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Templated sensor keeps returning string instead of number


I’m using a template sensor for battery level of my iphone. Reason for this is that the icloud3 sensors regularly report 0 for battery. This will trigger my charger automation. So i created a templated sensor which only changes value when the battery actually changes (using a textlabel from info sensor):

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Frans iPhone Batterystate"
      value_template: >-
        {% set battext = states('sensor.frans_iphone_info') %}
        {% set pattern = '-(.*)%' %}
        {% set batperc = (battext | regex_findall_index(pattern)) if battext is search(pattern) else states('sensor.frans_battery_iphone') %}
        {{ batperc | int(0) }}
      unit_of_measurement: "%"

The value is consistent but my automation is not triggered. Also when i test the sensor for numeric value using template editor:

{{states.sensor.frans_battery_iphone.state > 0}} i get TypeError: ‘>’ not supported between instances of ‘str’ and ‘int’

What am i doing wrong?

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Automation - reset timer when valve status changed


Hi, trying to reset the timer countdown when valve status changed to off but it’s not working.

    duration: "00:00:00"
automation test:
  - alias: Turn off the timer
      - platform: state
        entity_id: switch.valve_2
        to: 'off'
      - service: timer.cancel
          entity_id: timer.vtime2

Any help would be appreciated!

3 posts - 2 participants

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Firmata reading custom values from Arduino


Hi there. When I upload StandardFirmata.ino to my Arduino board, it all works ok :slight_smile:

But, I have some custom code, from that code I would like to pass a value to HASS via: Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, MyOwnValue);

I get stuck very fast, taking again StandardFirmata, then only add this part in the main:

void loop()
  byte pin, analogPin;
  /* DIGITALREAD - as fast as possible, check for changes and output them to the
   * FTDI buffer using Serial.print()  */

  /* STREAMREAD - processing incoming messagse as soon as possible, while still
   * checking digital inputs.  */
  while (Firmata.available())

  // TODO - ensure that Stream buffer doesn't go over 60 bytes

  currentMillis = millis();

  if(currentMillis - prev_cntr_millis > 1000)
    prev_cntr_millis += 1000;
    if(test_cntr < 255)
      test_cntr = 0;    
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis > samplingInterval) 
    previousMillis += samplingInterval;
    /* ANALOGREAD - do all analogReads() at the configured sampling interval */
    for (pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) 
      if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin) && Firmata.getPinMode(pin) == PIN_MODE_ANALOG) {
        analogPin = PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin);
        if (analogInputsToReport & (1 << analogPin)) 
            //Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(analogPin));
            Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, **test_cntr**);
    // report i2c data for all device with read continuous mode enabled
    if (queryIndex > -1) {
      for (byte i = 0; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
        readAndReportData(query[i].addr, query[i].reg, query[i].bytes, query[i].stopTX);


Idea is that VAR test_cntr should be send when reading a certain Analog input, for some reason, in HASS, I see this input changing about eacht 30sec, from 0-40-80-120-160-200-0

Strange thing is, that in the “Windows Remote Arduino Experience” App, it simply works! What can be wrong, something with timing?

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Hide Configuration Badge in Sidebar


Just upgraded to 2022.4.6 and now seeing a configuration badge in my sidebar.


Any way to hide / remove this?

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Error unexplained flex-horseshoe-card


Error unexplained over night…
I haven’t changed anything for several days, this appeared last night and persists, all my cards using this integration no longer work.

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Onkyo integration / Pioneer - How to switch radio/dab channels


I could install the Onkyo integration. Power on/off, volume, mute, and input source are working properly. However, I cannot find out how to switch radio channels as described in the integration (script). With my MacBook (pyth0on2.7.16 and GitHub - miracle2k/onkyo-eiscp: Control Onkyo A/V receivers over the network; usuable as a script, or as a Python library. I can switch channels with the command: onkyo preset=6.

Could somebody please explain to me how to switch channels via home assistant. Thank you.

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Display logger output in a UI card?


I’d like to have a card on the dashboard showing the system log (e.g. ‘tail -f home-assistant.log’), but can’t find a card that might lend itself to that.
Is it possible?

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Clonning the Z-Wave JS to MQTT Add-On to run multiple Z-Wave Networks


So, I recently decided the best solution to keep a good Z-Wave mesh was to have a second Z-Wave network for the energy meter that generate tons of traffic and also a couple of old non-plus devices which may cause trouble…

I already had 2 UZB-7 sticks and they are cheap anyways so I searched the forums for the best way to do this and found other people have done it in difference ways (using the core Z-Wave JS add-on for the second network, manually creating a container for the second ZWaveJS2MQTT outside HA, having a second HomeAssistant installation and getting them to talk to each other using MQTT or some HA to HA communication add-on, etc.). None of these are ideal so after some research an testing I found a way to clone the ZWaveJS2MQTT module inside Home Assistant which is working great for me and wanted to share with the community for feedback and in case someone else is looking to do the same thing.


  • Single Home Assistant Installation, no messing around with HA to HA communication, MQTT, etc.
  • Both ZWaveJS2MQTT are fully managed and integrated inside HA
  • Both original and clone add-on updates are detected and can be safely updated (or auto-updated) from HA
  • No need to manually manage external docker containers, etc.

I run HA in supervised mode in a Raspberry Pi 4 (64-bit) with latest Raspberry OS (bullseye). Cloning the module is simple, this is what I did:

  1. Copy the module from the community addon repository into the local addon folder:
sudo cp -r /usr/share/hassio/addons/$repo/$addon /usr/share/hassio/addons/local/$addon$cloneid
sudo chown -R pi /usr/share/hassio/addons/local/$addon$cloneid
  1. Created a bash script ~/homeassistant/update_local_addon_clons.sh to check for updates and update the clone is a newer version is found, this script also adds the clone number to the add-on name, panel title and slug so it is easily identifiable and does not conflict with the main one:

sourceVersion="$(grep -F "version:" /usr/share/hassio/addons/$repo/$addon/config.yaml)"
sourceSlug="$(grep -F "slug:" /usr/share/hassio/addons/$repo/$addon/config.yaml)"
targetVersion="$(grep -F "version:" /usr/share/hassio/addons/local/$addon$cloneid/config.yaml)"
targetSlug="$(grep -F "slug:" /usr/share/hassio/addons/local/$addon$cloneid/config.yaml)"

if [ "$sourceVersion" != "$targetVersion" -o "$sourceSlug" = "$targetSlug" ]
        cp -r /usr/share/hassio/addons/$repo/$addon/* /usr/share/hassio/addons/local/$addon$cloneid

        sed -i "s/^name:.*$/& $cloneid/g" /usr/share/hassio/addons/local/$addon$cloneid/config.yaml
        sed -i "s/^panel_title:.*$/& $cloneid/g" /usr/share/hassio/addons/local/$addon$cloneid/config.yaml
        sed -i "s/^slug:.*$/&$cloneid/g" /usr/share/hassio/addons/local/$addon$cloneid/config.yaml
  1. Add a cron job to run the script every hour
chmod +x ~/homeassistant/update_local_addon_clones.sh
crontab -e            (Add the following line at the end)
0 * * * * bash /home/pi/homeassistant/update_local_addon_clones.sh
  1. Install the new module:
    4.1. Go to HomeAssistant / Configuration / Add-ons, Backups & Supervisor
    4.2. Click on ADD-ON STORE button
    4.3. Click on the dots at the top right corner and “Check for updates”
    4.4. The new local module should now show up at the top, install it.
    4.5. In the module configuration enable “Start on boot”, “Watchdog” and “Show in sidebar”

  2. Configure the new “Z-Wave JS 2” in the side panel to use the second USB stick, you can get the address of the second stick by running ls /dev/serial/by-id/, you should now see the stick in the device list.

  3. Add the second Z-Wave JS Integration
    6.1 Go to Configuration / Devices & Services
    6.2 Ignore the newly discovered Z-Wave device, if you add it this way it will install the Core Z-Wave JS add-on.
    6.3 Click on Add Integration and add Z-Wave JS
    6.3 Uncheck “Use the Z-Wave JS Supervisor add-on”
    6.4 use the following URL: ws://local-zwavejs2mqtt2:3000

  4. Profit!

I guess this method could be use to create more than 1 clone or clone any other add-on as needed.


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Duplicate Notifications from single Trigger


I have created the automation below which will take a snapshot and send it to my phone and my wife’s phone when my doorbell camera detects motion. The doorbell is an Amcrest AD410 which is integrated using amcrest2mqtt. The binary_sensor.doorbell_motion has a timeout of approximately 1 minute (e.g. it will trigger “on” and stay on for about 1 minute before turning “off” if there is no motion).

I have found that in some instances I will get two notifications at the same time with the same snapshot (see attached screenshot). I seems to happen randomly (I have not been able to reproduce it at will).

Any ideas why we would get duplicate notifications?

alias: Doorbell Motion
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.doorbell_motion
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
  - condition: time
    before: '22:00:00'
    after: '06:00:00'
  - service: camera.snapshot
      filename: /config/www/tmp/snapshot.jpg
      entity_id: camera.doorbell_cropped
  - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_4a
      message: Front Door
      title: Motion Detected
        channel: Doorbell
        importance: max
        group: human-detected
        image: /local/tmp/snapshot.jpg
        ttl: 0
        priority: high
  - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_3a
      message: Front Door
      title: Motion Detected
        channel: Doorbell
        importance: max
        group: human-detected
        image: /local/tmp/snapshot.jpg
        ttl: 0
        priority: high
mode: single

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Z-wave switch default OFF if connection lost


I am building a iggrigation system from my greenhouse and my thought was to stear the watervent with a z-wave switch. This switch that I have today (a Popp Smart outdoor) sometimes looses connection as the distance between the controller and greenhould is on the limit for Z-wave.

Q: Can I configure the system to work with automation (on/off) for the watering and then if connection fails send a notification from HA and switch off the plug so my plants dont drown?

Alternatively I get a timer that I can program locally but it would be nice to have it with HA.
Thanks in advance

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Using Xiaomi temperature sensor as thermostate to control Homematic TRV


Hi all,
I am running the RaspberryMatic in my HA installation and currently I have got 5 HMIP-eTRV-2 thermostates installed in 4 rooms.
In addition I have got Xiaomi Zigbee temperature/humidity sensors in those rooms.

In general I have set up a nice multi room heating system which turns on the boiler (a TOON thermostate) as soon as any of those rooms becomes too cold. Right now the condition that needs to be met is that the (Xiaomi) temperature needs to be lower than the (HMIP) set temperature. This works well - in theory.
However, this will definitely fail in the long run because the TRVs will heat up and will have quite an offset to the Xiaomi measurements, closing the valves while still keeping the boild and pump running. The measured temperature difference between the Xiaomis and the TRVs is not constant so even setting an offset temperature (of max 3.5°C) will not work, I think.

So I had the idea to somehow use the Xiaomi measured temperature instead of the one that is measured in the TRV - just as a HMIP wall thermostate would do.

I don’t know if I started going down the correct route and would like to ask for your ideas/ input.

So far I have created a system variable in RaspberryMatic and an automation in HA which sends the Xiaomi measured temperature into this variable.
This is the code:

- id: '1650988768441'
  alias: Set Office Homematic Current Temperature from Xiaomi
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.office_temperature
  condition: []
  - service: homematicip_local.set_variable_value
      entity_id: homematicip_local.homematic_ip_local
      name: OfficeCurrentTemp
      value: "{{states('sensor.office_temperature')|float}}"
  mode: single

So now I have got this value in RaspberryMatic.

But what next?

I read something about setting up virtual devices using CUxD. Would that be the right way?
In this case, I would aim at setting up a virtual wall thermostate, get the current value from the system variable (rather than the temperature that is measured at the TRV) and then create a group that contains the TRV and the virtual thermostat.

Or is there a more elegant way to achieve all this? Or does it just not work?

Thanks for your help,


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Volkswagencarnet issue, not able to install pyrate-limiter


Running the latest 2022.4.7 docker image.
When I try to install the addon, it fails due to not being able to install the pyrate-limiter dependency.
I’ve had the addon running fine some weeks ago. Seems like gcc and python-dev tools are missing?

2022-04-26 19:35:59 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [homeassistant.util.package] Unable to install package pyrate-limiter>=2.8.0: error: subprocess-exited-with-error
  × pip subprocess to install build dependencies did not run successfully.
  │ exit code: 1

            running bdist_wheel
            running build
            running build_py
            creating build
            creating build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39
            creating build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/__init__.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/api.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/backend_ctypes.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/cffi_opcode.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/commontypes.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/cparser.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/error.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/ffiplatform.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/lock.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/model.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/pkgconfig.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/recompiler.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/setuptools_ext.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/vengine_cpy.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/vengine_gen.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/verifier.py -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/_cffi_include.h -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/parse_c_type.h -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/_embedding.h -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            copying cffi/_cffi_errors.h -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/cffi
            running build_ext
            building '_cffi_backend' extension
            creating build/temp.linux-x86_64-cpython-39
            creating build/temp.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/c
            gcc -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -fomit-frame-pointer -g -fno-semantic-interposition -fomit-frame-pointer -g -fno-semantic-interposition -fomit-frame-pointer -g -fno-semantic-interposition -DTHREAD_STACK_SIZE=0x100000 -fPIC -I/usr/include/ffi -I/usr/include/libffi -I/usr/include/python3.9 -c c/_cffi_backend.c -o build/temp.linux-x86_64-cpython-39/c/_cffi_backend.o
            error: command 'gcc' failed: No such file or directory
            [end of output]

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Help with vacuum automation


I have an automation set up (below) to run my Roomba vacuums which is mostly working. The condition template was just added from reading another thread so not sure if that part is functional yet. What I really want it to do is more complex then I can manage to come up with though and I’m looking for some assistance. I’ll try my best to explain what I’m trying to do.

Run once a day only
Only start between 09:00-18:00 mon-sat
Only start if the tv is off (harmony integration)
Force start at 17:00 if it hasn’t already run

alias: Vacuum house
description: ''
  - platform: time
    at: '12:00:00'
    id: time
  - platform: state
    to: not_home
    from: home
      hours: 0
      minutes: 15
      seconds: 0
    entity_id: group.someones_home
  - condition: time
      - mon
      - tue
      - wed
      - fri
      - sat
    before: '18:00:00'
    after: '09:00:00'
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      -{{ state_attr('this.entity_id','last_triggered') | default(today_at(),
      true) < today_at('05:00') }}
  - condition: state
    entity_id: remote.living_room
    state: power_off
    attribute: current_activity
  - scene: scene.vacuum
mode: single

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Whenever ZWavejs2Mqtt is restarted, Home Assistant/Elexa Dome Leak sensors alarm


I recently upgraded Home Assistant and am now using ZWavejs2Mqtt. I have multiple Elexa Dome Leak sensors (DMWS1). Whenever I restart ZWavejs2Mqtt, Home Assistant registers a water leak from the leak sensors. After a few moments, it clears and life goes on. The issue of course is that several actions have been triggered needlessly.

So I’ve made sure to always shutdown Home Assistant before updating ZWavejs2Mqtt, and then starting ZWavejs2Mqtt before restarting Home Assistant, but I’m thinking there must be a way to leave Home Assistant running while updating ZWavejs2Mqtt.


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Home Assistant Container crashing daily


Hi all. After years of great stability I’m experiencing crashes (unresponsiveness) daily or every couple days. I have tried to troubleshoot rending logs at DEBUG but I don’t see anything “interesting” happening at the time when HA becomes unresponsive.

What I’m hoping for help with is any other logging configurations I could try that would turn up something causing this?

It’s worth noting that the container is running on a very powerful Intel NUC with plenty of CPU and RAM and nothing anomalous shows at the time I lose responsiveness.

This is how I have my logging set:

# Configure Logging
  default: info
    homeassistant.core: debug
    homeassistant.components: debug

Here is an excerpt of the logs with the crash coinciding with the log entry for influxdb. I suppose the camera stream handling (I have 3 Nest cameras) runs in another thread and it will continue to throw the errors like you see at the bottom:

2022-04-26 02:17:33 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [139830382487680] Sending {"id":9,"type":"event","event":{"event_type":"state_changed","data":{"entity_id":"sensor.asuswrt_download_speed","old_state":{"entity_id":"sensor.asuswrt_download_speed","state":"0.67","attributes":{"state_class":"measurement","hostname":"","unit_of_measurement":"Mbit/s","icon":"mdi:download-network","friendly_name":"Asuswrt Download Speed"},"last_changed":"2022-04-26T07:16:33.039537+00:00","last_updated":"2022-04-26T07:16:33.039537+00:00","context":{"id":"31777531246c10e62bc4776d2bebd5cf","parent_id":null,"user_id":null}},"new_state":{"entity_id":"sensor.asuswrt_download_speed","state":"0.56","attributes":{"state_class":"measurement","hostname":"","unit_of_measurement":"Mbit/s","icon":"mdi:download-network","friendly_name":"Asuswrt Download Speed"},"last_changed":"2022-04-26T07:17:33.040823+00:00","last_updated":"2022-04-26T07:17:33.040823+00:00","context":{"id":"6a85db6a5c99c71a6c69ef49f745cb56","parent_id":null,"user_id":null}}},"origin":"LOCAL","time_fired":"2022-04-26T07:17:33.040823+00:00","context":{"id":"6a85db6a5c99c71a6c69ef49f745cb56","parent_id":null,"user_id":null}}}
2022-04-26 02:17:33 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [139830382487680] Sending {"id":20,"type":"event","event":{"event_type":"state_changed","data":{"entity_id":"sensor.asuswrt_download_speed","old_state":{"entity_id":"sensor.asuswrt_download_speed","state":"0.67","attributes":{"state_class":"measurement","hostname":"","unit_of_measurement":"Mbit/s","icon":"mdi:download-network","friendly_name":"Asuswrt Download Speed"},"last_changed":"2022-04-26T07:16:33.039537+00:00","last_updated":"2022-04-26T07:16:33.039537+00:00","context":{"id":"31777531246c10e62bc4776d2bebd5cf","parent_id":null,"user_id":null}},"new_state":{"entity_id":"sensor.asuswrt_download_speed","state":"0.56","attributes":{"state_class":"measurement","hostname":"","unit_of_measurement":"Mbit/s","icon":"mdi:download-network","friendly_name":"Asuswrt Download Speed"},"last_changed":"2022-04-26T07:17:33.040823+00:00","last_updated":"2022-04-26T07:17:33.040823+00:00","context":{"id":"6a85db6a5c99c71a6c69ef49f745cb56","parent_id":null,"user_id":null}}},"origin":"LOCAL","time_fired":"2022-04-26T07:17:33.040823+00:00","context":{"id":"6a85db6a5c99c71a6c69ef49f745cb56","parent_id":null,"user_id":null}}}
2022-04-26 02:17:33 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.alexa.state_report] Not exposing sensor.asuswrt_download_speed because filtered by config
2022-04-26 02:17:33 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.nest.camera_sdm] Failed to extend stream: Error connecting to API: Cannot connect to host smartdevicemanagement.googleapis.com:443 ssl:default [Connect call failed ('', 443)]
2022-04-26 02:17:34 DEBUG (influxdb) [homeassistant.components.influxdb] Wrote 3 events.
2022-04-26 02:19:12 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.tls] The specified session has been invalidated for some reason.
2022-04-26 02:19:12 ERROR (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.stream.camera.back_door] Error from stream worker: Stream ended; no additional packets
2022-04-26 02:19:12 DEBUG (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.stream.camera.back_door] Restarting stream worker in 10 seconds: rtsps://stream-us1-charlie.dropcam.com:443/sdm_live_stream/CiUA2vuxr2dx3ToRqH4y3wdyfdCIvmLmzuv3F6OyAjju7Fu_RluHEnEAMPcxGPr0F-RQRRIc0Go8hQuMkm8vd9qQgiGp84lE3CGpCa62unpVMmO1IZGE3M5-ygJy0Cy_U9aVv3Unw_5iP-WKkvirDmfjzaz4r2X-z1VjmvykEvYy0A5A7klpzfdd-Jch_54i_aG1ogrHJQ_9Bw?auth=****
2022-04-26 02:19:22 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.tls] The specified session has been invalidated for some reason.
2022-04-26 02:19:32 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.rtsp] method DESCRIBE failed: 404 Not Found
2022-04-26 02:19:32 ERROR (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.stream.camera.back_door] Error from stream worker: Error opening stream (HTTP_NOT_FOUND, Server returned 404 Not Found) rtsps://stream-us1-charlie.dropcam.com:443/sdm_live_stream/CiUA2vuxr2dx3ToRqH4y3wdyfdCIvmLmzuv3F6OyAjju7Fu_RluHEnEAMPcxGPr0F-RQRRIc0Go8hQuMkm8vd9qQgiGp84lE3CGpCa62unpVMmO1IZGE3M5-ygJy0Cy_U9aVv3Unw_5iP-WKkvirDmfjzaz4r2X-z1VjmvykEvYy0A5A7klpzfdd-Jch_54i_aG1ogrHJQ_9Bw?auth=****
2022-04-26 02:19:32 DEBUG (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.stream.camera.back_door] Restarting stream worker in 20 seconds: rtsps://stream-us1-charlie.dropcam.com:443/sdm_live_stream/CiUA2vuxr2dx3ToRqH4y3wdyfdCIvmLmzuv3F6OyAjju7Fu_RluHEnEAMPcxGPr0F-RQRRIc0Go8hQuMkm8vd9qQgiGp84lE3CGpCa62unpVMmO1IZGE3M5-ygJy0Cy_U9aVv3Unw_5iP-WKkvirDmfjzaz4r2X-z1VjmvykEvYy0A5A7klpzfdd-Jch_54i_aG1ogrHJQ_9Bw?auth=****
2022-04-26 02:20:22 ERROR (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.stream.camera.back_door] Error from stream worker: Error opening stream (INVALIDDATA, Invalid data found when processing input) rtsps://stream-us1-charlie.dropcam.com:443/sdm_live_stream/CiUA2vuxr2dx3ToRqH4y3wdyfdCIvmLmzuv3F6OyAjju7Fu_RluHEnEAMPcxGPr0F-RQRRIc0Go8hQuMkm8vd9qQgiGp84lE3CGpCa62unpVMmO1IZGE3M5-ygJy0Cy_U9aVv3Unw_5iP-WKkvirDmfjzaz4r2X-z1VjmvykEvYy0A5A7klpzfdd-Jch_54i_aG1ogrHJQ_9Bw?auth=****
2022-04-26 02:20:22 DEBUG (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.stream.camera.back_door] Restarting stream worker in 30 seconds: rtsps://stream-us1-charlie.dropcam.com:443/sdm_live_stream/CiUA2vuxr2dx3ToRqH4y3wdyfdCIvmLmzuv3F6OyAjju7Fu_RluHEnEAMPcxGPr0F-RQRRIc0Go8hQuMkm8vd9qQgiGp84lE3CGpCa62unpVMmO1IZGE3M5-ygJy0Cy_U9aVv3Unw_5iP-WKkvirDmfjzaz4r2X-z1VjmvykEvYy0A5A7klpzfdd-Jch_54i_aG1ogrHJQ_9Bw?auth=****
2022-04-26 02:21:05 ERROR (stream_worker) [libav.rtsp] method DESCRIBE failed: 404 Not Found
2022-04-26 02:21:05 ERROR (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.stream.camera.back_door] Error from stream worker: Error opening stream (HTTP_NOT_FOUND, Server returned 404 Not Found) rtsps://stream-us1-charlie.dropcam.com:443/sdm_live_stream/CiUA2vuxr2dx3ToRqH4y3wdyfdCIvmLmzuv3F6OyAjju7Fu_RluHEnEAMPcxGPr0F-RQRRIc0Go8hQuMkm8vd9qQgiGp84lE3CGpCa62unpVMmO1IZGE3M5-ygJy0Cy_U9aVv3Unw_5iP-WKkvirDmfjzaz4r2X-z1VjmvykEvYy0A5A7klpzfdd-Jch_54i_aG1ogrHJQ_9Bw?auth=****
2022-04-26 02:21:05 DEBUG (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.stream.camera.back_door] Restarting stream worker in 40 seconds: rtsps://stream-us1-charlie.dropcam.com:443/sdm_live_stream/CiUA2vuxr2dx3ToRqH4y3wdyfdCIvmLmzuv3F6OyAjju7Fu_RluHEnEAMPcxGPr0F-RQRRIc0Go8hQuMkm8vd9qQgiGp84lE3CGpCa62unpVMmO1IZGE3M5-ygJy0Cy_U9aVv3Unw_5iP-WKkvirDmfjzaz4r2X-z1VjmvykEvYy0A5A7klpzfdd-Jch_54i_aG1ogrHJQ_9Bw?auth=****

Netdata for container at the time of the “crash” (2:17a):

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Script with multiple conditional actions


I’ve searched the forum for solutions to this but haven’t found any.

I have a input text helper that I continously update with different values (based on sensors etc. in HA). The helper is mirrored to a dot matrix display powered via ESPHome. It serves as an information display that shows “crucial” information for the household. I have solved this with a script does the following:

  • Show outside temperature
  • pause for 3 seconds
  • Show weather forecast
  • pause for 3 seconds
  • Show car battery percent
  • pause for 3 seconds
  • Show car battery charging status
  • pause for 3 seconds
  • Show car preheating status
  • pause for 3 seconds
  • …etc
  • Repeat sequence

But, let’s say that I only want to show certain info during certain conditions, for example:

  • Show outside temperature
  • pause for 3 seconds
  • Show weather forecast
  • pause for 3 seconds
  • Show car battery percent
  • pause for 3 seconds

*** Only if car battery is charging:**

  • Show car battery charging status
  • pause for 3 seconds

*** Only if car is preheating:**

  • Show car preheating status

  • pause for 3 seconds

  • …etc

  • Repeat sequence

Is that possible, and in that case how? Maybe there are other ways to get the same result?

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ZHA some (aqara) devices stoped working



I just started using Home Assistant and I’ve ran into a problem which I can seem to fix my self so I would very much like your help!

When I started using Home Assistant it was very stable and had no issue’s but today my ZHA setup failed on some devices (most of the devices are still running and I can switch them on and off without any problems, some sensors are also still working).
I’ve tried to reboot the setup, removing the conbee stick and plugging it again, removing and adding the failing devices, but nothing seems to work.

Error in Core:
2022-04-26 21:38:06 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202204050] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'entity_id')

System details:
Home Assistant OS 7.6

I have Home Assistant running on a Raspberry Pi 4 with:

  • Conbee 2
  • Aeotec Z-wave
  • P1 monitor (USB)
  • Hue
  • Conexxoon
  • Unify

Zigbee devices:

  • 4x Blitzwolf smartplugs (still working)
  • 1x Tradfri motion (still works)
    - 4x Aqara temp/hum sensor (all failing)
    - 2x Aqara wall switch (both failing)
  • 1x Aqara button (still works)
  • 1x Aqara motion (still works)
  • 1x Aqara double wall switch (tried to add after the other failed, could pair the device but no data came trough)

The only thing I’ve changed to the system today is adding HACS and the mushroom cards/themes. After doing this everything stil worked like a charm. Hours later issues started so I don’t think this is the cause of the issues.

Help is much appreciated!

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Variables, loops in configuration.yaml



is there anyway to have this in configuration.yaml? if yes, how do I call jinja?

I can run the below code in developer-Template tool but I don’t know how to fit this in yaml


set suffix = "_sub_doods_latest"
set cameras = (

{% for camera in cameras %}
  - platform: generic
    name: {{ camera }}
    still_image_url:{{ camera }}{{suffix}}.jpg
    verify_ssl: false
{% endfor %}

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How to configure devices manually with yaml (for example a controllable tablet)



What is a good approach to setup devices manually, for example, I have a few Android tablets with Fully Kiosk Browser app’s with the HA dashboard.

My initial thought is something like this, where all the rest_commands, switches and sensors are in the same file:


  packages: !include_dir_named integrations


    url: http://IPADDRESS/?cmd=screenOn&password=PASSWORD&type=json
    method: POST

    url: http://IPADDRESS/?cmd=screenOff&password=PASSWORD&type=json
    method: POST

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Screen Generic"
        unique_id: tablet_generic_screen
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.tablet_generic_screen', 'on') }}"
          service: rest_command.tablet_generic_screen_on
          service: rest_command.tablet_generic_screen_off

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Fully Kiosk Generic Battery Level"
    unique_id: tablet_generic_battery_level
    state_topic: fully/deviceInfo/DEVICEID
    value_template: "{{ value_json.batteryLevel }}"
    device_class: battery
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    icon: mdi:battery-30

  - trigger:
      - id: "on"
        platform: mqtt
        topic: fully/event/screenOn/DEVICEID
      - id: "off"
        platform: mqtt
        topic: fully/event/screenOff/DEVICEID
      - id: "on"
        platform: mqtt
        topic: fully/deviceInfo/DEVICEID
        payload: true
        value_template: "{{ value_json.screenOn }}"
      - id: "off"
        platform: mqtt
        topic: fully/deviceInfo/DEVICEID
        payload: false
        value_template: "{{ value_json.screenOn }}"
      name: "Fully Kiosk Generic Screen"
      unique_id: tablet_generic_screen
      state: "{{ trigger.id }}"

Is this approach fine, or are there better ways to achieve things like this?

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Volvo Cars integration can’t replace car


Hi, I’ve been using the Volvo integration for a while now and it worked fine (with a V70). Now I’ve replaced the car with a C40 but it still displays the V70 data. I removed the old car from the Volvo Cars app and added the nieuw one, but can’t find a way to do that in HA.

Anyone an idea?

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