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How to Program a Remote ZWave Controller to Turn On A Light?


I’ve paired a Go Control WA00Z-1 two-button controller to HA, but I cannot figure out how to program the buttons to turn on and off a light (or open and close a blind). VeraPlus, for all it’s limitations, could do this easily. But… I know the fault lies with me; I just don’t understand it. Any pointers are appreciated.

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Google calander how to use event ending as trigger


Hi. I have google calendar set up and triggering automation on offset reched no problem.

The problem is I want an automation to run when the event ended and the calendar entities turns off.
But I cant find anyway to do this.

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OK continuing with dumb questions discovering Insteon Devise


A moment of silence for the passing Insteon. Another protocol like x10 I am heavily invested in… My current question is how to get my Insteon devices in Home Assistant 2022.4.6. core-2022.4.6 supervisor-2022.04.0. HA OS 7.6 I am running HA on a Linux Guest hosted on a Mac OS mii running Monterey 12…3.

As I understand it HA will “autodiscover” an Insteon when communication occurs with the device. My next hurdle is the Insteon Lock Controller 2862-222, I got it talking to the PLM 2413U when I was using Indigo. Then fired back up HA to see if it would “discover”. I also used Developer Tools to ru the service

Insteon: Add all link

Still nada

I then installed insteonplm* with no success which actually makes some sense as I installed it on my VM. and my Insteon activity is running on HA OS

So next step appeared to be to create an override as set forth this is discussion…

New Insteon PLM modem integration option via MQTT - #129 by TD22057

No signs of my override working in the Insteon Integration or in insteon_devices.json

Any thoughts or obsevations about another approach?

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Remove Generic Camera integration


Is there a way to remove the Generic Camera Integration in one sweep. I have dozens of Local Cameras and Website Cameras that I no longer need. I want to delete everything and start over, but I can’t find a fast way of deleting the integration.

Any suggestions ?

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A quick guide to Orbi satellite not connecting


Add orbi satellite to your home network to enjoy flawless internet connection everywhere. However, if the orbi satellite indicates ‘synced error’ this means the orbi satellite fails to establish connection to the router. Or there is a problem with orbi login or orbi setup.

We will discuss how to fix orbi satellite not connecting issue in this guide and will also help you fix the orbi pulsing white light issue.

1 post - 1 participant

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Created Group successfully, now won't display


UPDATED: I decided to just delete the original Kitchen light group and recreate it. That solved the problem although I don’t know why it wouldn’t display after it successfully displayed fine, but for the moment, I’ve fixed the problem by deleting and recreating. Thanks

I have 4 unique insteon switches in my kitchen. They’re all successfully setup in HA. I created a group to include all 4 and that worked great. Now it’s not showing up on my dashboard. So I was going to recreate it, but when I start to create the group again, I can see the kitchen group is still there. It’s just not displaying on the dashboard. I have a bedroom grouping that I also created and it’s working and displaying in the dashboard perfectly. How could the kitchen group still be created, but not showing up. Note: It is not “hidden”. I’ve triple checked that it shows enabled. I’ve also restarted the instance a few times but it still won’t show up. any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Aeotec z-stick 5+ hangs


I’ve got a raspberry pi 3, and I get home assistant installed, and I turn off Bluetooth off per the instructions. If I try to follow the aeotec instructions, the zwave mtqq process fails to start.
If I start over and reflash home assistant, then try to start zwavejs, that hangs.
If I try to boot with the z-stick plugged in, home assistant never completes booting.
Any idea what is going on?

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I need some Rainmachine inspiration


Anyone using Rainmachine and developed some really cool card(s) to control it? I could really use some inspiration. If anyone would be willing to show off what they have done, I would really appreciate it.

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Use these steps to connect orbi with your router


Many users often ask if it is possible to do https://orbirouterssetup.com/troubleshooting/netgear-orbi-setup-with-existing-router/. Yes, you can do orbi setup with existing router. To do this, you need to connect orbi device to your existing router with the help of an ethernet cable.

Use an ethernet cable and plug its one end into the LAN port of the router and plug the other end into the ethernet port of the orbi device.

Once done, you can change the working mode of the orbi device to ‘AP’ mode and start enjoying high-speed internet connection.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Once both devices are connected, enter www.orbilogin.com in the browser.
  2. An orbi login window will show up on the screen. Provide the login details.
  3. On the Orbi setup wizard, click on the ‘Advanced’ tab and head to ‘Advanced Setup’
  4. Click on ‘Router’ and change the orbi working mode to ‘AP’
  5. Save and apply the settings.

These were quick steps to help you with orbi setup with existing router.

In case you are still struggling with orbi login or setup issues, get in touch with our technical experts by calling on our toll-free number. Our team will resolve your orbi issues in minutes.

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API value from JSON


Hello, I’m trying to read a value from JSON, but so far without success. At https://api.coinbase.com/v2/prices/spot?currency=EUR I get the data:


With value_template: this should be easy, right? Perhaps the value can also be formatted in a more meaningful way? For example 25.123 instead of 25123.63?
Thanks for any help!

2 posts - 2 participants

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Alerts with notifications showing time


Is it possible to have an alert definition which creates notifications that inform you about the time the alert is up? I want to have an alert for having the front door open and I want to get notified after 3mins, 5, then 10, 15 etc. And I would like to get a notification like “The door is already open for 8 minutes” instead of “The door is already open pretty long :grinning:”. Can somebody help me how to implement this, ideally only with a proper alert definition. Is it possible to get context values like this time and then use it in a template for the notification?

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Error unexplained flex-horseshoe-card


Hello I am error unexplained over night…
I haven’t changed anything for several days, this appeared last night and persists, all my cards using this integration no longer work.

2 posts - 1 participant

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Onkyo integration / Pioneer - How to switch radio/dab channels


I could install the Onkyo integration. Power on/off, volume, mute, and input source are working properly. However, I cannot find out how to switch radio channels as described in the integration (script). With my MacBook (pyth0on2.7.16 and GitHub - miracle2k/onkyo-eiscp: Control Onkyo A/V receivers over the network; usuable as a script, or as a Python library. I can switch channels with the command: onkyo preset=6.

Could somebody please explain to me how to switch channels via home assistant. Thank you.

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Forecast.Solar predictions dip at midday, every day


Every single day the forecast has a dip at midday:

Location is Melbourne Australia and our weather definitely isn’t so routine as to only have cloud cover precisely at midday every day! I’ve removed and re-added the integration several times, but get the same result.
I really hope I’m not being dumb with the configuration information I’m entering.

Panels face 40deg East of North, so I enter “40”.
Panel angle is 20deg above the horizontal, so I enter “20”.
Lat/long and timezone are all correct.
Yet every day the forecast expects panel output to drop at midday.

Debug info:

  "data": {
    "entry": {
      "title": "Home",
      "data": {
        "latitude": "**REDACTED**",
        "longitude": "**REDACTED**"
      "options": {
        "declination": 20,
        "azimuth": 40,
        "modules power": 10400,
        "damping": 0.0,
        "inverter_size": 8200
    "data": {
      "energy_production_today": 12280,
      "energy_production_tomorrow": 21459,
      "energy_current_hour": 1400,
      "power_production_now": 1400,
      "watts": {
        "2022-04-27T06:50:00+10:00": 0,
        "2022-04-27T07:25:00+10:00": 0,
        "2022-04-27T08:00:00+10:00": 1,
        "2022-04-27T09:00:00+10:00": 112,
        "2022-04-27T10:00:00+10:00": 430,
        "2022-04-27T11:30:00+10:00": 1741,
        "2022-04-27T12:00:00+10:00": 1876,
        "2022-04-27T13:00:00+10:00": 2036,
        "2022-04-27T14:00:00+10:00": 1970,
        "2022-04-27T15:00:00+10:00": 1747,
        "2022-04-27T16:00:00+10:00": 1400,
        "2022-04-27T17:00:00+10:00": 962,
        "2022-04-27T17:22:00+10:00": 198,
        "2022-04-27T17:44:00+10:00": 0,
        "2022-04-28T06:51:00+10:00": 0,
        "2022-04-28T07:26:00+10:00": 0,
        "2022-04-28T08:00:00+10:00": 0,
        "2022-04-28T09:00:00+10:00": 142,
        "2022-04-28T10:00:00+10:00": 723,
        "2022-04-28T11:30:00+10:00": 2201,
        "2022-04-28T12:00:00+10:00": 2635,
        "2022-04-28T13:00:00+10:00": 3330,
        "2022-04-28T14:00:00+10:00": 3626,
        "2022-04-28T15:00:00+10:00": 3587,
        "2022-04-28T16:00:00+10:00": 3117,
        "2022-04-28T17:00:00+10:00": 2162,
        "2022-04-28T17:21:00+10:00": 437,
        "2022-04-28T17:42:00+10:00": 0
      "wh_days": {
        "2022-04-27T00:00:00": 12280,
        "2022-04-28T00:00:00": 21459
      "wh_hours": {
        "2022-04-27T06:50:00+10:00": 0,
        "2022-04-27T07:25:00+10:00": 0,
        "2022-04-27T08:00:00+10:00": 1,
        "2022-04-27T09:00:00+10:00": 112,
        "2022-04-27T10:00:00+10:00": 430,
        "2022-04-27T11:30:00+10:00": 2611,
        "2022-04-27T12:00:00+10:00": 938,
        "2022-04-27T13:00:00+10:00": 2036,
        "2022-04-27T14:00:00+10:00": 1970,
        "2022-04-27T15:00:00+10:00": 1747,
        "2022-04-27T16:00:00+10:00": 1400,
        "2022-04-27T17:00:00+10:00": 962,
        "2022-04-27T17:22:00+10:00": 73,
        "2022-04-27T17:44:00+10:00": 0,
        "2022-04-28T06:51:00+10:00": 0,
        "2022-04-28T07:26:00+10:00": 0,
        "2022-04-28T08:00:00+10:00": 0,
        "2022-04-28T09:00:00+10:00": 142,
        "2022-04-28T10:00:00+10:00": 723,
        "2022-04-28T11:30:00+10:00": 3302,
        "2022-04-28T12:00:00+10:00": 1317,
        "2022-04-28T13:00:00+10:00": 3330,
        "2022-04-28T14:00:00+10:00": 3626,
        "2022-04-28T15:00:00+10:00": 3587,
        "2022-04-28T16:00:00+10:00": 3117,
        "2022-04-28T17:00:00+10:00": 2162,
        "2022-04-28T17:21:00+10:00": 153,
        "2022-04-28T17:42:00+10:00": 0
    "account": {
      "type": "public",
      "rate_limit": 12,
      "timezone": "Australia/Melbourne"

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Have a (stats) card full-screen on click


I have a dashboard that I use for displaying stats, and it shows basically the temperature / humidity / pressure in all my rooms. One thing I"ve always wanted to do is an ability to zoom in on a specific card to have it full screen.
It’s currently set in a grid and uses the statistics-graph to display the stats.

Do you see any way I could set it up so that when I click / press on one graph, it displays full screen?

type: grid
  - type: statistics-graph
      - sensor.lumi_weather_bathroom_temperature
      - mean
    days_to_show: 364
  - type: statistics-graph
      - sensor.lumi_weather_bedroom_temperature
      - mean
    days_to_show: 364
  - type: statistics-graph
      - sensor.lumi_weather_livingroom_temperature
    days_to_show: 364
      - mean
  - type: statistics-graph
      - sensor.lumi_weather_bathroom_humidity
      - mean
    days_to_show: 364
  - type: statistics-graph
      - sensor.lumi_weather_bedroom_humidity
    days_to_show: 364
      - mean
  - type: statistics-graph
      - sensor.lumi_weather_livingroom_humidity
    days_to_show: 364
      - mean
  - type: statistics-graph
      - sensor.lumi_weather_bathroom_pressure
    days_to_show: 364
      - mean
  - type: statistics-graph
      - sensor.lumi_weather_bedroom_pressure
    days_to_show: 364
      - mean
  - type: statistics-graph
      - sensor.lumi_weather_livingroom_pressure
    days_to_show: 364
      - mean
square: false

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Automatic event from email to gmail for automation


So i would like to create an event in my google calendar when i get an email, so i can base an automation based on a certain email received (emails from school saying accident or something similar).

I was sure it was possible to email events to your calendar (i know yes you can do it based from when you’re looking at the email in question), but i can’t find figure out how to do it. I was hoping a rule/filter in gmail would do it.

Maybe i’m missing something obvious. I wonder what google picks up on from an email to decide there’s a upcoming flight or amazon package/event i could possible use something like that.

Many thanks for any suggestions.

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Motion Sensor issues after switching to Z-Wave JS


I’ve just upgraded Home Assistant and, since the deprecated zwave integration is now gone, moved across to Z-Wave JS. Everything seems fine after reconfiguring except for the multisensor in my kitchen. It used to work fine on the old integration, detecting motion and then clearing after 60 seconds as per the config on the device. This now no longer happens, and the motion sensor is only being cleared after several minutes (between 5 and 10 usually).

The multisensor is a ZW074 by Aeon Labs and is powered via USB, so should always be available and reporting/routing. I haven’t tried removing and pairing the device again, this may be my next step if I can’t find any other sensible solutions.

Here’s my diagnostics for the device if it helps (I’ve currently set the timeout to 10 seconds instead of 60).

SIDENOTE: I’ve just notice that the On/Off colours are backwards on the motion sensor entity, surely green should be On and Red should be Off?

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Create a global function turning time from any entity into a more human time


I’ve made an entity that converts time into a more human form: Human spoken time - Share your Projects! - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)
Is there a way so I can use this concept as a function that allows me to convert any time into “human spoken time”?

I’ve read How to write less repetitive code? Is there a way to define a function? - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io). This is an interesting approach but it requires to call a service define the speakers it should use etc. beforehand. The macro approach isn’t what I’m looking for because I want this function to exist globally.

Can you create a “function” in HA to simpliy Automation.yaml? - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io) this isn’t something I want because I have to define all entities beforehand.

The general idea is: function(time_of_entity_to_be_parsed)

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Chinese zigbee switches (remote controls) - sometimes the first click does not work



Maybe someone has encountered the problem I have with quite a few zigbee switches - all bought on aliexpress, from different sellers. They are detected by z2m as such:

I have two problems with them. First, less important - battery life is short, sometimes half a year, sometimes less (according to zigbee requirements they should last 2 years).

The second, is much more problematic. It often happens that the switch does not work the first time - only the second click is registered by z2m. On top of that they sometimes have “lag” and sometimes not.

The most frustrating situation is this:

  • I press the button, the light does not come on
  • I think to myself: ok, this is the first click that does not work
  • I press it a second time
  • the light comes on
  • I start walking up the stairs
  • …it turns out that the first one did work, but with lag, so the light goes out

Has anyone had this problem? Any idea how to fix it?

I should add that there are many different variants of the networking involved - some talk to the zigbee coordinator, some through routers.

1 post - 1 participant

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How do I use a service


So I’ve been reading a bunch and doing a bunch, but I’m still missing something. So if I go into developer tools and set up a service call, and call it successfully, what do I do with that yaml? How do I USE or REFERENCE a service? All I can find just shows running it in the Developer Tools. Seems like I should be able to give it a name and invoke it from something.

4 posts - 2 participants

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