error when attempting to LOAD/WRITE to the device in 2022.5.1 (Raspberry Pi 4), the problem only seems to...
View ArticleZigbee switch gone rogue
I’m using some zigbee power switches to make older ceiling lights smart and they work great so far but this morgning there was one switch that decide to live its own life and provide power to the...
View ArticleTrack the amount of increased/decreased energy use of a sensor!
Hey! Could someone help me to make a template sensor of my momentary effect usage-sensor that show the latest increase or decrease of Watt? I had that feature in IKEAs Sparsnäs that showed a “+XXXXW”...
View ArticleAutomation to announce Sunset Time
I have the following automation that alerts me that the sun will set in 30 minutes. How can I get this automation to alert me that the Sun will set at at the actual time instead of in 30 minutes. For...
View ArticleSince update to HA Core 22.5.0 cannot switch off Ikea Tradfri sockets
I have a number of zigbee devices working with a Conbee II Zigbee hub, including Tradfri bulbs, Tradfri sockets and an Osram bulb. They have all been working fine with automations, scenes, dashboards,...
View ArticleCalibrating Fibaro roller shutter 3 with Somfy LT50 jet motor
Today, I had a sunscreen installed with a Somfy LT50 jet motor. It came with a simple wired switch, but since I had a Fibaro roller shutter 3 (FGR223) lying around, I figured that I could use it to...
View ArticleNetwork: External Access Disabled
Recenbtly upgraded to the latest 2022.5 and 2022.5.1. No longer able to login via external url, with nginx reverse proxy on non-standard port. All was working before the recent upgrade(s). Also...
View ArticleSetting styling with if statement in template
Newbie Alert… I’m working with a yaml file that someone shared and I’m working to try to update it to match what I’m trying to do however, being a newbie to HA, JS, Jinja, ect I’m struggling. I’m able...
View ArticleLight turn off event automation
I want to respond to a light turn off event. But my automation doesn’t trigger. I copied the layout from an event listener, but perhaps my formatting is wrong? alias: Adaptive Lighting Auto Off -...
View ArticleInvert sensor value
Hi, I have a modbus tcp sensor from my hvac giving me a value between 0-255. Is it possible to make a template that inverses the value to 255-0 instead? I’m planning to control a 0 -10v fan but need...
View ArticleAutomation with multiple variables
Hi everyone, I’d like my outside lights to turn on when an entire list of conditions is right, and I don’t know were to start. So I’d like to have lights on outside if the outside luminance sensor is...
View ArticleNo basic scheduling automation?!
I don’t like the ‘just use node-red’ answer. Is there no straightforward way to fire an automation at a set time on specific days and/or months? OpenHAB has had this capability for years. I like the...
View ArticleMissing from 2022.5.0 - Check Configuration (YAML) and restart HA
I am running and this morning was the first time I wanted to restart my HA. NOT REBOOT the host. Under the new Settings menus I could not find where to check my yaml for errors. You used to...
View ArticleMQTT handling if values are missing in payload
Hey there, i am still new with home assistant, but it is getting better. My current project is to read Mi Flora plant sensor value using tasmota esp32s. Unfortunatley auto discovery is not working...
View ArticleConditional badge: How?
Is it possible to only display a badge only when something is on, for example, a light? The documentation is very vague in explaining. I also tried the suggestions in this thread but it also doesn’t...
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