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Help with binary sensor not changing


@Jamie_Pryer wrote:

hey all,

Home Assistant 0.101.2

i have an evohome rad and when its “heating” i want a new binary sensor to be “on” otherwise, it should always just be “off”

i have the following setup, which works as a template, but the binary sensor is not changing?

from config.yaml

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Radiator Boolean Jamie Office"
        value_template: >
          {% set rad_status = states.climate.jamie_office.attributes.hvac_action %}
          {% if rad_status == "heating" %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

in the template = “on”
however the sensor still shows “off”

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Cast - Size of Cards too big on Full HD Screen


@hiscorebob wrote:

I’ve setup a view in Lovelace that I want to cast to a device.
Here’s how it looks on an 10" Android Tablet (1280*800 resolution)

When casting to a Full HD Device, sizing of Cards is wrong, and much less information can be displayed:

Any idea what’s happening? Or maybe a parameter that I’ve overlooked (scaling?)
Thanky for any advice.

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Mixed and/or conditions


@laurentiun wrote:


Could someone help me please to validate this config?
I’m trying to power on a device when somebody is home, but only between certain hours.

’ ’ ’

- alias: "high umidity home"
    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.bedroom_humidity
    above: 62
     service: switch.turn_on 
     entity_id: switch.prel_bedroom
      - condition: state
        entity_id: 'device_tracker.al_iphone'
        state: 'home'
  condition: and
      - condition: time
        after: ‘09:00:00’
      - condition: time
        before: ‘11:59:00’
      - condition: or
        - condition: time
          after: ‘17:00:00’
        - condition: time
          before: ‘19:20:00’

’ ’ ’

Thank you

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Nest Question For Existing Accounts


@MontyRisk wrote:


I have a Nest Developer Account and have had it for many years. I recently got a new Raspberry Pi for Home Assistant as my old one died, SD card as well.

To make it clear, I am aware of the Nest issues with Home Assistant where they discontinued the API for new customers and things will be transitioning to Works With Google.

I am unclear if I can add devices to my existing Developer Account. This is what happens when I try.

If I am unable to do so, is there a file I could take from my other SD card which would provide the authentication.

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Publish photo to mqtt topic?

Rest sensor config doesn't initialize in 101.2


@Mariusthvdb wrote:


not sure where to look for breaking changes, but this sensor doesn’t show anymore:

  - platform: rest
    name: Hassio Rpi4 config
    resource: !secret resource_hassio_rpi4_config
#    authentication: basic
    value_template: >
      {{ value_json.version }}
      - components
      - unit_system
      - config_dir
      - version
      Content-Type: application/json
      Authorization: !secret api_bearer_token
      User-Agent: Home Assistant REST sensor

which of the breaking changes could be responsible for that? don’t fully grasp the authentication change, but suspect it to be causing this? If so, how to mitigate it?
thanks for having a look.

this is in the logs:

Error fetching data: <PreparedRequest [GET]> from https://redacted/api/config failed with HTTPSConnectionPool(host='redacted ', port=redacted): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/config (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0xaeffe630>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))


Platform rest not ready yet. Retrying in 30 seconds.

and finally:

REST result could not be parsed as JSON

in the end, it might also be responsible for this auto ip-ban:?

Banned IP for too many login attempts

which is a real pain…

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Ideas for navigating among 20 pages


@RichardU wrote:

What’s your idea for the best system to navigate among 20 different pages?

The native HA tabs are already being used, so this navigation system must all be within one tab.

Currently, I’m using an input_select, and the content of each “page” is inside a conditional card. Is this the best way? Any other ideas?

Cheers, Richard

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Light Control with Motion Automation - I need a better solution


@Walt750 wrote:

Hello All,
I’m looking for a better way to program a motion automation trigger. For example:

I have a motion sensor on my front porch that triggers the porch light on, waits 5 minutes and then shuts the light off. This works fine unless you are out there for more 5 minutes. You are then in the dark and it doesn’t come back on. Is there a better way to write the script or add additional scripts?

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Disable stream for cameras


@pergola.fabio wrote:

Hi, i want to try out the stream: component, but one of my cameras is a generic one, doesnt work well, and keeps on loading

so how to disable the stream for specific cameras
seems when i add stream: to the config, its configured for all cameras?


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HassIO automation brightness


@eazysnatch wrote:

Hey guys,

My setup:
Pi4 - zigbee2mqtt - USB CC dongle - Hue bridge > Light

When I enter my hall or bathroom my light is turned on at 100% but between 00:30 - 06:00 I set brightness to 5% because I assume that if you walk at that time frame you don’t want bright light. Everything is working like a charm the problem is that the bulb light up at 100% and instantly decreases to 5% which is like a fast bright flash and then drops to 5%.

Anyone experience that issue. I assume that you cannot light the bulb at 5% but first, you light up in the last state and then a new state 5% brightness is applied which causes this flash. The problem is after 00:30 i can walk 2-3 times and its the same flash, so it’s not the last state issue it seems the bulb start at 100% every time.

 # Bathrom light
  - id: Bathroom_light_100
    alias: Turn on bathroom light at 100% when there is movement
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.bathroom_occupancy
      to: 'on'
    - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.bathroom
        brightness_pct: 100
  - id: Bathroom_light_5
    alias: Turn on bathroom lights at 5% at night
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.bathroom_occupancy
      to: 'on'
    - condition: time
      after: '00:30'
      before: '06:00'
    - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.bathroom
        brightness_pct: 5

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Insteon Issue: Lost connection to Insteon Modem: True


@ttocsr wrote:

I recently upgraded my venv to Python3.7
My ha version is 0.101.2
Insteon Hub 2245
Hub Version 1018



All plm logs from fresh hass start

2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Writing message:
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnLevel
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnLevel
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: ioLincSensor
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnLevel
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnLevel
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnLevel
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnLevel
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] We want to reconnect so we do...
2019-11-05 08:30:43 WARNING (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Lost connection to Insteon Modem: True
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Reconnecting to transport
2019-11-05 08:30:43 INFO (MainThread) [insteonplm] Insteon Hub reader stopped
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] starting Connection.reconnect
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] starting Connection._connect
2019-11-05 08:30:43 INFO (MainThread) [insteonplm] Connecting to Insteon Hub on
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Creating http connection
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Starting the reader in HttpTrasnport __init__
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] create_http_connection Finished creating connection
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Test connection status is 200
2019-11-05 08:30:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Starting the buffer reader
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] ending Connection._connect
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] ending Connection.reconnect
2019-11-05 08:30:44 INFO (MainThread) [insteonplm] Insteon Hub reader started
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] ..................Clearing the buffer..............
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Writing message:
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Post status: 200
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Calling connection made
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Protocol: <insteonplm.plm.Hub object at 0xffff5c43bac8>
2019-11-05 08:30:44 INFO (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Connection established to Hub
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Transport: <insteonplm.HttpTransport object at 0xffff1ecf8438>
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Loading saved device info.
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Really Loading saved device info.
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Saved device file loaded
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 187162
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 187e4a
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 1600cb
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 19e1ae
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 1923f2
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 1872ac
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 164858
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 164819
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 18807b
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.linkedDevices] Found saved device with address 18b4c3
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Found 10 saved devices
2019-11-05 08:30:44 INFO (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Requesting Insteon Modem Info
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Queueing msg: {'code': 0x60, 'address': 00.00.00, 'category': 0xNone, 'subcategory': 0xNone, 'firmware': 0xNone, 'acknak': 0xNone}
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Starting: _load_all_link_database
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Starting: _get_first_all_link_record
2019-11-05 08:30:44 INFO (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Requesting ALL-Link Records
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Queueing msg: {'code': 0x69, 'acknak': 0xNone}
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Ending: _get_first_all_link_record
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Ending: _load_all_link_database
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Ending _setup_devices in IM
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnOff
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: openClosedRelay
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: keypadButtonMain
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: onOffButtonA
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: onOffButtonB
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: onOffButtonC
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: onOffButtonD
2019-11-05 08:30:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.states] Registered callback for state: lightOnOff
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] No ACK or NAK message received.
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] TX: {'code': 0x60, 'address': 00.00.00, 'category': 0xNone, 'subcategory': 0xNone, 'firmware': 0xNone, 'acknak': 0xNone}
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] ..................Writing a message..............
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Waiting for ACK or NAK message
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Writing message:
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Post status: 200
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Buffer from 0 to 18
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] New buffer: 0260391EC60333A406
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Starting: data_received
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Received 9 bytes from PLM: b'0260391ec60333a406'
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Finishing: data_received
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Total buffer: b'0260391ec60333a406'
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Buffer too short to have a message
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Messages in queue: 1
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] RX: {'code': 0x60, 'address': 39.1E.C6, 'category': 0x03, 'subcategory': 0x33, 'firmware': 0xa4, 'acknak': 0x06}
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Last item in self._recv_queue reached.
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] ACK or NAK received
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Starting _handle_get_plm_info
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Ending _handle_get_plm_info
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] TX: {'code': 0x69, 'acknak': 0xNone}
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] ..................Writing a message..............
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Waiting for ACK or NAK message
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Writing message:
2019-11-05 08:30:45 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Post status: 200
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] Buffer from 0 to 26
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm] New buffer: 0269060257E200187162030E3B
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Starting: data_received
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Received 13 bytes from PLM: b'0269060257e200187162030e3b'
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Finishing: data_received
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Total buffer: b'0269060257e200187162030e3b'
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Total buffer: b'0257e200187162030e3b'
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Buffer too short to have a message
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Messages in queue: 2
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] RX: {'code': 0x69, 'acknak': 0x06}
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] RX: {'code': 0x57, 'controlFlags': 0xe2, 'group': 0x00, 'address': 18.71.62, 'linkdata1': 0x03, 'linkdata2': 0x0e, 'linkdata3': 0x3b}
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.devices] Starting Device.receive_message
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.devices] Ending Device.receive_message
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Last item in self._recv_queue reached.
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] ACK or NAK received
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Found all link record for device 187162
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Starting: _get_next_all_link_record
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Requesting Next All-Link Record
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Queueing msg: {'code': 0x6a, 'acknak': 0xNone}
2019-11-05 08:30:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Ending: _get_next_all_link_record

I then try to turn on the dimmer @ 16.48.58
Nothing actually turns on. Below are the logs.
I can manually control the dimmer from the insteon app and insteonplm_interactive

2019-11-05 08:34:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.devices] Starting Device._send_msg
2019-11-05 08:34:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.devices] Ending Device._send_msg
2019-11-05 08:34:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.devices] Starting 16.48.58 Device._process_send_queue
2019-11-05 08:34:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.devices] Lock is locked from yield from
2019-11-05 08:34:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.plm] Queueing msg: {'code': 0x62, 'address': 16.48.58, 'flags': 0x00, 'cmd1': 0x11, 'cmd2': 0xff, 'acknak': 0xNone}
2019-11-05 08:34:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [insteonplm.devices] Ending 16.48.58 Device._process_send_queue

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Title: collectd + MQTT sensor = post-processing weirdness, need help


@wixoff wrote:

OK, so I’m using an instance of collectd to pull together some system monitoring stats on my server. It’s running fine, and it’s forwarding data to Home Assistant via MQTT sensors as desired. Each MQTT message from collectd includes a timestamp followed by one or more measurements, with the fields separated by colons.

So to provide a couple of examples, free memory messages look like this:


Each memory-related message has a timestamp followed by the measurement in bytes. That’s a lot of bytes and hard to visually parse.

System Load messages look like this:


Here each timestamp is associated with three measurements - 1m, 5m, 15m as is normal with the unix system load average measurement.

It’s easy to pull these measurements into HA with MQTT sensors - I just discard the timestamps and pull the data like this:

value_template: “{{ value.split(’:’)[1] }}” for the memory sensors, and

value_template: “{{ value.split(’:’)[1 or 2 or 3] }}” for each of the load sensors

Unfortunately, any further post-processing in the sensor templates fails - for the memory sensors and the 15m load sensor ONLY. The 1m and 5m load sensors seem to work fine. I suspect there’s something going on with the last split field from each MQTT message that I’m not able to see.

For the load sensors, I want to round the measurements to three digits. “{{ value.split(’:’)[ x ] | round(3) }}” works fine for the 1m and 5m measurements, but the 15m measurement doesn’t ever get truncated.

Some examples:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Load 0
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    value_template: "{{ value }}"

^^^ This provides “1572919890.267:0.0675:0.0728125:0.041875” as expected - time stamp + 3 measurements

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Load 1
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    value_template: "{{ value.split(':')[3] }}"

^^^ This provides “0.041875” as expected - the single measurement we want

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Load 2
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    value_template: "{{ value.split(':')[3] | round(3) }}"

^^^ This provides “0.041875” - no rounding is occurring here (but for value.split(’:’)[2] | round(3), we would get “0.728” as expected

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Load 3
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    value_template: "{{ (float(' ' ~ value.split(':')[3] ~ ' ') | round(3)) }}"

^^^ This provides “0.041875” - adding spaces to the split string doesn’t help

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Load 4
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    value_template: "{{ (float(value.split(':')[3]) | round(3)) }}"

^^^ This provides “0.041875” - converting to float then rounding doesn’t work

For the memory sensors, I’d love to convert those raw bytes to gigabytes, but this fails: “{{ (value.split(’:’)[1] / 1073741824.0) | round(3) }}” - and so do various other attempts to rewrite them differently

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Memory 00
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: units
    value_template: >-

^^^ This provides “1572919890.285:11632119808” as expected

- platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Memory 01
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: units
    value_template: >-

^^^ This provides “11632119808” as expected

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Memory 02
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: units
    value_template: >-
        (value.split(':')[1] | float)

^^^ This provides “0.0” as result - seemingly can’t convert this numeric value into a float?

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Memory 03
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: units
    value_template: >-
        ((value.split(':')[1] | float) / 1073741824.0)

^^^ This provides “0.0” as result

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Memory 04
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: units
    value_template: >-
        ((" " ~ value.split(':')[1] ~ " ") | float)

^^^ This provides “0.0” as result - adding spaces around doesn’t help

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Memory 05
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: units
    value_template: >-
        (((" " ~ value.split(':')[1] ~ " ") | float) / 1073741824.0)

^^^ This provides “0.0” as result

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Memory 06
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: units
    value_template: >-
        (float(" " ~ value.split(':')[1] ~ " ") / 1073741824.0)

^^^ This provides “unknown” as result - just moved the float() filter

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Memory 07
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: units
    value_template: >-
        ((string(value.split(':')[1]) | float) / 1073741824.0)

^^^ This provides “unknown” as result - tried to re-convert to string then float; doesn’t work

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Memory 08
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: units
    value_template: >-
        (((value ~ ': ').split(':')[1] | float) / 1073741824.0)

^^^ This provides “0.0” as result - added an extra delimiter and space at the end before splitting - doesn’t help

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Memory 09
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: units
    value_template: >-
        ((value.split(':')[-1] | float) / 1073741824.0)

^^^ This provides “0.0” as result - [-1] as index doesn’t help

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Memory 10
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: units
    value_template: >-
      {% set test_val = value.split(':')[-1] %}
        (test_val | float)

^^^ This provides “0.0” as result - setting a variable first then using the variable in the template doesn’t work

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Memory 11
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: units
    value_template: >-
      {% set test_val = value.split(':')[-1] %}
        (test_val / 1073741824.0)

^^^ This provides “unknown” as result

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Memory 12
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: units
    value_template: >-
      {% set test_val = value.split(':')[-1] %}
        ((test_val / 1073741824.0) | round(3))

^^^ This provides “unknown” as result

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Collectd Test Memory 13
    state_topic: "collectd/"
    unit_of_measurement: units
    value_template: >-
      {% set test_val = value.split(':')[-1] %}
        (string(test_val) | float)

^^^ This provides “unknown” as result

I have tried just about everything I can think of.

All of these examples work 100% correctly in the template renderer in development tools! I can copy-paste MQTT messages from MQTT Explorer right into the template renderer (quoted literal strings instead of the value variable) and I’ll get correct results every single time. So it appears there’s something going on with the live data I can’t see.

And to add a further data point: I tried to use UPS Charge Percentage (also via collectd) in a mini-graph-card, but the MQTT sensor that feeds into it renders as “NaN” at all times in the graph. What’s up with these numbers? Why can’t they be parsed?

Any thoughts? I’m hoping for a real head-slapper “geez I’m dumb” kind of answer! But any answer will do.

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Fixed IP for Hass to talk to Deconz gw using ConbeeII


@renwickr wrote:

Hi all,
I currently have a ConbeeII USB stick in my Debian box (PC Engines APU) with Deconz on top and finally HA (not hass.io) installed. Everything works (lights, sensors etc) as I want but when I move networks, i.e. I take my Debian box somewhere else (this happens regularly) then everything goes horribly wrong.

It seems that what happens is that the main IP of the Debian GW changes, which is expected, but this means that the old IP for the Deconz GW is no longer valid and so HA fails to connect and I have to go add the newly discovered Deconz GW with the new IP - this is every time the main IP changes which is regularly as I travel on trains for > 10 hours/week and do most of my work on HA during this time.

What I was trying to look at was maybe telling HA that the IP for Deconz is rather than letting it work out the IP on it’s own through discovery, but I can’t find anyway to do that. I can’t see why using the loopback IP would be a problem as HA and the Conbee are on the same machine.

Does anyone know how I can do this or if there is another, better way to avoid having to re-add the Deconz GW after each change to the main IP of the machine?


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Get temperature from yesterday


@Valentino_Stillhardt wrote:

I’m trying to get the state/temperature (of yesterday) from a sensor to display in HA, but I don’t know if there’s a easy way to do this.

I’ve looked through tons of Google Results and found nothing so far.

If anyone knows how to accomplish this, I would be very glad.

Thank you.

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Thermostats in Homekit integration


@jeru wrote:

I am a fresh Home Assistant user and so far, all is going well.

I have set up a few devices including Devolo radiator thermostats.
They show up fine in the frontend and I can control everything as expected.
However, I am trying to use the homekit integration and for some reason, the thermostats don’t show up.
ocnfiguration yaml looks like this

      - sensor
      - climate
      - switch
      - light
      - climate.danfoss_devolo_home_control_radiator_thermostat_heating_1
      - sensor.danfoss_devolo_home_control_radiator_thermostat_temperature
      - sensor.danfoss_devolo_home_control_radiator_thermostat_battery_level

all lights and switches show up fine in homekit but the thermostat does not…

I double-checked for typos, checked the yaml file format and everything.

Do I have to specify anything for the entitiy to make homekit recognize it? Does anyone have an example? at first I thought, simply adding the “climate” domain was enough, but no. Then I added the specific entities but still no luck…

thank you for any advice

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Best GPS proximity path?


@jriker1 wrote:

I am exclusively using iPhone’s and trying to determine with a device crosses a certain threshold exiting the area/home or coming back. The typical adjust the thermostat if I’m gone and when I’m getting close to coming back turn things up or what have you. I’ve seen people using the HA app, and various other apps to try and do location tracking but sounds like most are not ideal. Hear people using three apps to try to get some kind of consistency. I saw the iCloud option which integrates with Find My iPhone. Have people used that and how good is it for keeping things updated? Note assuming in all cases the phone screen is locked at all times. Appreciate also if anyone has other ideas for this to share.



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Mdi icon help


@Matt_Barnes wrote:

I never seem to manage to get mdi icons right in my config.

Are they not all available? Am I doing something wrong?

This one for example:


What should I be putting in my Lovelace file to get this to show?

Have tried:

  - icon: mdi:Informationvariant
  - icon: mdi:Infovariant
  - icon: mdi:Info-variant
  - icon: mdi:Info_variant

Nothing seems to work?

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Trying to send tts command to only 1 speaker from 3


@henaa wrote:

I have 3 speakers. I want to send some tts to only one from them
how I do it?
I can send tts with - tts.google_say service but I can’t choose only one speaker its send the tts to all of the speakers


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Known_devices.yaml insanity, please help


@smugleafdev wrote:

Using the wifi tracker asuswrt, it won’t stop adding new devices. I’ve set new device tracking to false, cleared out all but the four devices I care about in the yaml, and then rebooted multiple times but it keeps populating itself and it’s driving me nuts.

  - platform: asuswrt
    consider_home: 180
      track_new_devices: false
      hide_if_away: false

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Set cover position in scene not working after upgrade to 0.101.2


@dquercus wrote:

Hi all,

I recently upgraded my HA installation to 0.101.2 and suddenly my scenes stopped working.

The change-log already announce some breaking changes with the scenes:

Scene - Scenes have to be configured more strictly from now on. Each entity must be configured with a valid state. Furthermore, the attributes that can be used must be device state attributes . This means that they should be listed under developer-tools -> states . - ([scene docs])

and there is my issue. All my scenes were setting the position attribute and there was nothing for the status.


   - name: TV
         position: 40

Now, could you please help me about which ‘state’ shall I use? Using ‘open’ or ‘close’ does not make sense because I want a value like 40 or 50.

So far I didn’t find any other post or sample configuration.yaml that could help me.

Thanks in advance.

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