Channel: Configuration - Home Assistant Community

History not loading


When clicking on an item or going to logbook it doesn’t show history. Just continuously loads for no reason…

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How can I set the entity_id with an input_select in a button-card?


Hi all. I’m having problems when I try to bind the entity_id with the value of an input_select in a button-card.
I have created this input_select from the helper:

In a button-card I have created a call to the remote.send_command service. Within target I include the entity_id associated with the input_select value:

type: custom:button-card
icon: mdi:import
show_name: false
name: source
  action: call-service
  service: remote.send_command
      - KEY_SOURCE
    entity_id: '{{states(''input_select.tv_select'')}}'

but it does not work… :face_with_spiral_eyes:
Can someone give me some idea. Thx.

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How to use Lock behavior improvements


When I add a card for a lock I have I do not get this behaviour, how to I enable this?

4 posts - 2 participants

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Automation error when HA is accessed remotely


Hi , I am using remote connections via Nabu Casa and I have noticed on more than one occasion when I make an automation change/update remotely, I get an error saying
“This automation cannot be edited from the UI, because it is not stored in the automations.yaml file, or doesn’t have an ID.” with an option to migrate.

If I select migrate I get a second copy of the automation, which then doesnt seem to have the error. Yet if I access the same automation via the mobile app I dont get this problem and I never see this problem if I access when at home.

Any ideas why this happening or what I can do to stop it please ?

Many thanks
regards Andy

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Home assistant binary sensor drop down list


I’m very new to home assistant I just added a shelly 1 plus to notify me when my alarm is on , but in the overview my alarm sensor doesn’t show me on or off as anything in the "Show As " drop list none of them will give you On or Off , is there a way to change it

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Event Trigger doesn't trigger


It triggers with:

option: Carport

but not with

option: Einfahrt Nachts

I tried:

option: "Einfahrt Nachts"
option: 'Einfahrt Nachts'

but it doesn’t trigger.

My Trigger:

platform: event
event_type: call_service
  domain: select
  service: select_option
    option: Einfahrt Nachts
      - select.garten_ptz_voreinstellung
id: Einfahrt

Recorded Event:

event_type: call_service
  domain: select
  service: select_option
    entity_id: select.garten_ptz_voreinstellung
    option: Einfahrt Nachts
origin: LOCAL
time_fired: "2024-04-23T11:44:23.650265+00:00"
  id: xxx
  parent_id: null
  user_id: xxx

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Take & store camera snapshots and send it "on demand" (later) with telegram


Hello !

I currently run an automation quite simple from my HA + Alarmo settings.
Each time someone trigger the alarm (by not deactivating it), I take 5 snapshots and send them with telegram.
But, having to wait for the entry delay (15sec) to pass is a problem, because the intruder could have passed the camera’s scope (meaning : i get a static picture of the door …)

My idea is :

  1. to take (and store) picture as soon as the entry delay start (adding 1 ou 2 sec to give the time to open the door),
  2. send a notification with telegram saying “Door is open, want a snapshot ?”, with a button to request pictures
  3. When I want (could be few minutes / hours after the event), I could click on the button and received the snapshots

I tried with a script to trigger the snapshots (with variables “snapshot1 and snapshot2” being the filename of the snapshots) and send a message to telegram, and an automation to answer to a /snapshot command.

But variable can’t be used across scripts & automations … So, I don’t know how to send “last created file” and/or share information between different automations / scripts .
Any idea ?

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Hisense TV using VIDDA 7


Has anyone now successfully able to control their Hisense TV with Home Assistant. I have read various posts on the chat and it looks like something in VIDDA 6 prevented the original solution working. I have tried the work arounds but I cannot get RemoteNOW to connect to the TV. It locates it, just wont connect to it which is annoying.

I have connected it to Home Assistant via DLNA, however this doesn’t seem to work consistently and only has a few capabilities ( volume, on/off ).

I have had success in connecting Alexa Fire TV Cube to the television which is able to control channels, On/Off, Volume etc so I think there probably is a solution to use this as a bridge. My preference would be a Home Assistant direct solution though.


2 posts - 2 participants

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Easy way to change datetime helper from dashboard


I have a datetime helper I’m using for my kid’s wake up routine. I would like to be able to change the wake up time directly from the dashboard if needed. Currently, the closest I’ve been able to come is to add a card that shows the wake up time and when you tap/click on it you can change the value. Unfortunately, this is not meeting the WAF.

Is there either a way to change the time directly from the dashboard or display a card similar to how you would change the alarm time on an iPhone when you click on it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Update a number helper by asking Alexa


I’m trying to get Alexa to change the value of an input_number helper by saying something like

“Alexa, the value of input_number.name is…”

I’ve created a script:

alias: Set Car Battery Charge Level
  - service: input_number.set_value
      entity_id: input_number.car_battery_charge_level
      value: "{{ value }}"
mode: single
icon: mdi:battery

and created a routine in Alexa

How do I pass the value I want it set to from Alexa? Is that even possible?

Home Assistant scripts become scenes in Alexa. When I select the scene under “ALEXA WILL” all I get is the option to turn the scene on or off ie run the script.

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PIN code with 4 buttons wireless switch


Hi !
I’m trying to create an automation wich recognize a pin code when I press buttons of my 4-button switch in a specific order.
The purpose is to be able ton stop my system alarm alert by pressing a combination of buttons on my switch.
My idea is to keep track of buttons I push in an input_text.
And to be able to know if it worked when I pushed a button, I want my Google Home to say something.
So, just for the beginning of my combination, with just button 1 (state 1_single) and button 2 (state 2_single), here is my conf :

- alias: "Button 1"
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.switch_alert_action
      to: '1_single'
    - delay: "00:00:01"
    - service: input_text.set_value
        entity_id: input_text.alert_sequence
        value: "1"
    - service: tts.speak
        cache: true
        media_player_entity_id: media_player.musique_salon
        message: "Button one"
        language: fr
        entity_id: tts.google_en_com

- alias: "Button 2 after 1"
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.switch_alert_action
      to: '2_single'
    - condition: template
      value_template: "{{ states('input_text.alert_sequence') == '1' }}"
    - delay: "00:00:01"
    - service: input_text.set_value
        entity_id: input_text.alert_sequence
        value: "{{ states('input_text.alert_sequence') + '2' }}"
    - service: tts.speak
        cache: true
        media_player_entity_id: media_player.musique_salon
        message: "Button two after one"
        language: fr
        entity_id: tts.google_en_com

- alias: "Button 2 not after 1"
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.switch_alert_action
      to: '2_single'
    - condition: template
      value_template: "{{ states('input_text.alert_sequence') != '1' }}"
    - delay: "00:00:01"
    - service: input_text.set_value
        entity_id: input_text.alert_sequence
        value: ""
    - service: tts.speak
        cache: true
        media_player_entity_id: media_player.musique_salon
        message: "Button two not after one"
        language: fr
        entity_id: tts.google_en_com

It almost work… only problem is, when I push button 2 after button 1, I know it triggers the “Button 2 after 1” automation because input_text.alert_sequence get “12” as value, but my Google Home doesn’t say “Button two after one”.
Whereas when I push button 2 when I already pushed button 2, input_text.alert_sequence take “” as value and Google Home says “Button two not after one”.
I really don’t understand why the - service: tts.speak works for one automation and not for the other.

2 posts - 2 participants

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Support for Modbus Sungrow with Notficication Battery Level


Hi all,

i am ver new in Smart Home and Home Assistant. So sorry for this first question - But iam not able to find a solution.

I have a Sungrow PV - Using the MK Kaiser Modbus integration and want now a automation for a notification if the battery is 100% to my smartphone via home assistant app.

This is not working - I think somthing with the trigger is wrong - Because if i checked it with a Light on its working and it is triggering - But not with the battery.

Could anyone please help me with this.

I have in the kaiser 2 sensors - One as a template one in category modbus.

alias: Benachrichtigung PV-Anlage Batterie 100%
description: Benachrichtigung PV-Anlage Batterie 100%
  - platform: numeric_state
      - sensor.battery_level_nominal
    above: 100
      hours: 0
      minutes: 5
      seconds: 0
condition: []
  - parallel:
      - service: notify.mobile_app_iphone
          message: PV-Anlage Batterie 100% geladen
          title: Information
mode: single

Thank you

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Migrating from DeConz / ConBee II to ZHA / SkyConnect


I have an existing Zigbee network that has ~10 devices and I’d rather not open wall sockets and ceilings to re-pair my existing devices.

I’ve followed Migrate a deCONZ network using ZHA but things don’t go as expected.

On step 6, I add the ZHA integration, but instead of getting to a point where Conbee II is detected (step 7), I immediately get a dialog asking for “Radio Type”:


At this point, if I choose deConz (the 3rd option), I get the a dialog for “Serial Port Settings”. I’m a new user so can’t put another image, but the dialog asks for serial device path, post speed (set to 115200) and data flow control, which has 3 options - hardware, software and “” (nothing), which is the default.

Whatever I do at this point, I can never get to the next step - I always get a “failed to connect” message. I tried both /dev/ttyACM0 and /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_DE2599688-if00, etc. I tried with the ConBee service running and stopped, tried rebooting, etc.

Even more, I’m not sure why I need to specify all these parameters to discover ConBee - the Zigbee communication should be done by it (and I only need it up long enough to “copy” the existing pairing and then remove them to SkyConnect.

Note that I Just installed HA from docker.io under a new docker container - I might need to expose some host resources to the container.

Maybe I’m missing something…

Please advise. Thanks.

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Aeotec z-stick gen5 stopped working


I have a Home Assistant OS running on a pi4. Attached to the Pi I have a Aeotec gen5 Z-stick connected via a USB hub to bypass the powersupply problem.
I use the Z-wave JS integration to control the devices.
this worked fine for a couple of years.
Last saturday all z-wave devices seem to have lost their connection to HA. HA is running fine and doing other things but the whole z-wave part is dead. And to be honest I have no idea why.
what did I do so far to analyse the problem.

  1. the stick seems ok, at least the led is cycling through the colors
  2. I have a device ttyACM0 which is the Z-stick.
  3. when I look to the zwave Gen5 USB controller
  • the status is “ready”
  • but the node status is “unavailable”
  1. when I send a command to a device like a dimmer the message appears:
    Failed to call service light/turn_on. unknown error
  2. I checked the configuration (developer tools>check configuration), config is ok
  3. I restarted and rebooted the whole thing

I really don’t know where to start, is the dongle partly defective (the zwave part?) or is the zwaveJS server not running or corrupt.

who can give me some hints where to look?

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Just added Zooz 800 stick, and got a bunch of unknown devices now?


What are these devices and how do I get rid of them? If it matters, this is a brand new ZWave setup.

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Daikin Event Log


I’ve configured 2 daikin with automatic configuration. I’ve found that the temperature logs are ok but the event log is missing (no data in the register), also if operation were made.

Other climate (manual and mel cloud) are working fine.

I’m missing something in conf?

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[Action Required] AWS Lambda end of support for Python 3.8 Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill


The semi-regular deprecation of Python versions has come around which means some people may need to update their AWS Lambdas to support a higher version of Python than the outgoing version 3.8. I’ve just upgraded all mine to 3.12 so should be good for the rest of the decade :smile:

This affects users who have implemented their own Alexa integration using Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill - Home Assistant

Email below;


We are contacting you as we have identified that your AWS Account currently has one or more AWS Lambda functions using the Python 3.8 runtime.

We are ending support for Python 3.8 in Lambda on October 14, 2024. This follows Python 3.8 End-Of-Life (EOL) which is scheduled for October, 2024 [1].

As described in the Lambda runtime support policy [2], end of support for language runtimes in Lambda happens in several stages. Starting on October 14, 2024, Lambda will no longer apply security patches and other updates to the Python 3.8 runtime used by Lambda functions, and functions using Python 3.8 will no longer be eligible for technical support. Also, Python 3.8 will no longer be available in the AWS Console, although you can still create and update functions that use Python 3.8 via AWS CloudFormation, the AWS CLI, AWS SAM, or other tools. Starting February 28, 2025, you will no longer be able to create new Lambda functions using the Python 3.8 runtime. Starting March 31, 2025, you will no longer be able to update existing functions using the Python 3.8 runtime.

We recommend that you upgrade your existing Python 3.8 functions to the latest available Python runtime in Lambda before October 14, 2024.

End of support does not impact function execution. Your functions will continue to run. However, they will be running on an unsupported runtime which is no longer maintained or patched by the AWS Lambda team.

This notification is generated for functions using the Python 3.8 runtime for the $LATEST function version. The following command shows how to use the AWS CLI [3] to list all functions in a specific region using Python 3.8, including published function versions. To find all such functions in your account, repeat this command for each region:

aws lambda list-functions --region us-west-2 --output text --query “Functions[?Runtime==‘python3.8’].FunctionArn”

A list of your affected Lambda functions is available in the ‘Affected resources’ tab of your AWS Health Dashboard.

From 180 days before deprecation, you can also use Trusted Advisor to identify all functions using the Python 3.8 runtime, including published function versions [4].

If you have any concerns or require further assistance, please contact AWS Support [5].

[1] Status of Python versions
[2] Lambda runtimes - AWS Lambda
[3] Command Line Interface - AWS CLI - AWS
[4] Security - AWS Support
[5] https://aws.amazon.com/support

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services, Inc. is a subsidiary of Amazon.com, Inc. Amazon.com is a registered trademark of Amazon.com, Inc. This message was produced and distributed by Amazon Web Services Inc., 410 Terry Ave. North, Seattle, WA 98109-5210

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Migration zStack stick to Ezsp stick



I want to migrate à zStack stick to Ezsp stick. I would like to know if there is a tutorial for migrating or if you have to complete all the modules again


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Show location from Companion app sensor on a map


The Android Automotive (not Android Auto, or maybe that does the same) companion app used to give coordinates that easily showed the location on a map card on the dashboard. That has changed a long time ago and I have been trying to fix it ever since. Without any result. I’m missing something.

The companion app provides a sensor with a geocoded location:

There is an attribute with comma separated digital coordinates (location). I understand I need to create a device_tracker with those coordinates to be able to show on a map card. But I just can’t find a way to create a working device_tracker for this. I have seen may examples of similar challenges, but can’t get anything to work.

Anybody succeeded in this?

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Button-card entity variable



I have a input_select helper with entity id in state, like light.office

It is set by automation, when a button-card turns on the light, the entity id is set in the input_select and that works.

Next i like a button-card to show the information from the input_select.light state as entity in the button-card.

my simple button-card for test

type: custom:button-card
  my_entity: '{{ states('input_select.light') }}'
entity: '[[[ return variables.my_entity ]]]'

This will give me the input_select

my_entity: 'input_select.light_controller'

This dos not work:

my_entity: '[[[return states('input_select.light_controller') ]]]'

The plan is to have a button-card in my dashboard with custom_fields that shows light color and brightness and will change when another light is turn on.

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Tuya temperature/humidity sensor (TS0601) getting incorrect readings


I recently bought a Tuya TS0601 (_TZE200_a8sdabtg) from AliExpress and periodically (~every 15 minutes) I am getting weird/incorrect readings. Specifically the temperature will drop to 32 degrees Fahrenheit and the humidity will jump to 655.4%. When the sensor is not reporting 32 degrees/655.4% humidity the readings appear to be correct.

Here is a graph showing some of the incorrect readings:

And here is the device signature:

  "node_descriptor": "NodeDescriptor(logical_type=<LogicalType.EndDevice: 2>, complex_descriptor_available=0, user_descriptor_available=0, reserved=0, aps_flags=0, frequency_band=<FrequencyBand.Freq2400MHz: 8>, mac_capability_flags=<MACCapabilityFlags.AllocateAddress: 128>, manufacturer_code=4742, maximum_buffer_size=66, maximum_incoming_transfer_size=66, server_mask=10752, maximum_outgoing_transfer_size=66, descriptor_capability_field=<DescriptorCapability.NONE: 0>, *allocate_address=True, *is_alternate_pan_coordinator=False, *is_coordinator=False, *is_end_device=True, *is_full_function_device=False, *is_mains_powered=False, *is_receiver_on_when_idle=False, *is_router=False, *is_security_capable=False)",
  "endpoints": {
    "1": {
      "profile_id": "0x0104",
      "device_type": "0x0302",
      "input_clusters": [
      "output_clusters": [
  "manufacturer": "",
  "model": "TS0601",
  "class": "zigpy.device.Device"

It appears this sensor should be supported by zha-device-handlers: Update ts0601_sensor.py to support new variant by Migsi · Pull Request #2013 · zigpy/zha-device-handlers · GitHub

I’m curious if anyone else has experience with something like this or has any tips for debugging

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Configuring Goole Cast with UUID


I’ve been trying to configure google cast, but I’m running into a roadblock due to my lack of technical knowledge. But, I’d like to learn.

My end goal is to have a physical button that can start playing a Spotify playlist. I currently have Home Assistant Spotify Integration and Spotcast Integration installed. I also have an Ikea SOMRIG switch I’ve had success with before. I’m currently running home assistant green.

My router (TP link Deco) does not have mDNS discovery, so I need to manually add in all of my Chromecast devices. I can find the IP addresses and make them static. My issue is with the UUIDs. I can’t seem to find a way to obtain those.
I found this post: How do I get the uuid of a chromecast device? · Issue #14090 · home-assistant/home-assistant.io · GitHub But, I can’t seem to follow along.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Also, please let me know if I should be posting this on a different location for help like this. I put it in uncategorized because I wasn’t sure where else to put it.

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Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 recognized but not working


I’ve got on my Z-Wave usb Stick 2 roller shutter from fiber, and one double switch from Fibaro. They were previously configured and paired with another system than homeAssistant.

Now I’m switching to home assistant, on my first Install everything was recognized at start, my Double switch is working well, (meaning that the Z-wave configuration work)
but for the 2 roller shutters I got some problems :slight_smile:
-1 is detected as A node 6 with no fabricant or model or whatsoever
-2 is detected as a roller shutter but not a command is working, I mean by that, the command is passed but the shutter does not physically do a thing.

I’ve reconstructed the routes so far but I’m wondering what are the other steps .

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What is wrong in this template?


Can somebody tell me why this template doesn’t work?

 - variables:
      person: person.fha
      bg: |
          if (states['person.fha'].state == 'home' )
            return 'url(/local/lovelace/images/Casa.png)';
          if (states['person.fha'].state == 'Vino Di Sup' )
            return 'url(/local/lovelace/images/vino_di_sup.png)';
          if (states['person.fha'].state == 'Maxi Tigre' )
            return 'url(/local/lovelace/images/Maxi_Tigre.png)';
          if (states['person.fha'].state == 'Tody's' )';
            return 'url(/local/lovelace/images/Todys.png)';
          return 'url(/local/lovelace/images/Fha_away.jpg)'

7 posts - 3 participants

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Retain Navigation progress - Webpage card


Webpage card “resets” to the main URL every time the dashboard is reloaded. How can I retain the progress of the navigation.

I have a recipe manager under “Cooking” tab. When a recipe is opened, if I navigate to a different tab and come back to the recipe, the webpage card just reloads the default URL (192.168.1.xxx/recipemanager) and doesn’t navigate to the specific recipe that was open previously. Is there a way to retain the content loaded on the webpage card and prevent refresh.

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