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Change Homematic plug to Light


@zeaq wrote:

Hi there,

I’m using several Homematic socket plugs (HMIP-PS) for controlling floor lights. These devices are detected as switches. While integrating some other devices, I found out that home assistant differs between switches and lights. Now I would like to change my Homematic socket plugs to light.

I already found “light.switch” (https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/light.switch), which creates an additional light devices.

Is there an more easy/elegant way to change this devices to light? Maybe via Customizing etc?

Thanks a lot

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Sonos Join All - sonos.join


@RonJ103 wrote:

Current Sonos documentation has this:

I was able to group all my sonos speakers like this:

      - service: sonos.join
          master: media_player.kitchen

This doesn’t seem to work anymore, even though the documentation says entity_id is an optional argument. I have added all my sonos speakers under the entity_id option which does work, but it will require updating when new speakers are added. Have others had the same experience?

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MQTT HVAC with Google Home


@Jordy_Kleian wrote:

Hi All,

I have a Midea AC unit which until a couple months back worked flawlessly via WiFi. Except now it doesn’t, and since nobody Hase found a solution to he problem. I decided to create my own solution with an ESP8266 controller and an IR led.

So far I have everything working, very smoothly. I configured the climate component to use MQTT as you can see below:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Woonkamer
      - "off"
      - "auto"
      - "cool"
      - "heat"
      - "dry"
      - "fan_only"
      - "on"
      - "off"
      - "high"
      - "medium"
      - "low"
      - "auto"
    power_command_topic: "woonkamer/ac/power/set"
    mode_command_topic: "woonkamer/ac/mode/set"
    temperature_command_topic: "woonkamer/ac/temperature/set"
    fan_mode_command_topic: "woonkamer/ac/fan/set"
    swing_mode_command_topic: "woonkamer/ac/swing/set"
    current_temperature_topic: "woonkamer/ac/temperature/room"
    precision: 1.0

Now I have a Nuba casa account so I can acces everything outside the house. I also exposed the climate.woonkamer to google assistant so I can control it with my google home device.
But After syncing devices it is displayed as an thermostat, I only have the option to set the mode to heating/cooling, On/Off.
Is there A way to display it as an actual AC unit so I can use most if not all of the options.

regards Jordy

Video of the esp8266 working: https://www.facebook.com/jordy.kleian/videos/10223014299851867/

Video of limited voice control:

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How do I track down or delete this "unnamed_device" entity?

LG webOS false state ON/OFF constantly


@servido wrote:

Hi all! So I have a LG tv already set up on HA, connected by Ethernet. Can turn on and off and control it by HA and node red. The thing is that today I check the logbook and I realize that when I was actually watching TV the state change constantly as you can see

There is nothing in the log so I kind of lost here.
Any help would be really appreciate


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How do I hide the select circle after toggling a switch?


@M1ke wrote:

Hey guys,

I have this problem for a long time but still cannot find a solution. Hopefully some of you can help me out!

This grey-ish circle stays visible until I press somewhere else and I’d like to remove it completely.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-06 um 03.56.14

By adding this:

switch-checked-color: “hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.0)”

to my theme, I was able to hide the “on-toggle”-circle, but the logical equivalent:

switch-unchecked-color: “hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.0)”

doesn’t change anything.

Thank you very much in advance!

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Synology Docker two problems after update to latest version


@jhein wrote:


I am running three docker container using different ports on a Synology NAS. One of them is giving me two big problems after I updated the image to the latest version:

  1. Z-Wave doesn’t work any more and I get the following output in OZW Log:
2020-04-06 02:04:25.141 Always, OpenZwave Version 1.4.3469 Starting Up
2020-04-06 02:04:25.324 Info, Setting Up Provided Network Key for Secure Communications
2020-04-06 02:04:25.324 Info, mgr,     Added driver for controller /dev/ttyACM1
2020-04-06 02:04:25.324 Info,   Opening controller /dev/ttyACM1
2020-04-06 02:04:25.324 Info, Trying to open serial port /dev/ttyACM1 (attempt 1)
2020-04-06 02:04:25.324 Error, ERROR: Cannot get exclusive lock for serial port /dev/ttyACM1. Error code 11
2020-04-06 02:04:25.324 Info, Serial port /dev/ttyACM1 opened (attempt 1)
2020-04-06 02:04:25.324 Detail, contrlr, Queuing (Command) FUNC_ID_ZW_GET_VERSION: 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x15, 0xe9

I did make sure that I am using the correct serial device:

root@Lakewood:~# ls /dev/ttyACM*

It used to be ttyACM0, but I unplugged the stick and plugged it back in while trying to fix it. It didn’t work before too, when it was still on ttyACM0. The stick is color cycling as usual.

My zwcfg.xml is empty now. Not sure if that is normal, if the stick can’t be found

  1. I am getting this error message in the log:
2020-04-06 02:01:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http] Failed to create HTTP server at port 8127: [Errno 98] Address in use`

I did check that the port is not used (netstat -plant |grep 8127), but the error message is showing up anyway and weirdly, I can access the frontend on port 8127. And I did try moving the frontend to different ports that were free.

  server_port: 8127

Not sure if both problems are related and I would really appreciate any help.


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SSH help please


@harpdogg wrote:

Hoping someone can help me with logging in to my home assistant instance from a remote computer.

So far I’ve tried creating the authorized_keys file on a usb key but it’s not getting imported from the UI, so I tried restarting the host machine but that doesn’t work either. I’ve tried to figure it out using the SSH addon (Terminal & SSH) but no luck either.

I’m running the VDI instance on a Linux virutal machine via Virtual Box. I want to SSH from another laptop to this laptop hosting the virtual machine.

Thanks for any help

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Issues with frontier silicon device in Automation


@AdmiralRaccoon wrote:

Good morning,
I´m struggling with a frontier silicon webradio device in my bathroom. It supposed to turn on wenn I turn on my smartphone in the morning, but it doesn´t. It´s in some kind “not-on-not-off” state.
However, I can turn it on and off manually from the gui.

This is from the logbook:

> 7:41:02 radio-badezimmer changed to playing
> 7:40:58 radio-badezimmer changed to unknown
> 7:40:54 radio-badezimmer turned off
> 7:40:20 radio-badezimmer changed to idle
> 7:40:18 morgens-radio-an has been triggered
> 7:40:18 pixel4xl is at home

At 7:40:18 i turned on Wifi on my smartphone, the automation triggers and the radio should turn on, but it remains in the “idle” state

At 7:40:54 I turned it off and on again manually.

This is the automation (1 of 2, same happens in the other one). Is there maybe another way to turn on the device?

- id: '00251'
  alias: morgens-radio-an
  - entity_id: device_tracker.android_pixel4xl
    platform: state
    to: home
    condition: and
    - condition: time
      - mon
      - tue
      - wed
      - thu
      - fri
      - sat
    - condition: time
      after: 05:00:00
      before: 09:00:00
  - service: media_player.turn_on
    entity_id: media_player.radio_badezimmer

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Elegant automation for 3 temperature input and 2 fans


@Maco65 wrote:

There is a high level of ground water so in my house I cannot have “normal” cellar. So there is well isolated room on the ground level with two air connections. One take the air just from outside (called OUT), the second (called GWC) goes from 20 meter pipe buried in the ground (less then 1m deep). Air going through this pipe is getting cooled and thus making my cellar chilled. Each connecting has its own fan in the cellar and temperature sensor on the “input” side. There is also CEL temp sensor in the cellar.
I have a challenge to write an elegant automation (instead of several independent automations) based on the following assumptions:

  1. As long as temperature in CEL is beloe 12C do nothing

  2. With CEL temp > 12
    a) if the OUT temperature is lower then CEL by 2 degrees turn ON OUT fan. In case the OUT temperature rises above this 2 degrees limit turn the fan OFF.
    b) if the GWC temperature is lower then CEL by 2 degrees turn ON GWC fan. In case the GWC temperature rises above this 2 degrees limit turn the fan OFF.

  3. At any time if the temperature in CEL drops below 12C turn the fas OFF

  4. In case both air ways temps are OK to be turned on, the preference is for OUT

  5. At any give time only one fan should be ON

As my adventure with HA is just beginning I believe there is nice ans elegant way to write ideally one automation to cover my case. At this point I was thinking about several automations for each “simple” case but I am not sure if they will not interfere with each other.
Any help or suggestion will be appreciated.
Technically I have NodeMCU with 3 temp sensors and 2 relay board connected.

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Cumulative Data as a Sensor


@sh00t2kill wrote:

Hi all.
I have a few cases where i want to track data over the course of a a day or a month.

Lets use energy consumption as an example. I have a sensor in HA, coming from my Iotawatt, that shows how much energy is being consumed at any given point in time.
Id like to display how much energy has been used today/this week/this month.

For this particular example I could probably use PVoutput, or even EmonCMS, but I have other examples where the data only exists in HA.

Is there an easy way to do this ? I could probably roll my own thing, or even write something in appdaemon using mqtt, but is there a more native way ?

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Energy Sensor (kWh) values are accumulated in Utility meter


@ds1707 wrote:

Hello guys,

I have a Solaredge inverter with a modbus meter.
Everything works like a charm with getting values every 5s over the Modbus tcp from the inverter.

Now i have calculated my own consumption:

            friendly_name: "Self consumption"
            value_template: "{{ (state_attr('sensor.solaredge_modbus', 'ac_power_output') | round(2)) - (state_attr('sensor.solaredge_modbus_meter_1', 'ac_power_output') | round(2)) }}"
            unit_of_measurement: 'W'
            friendly_name: "Self consumption"
            value_template: "{{ ((states('sensor.self_consumption')| float) / 1000 )  }}"
            unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'

Now i created two utility meters:

      source: sensor.self_consumption_kwh
      cycle: daily
      source: sensor.self_consumption_kwh
      cycle: monthly

My problem is that those values were accumulated every 5 seconds.
Can anyone help me with this issue?
Thank you!

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IKEA Knycklan - Electronic dishwasher water shutoff valve with water leak sensor and remote


@Gamester17 wrote:

FYI, IKEA has released a new Zigbee based electronic dishwasher shutoff valve and water leak sensor combination product named “Knycklan”.

It is now for sale in Sweden however I have no information about availability in the rest of the world.

Also it so far officially only works with the remote that ships with it and no news yet about support in IKEA Trådfri Gateway.



Description translation:

KNYCKLAN - Electronic dishwasher shutdown

Description 204.257.24

The electronic dishwasher switch KNOCKLAN lets you choose between all the taps! Turn on and off the water with a click on the remote control. In the event of a leak, the alarm goes off and the water to the machine is switched off.

10-year warranty. Read about the terms in the warranty brochure.

Enables you to control the water-supply to your dishwasher - no matter which tap you choose.

Easy to turn the water on and off with a push on the supplied remote-control.

The built-in leak-sensor alerts and shuts off the water to the dishwasher in the event of a water leak.

A magnet makes it easy to attach the remote control to the wall-bracket.

The remote control has a maximum range of 10-meters when not blocked by walls.

Battery included, with a lifetime of about 2-years.

This product carries the CE-mark.

Designer: IKEA of Sweden

More links, including manuals which also have English sections:

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Wait_template with dynamic timeout. Should this work?


@klogg wrote:

It is well documented elsewhere on this forum that I am not the best at working with times :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

If I want to implement a dynamic timeout in a wait_template, should this work?

      - wait_template: >
          {% set tnow = as_timestamp(now()) | int %}
          {% set timeout = states('input_number.wait_timeout') | int  %}
          {% if timeout != 0 %}
              is_state('sensor.some_sensor', 'some_state') or
              as_timestamp(now()) | int > tnow + timeout
          {% else %}
            {{ is_state('sensor.some_sensor', 'some_state') }}
          {% endif %}

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Publish last valid value of a sensor to a MQTT topic (to set another sensor)


@Petrica wrote:

Trying to send last valid values from a sensor to a MQTT topic in order to set new sensors, as the original sensors (ESPHome) get unavailable state from time to time:

  - alias: flora_2_remove_unavailable_values
    initial_state: true   
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.flora_air_temperature_2
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.flora_light_intensity_2
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.flora_soil_fertility_2
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.flora_soil_moisture_2
      condition: template
      value_template: >-
        {{ trigger.to_state.state not in ['unavailable', trigger.from_state.state] }}
      service: mqtt.publish
        topic: "flora/{{ trigger.entity_id.split('.')[1].split('_')[2] }}"
        payload: "{{ trigger.to_state.state }}"

the automation, although fires (last_triggered is updated each time the original sensors get modified values, so the trigger works), it doesn’t publish anything (and there isn’t any error in the log).

In templates {{ states.sensor.flora_soil_fertility_2.entity_id.split(".")[1].split('_')[2] }} correctly gets fertility, thus the action should work too.

The original sensor updates several time per minute (when not sending unavailable state) and the values are almost always different than previous.

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Problem with remote InfluxDB sensor


@mjarva wrote:


I have InfluxDB Add-on, and few InluxDB sensors, which work correctly.

I also have InfluxDB running on another machine, and would like to create sensors querying remote InfluxDB
Database has 180 day retention policy, and DB is shown as “ruuvi.180d” in Chronograf.
When adding this to my configuration:

  - platform: influxdb
    username: ruuviuser
    password: password
      -  name: query_test
         unit_of_measurement: V
         value_template: '{{ value | round(1) }}'
         group_function: mean
         where: '"name" = ''tag1'''
         measurement: '"ruuvi_measurements"'
         field: batteryVoltage
         database: ruuvi

Query itself is ok, but when adding it to HA configuration, I get this error to log:

“Database host is not accessible due to ‘retention policy not found: autogen’, please check your entries in the configuration file and that the database exists and is READ/WRITE”

Is it possible to use InluxDB sensor using database which does not use autogen policy?
Tried to use “ruuvi.180d” as database name in HA config, did not help.


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Where to report a "buienradar-sensor" issue?


@Canedje wrote:

I’m using buienradar sensor.
This is working fine. Except for the pressure sensor.
This sensor is added in the configuration.yaml.
There is also a sensor in entity sensor.br_pressure.
But there is no value and never available.
In the manuel it says this variable should be avilable.

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Met.no locationforecast API version 2.0 in finalizing stage


@G7B wrote:

Quite new to Home Assistant – so a little unsure on how to approach this. Pleas steer me in the right direction if this forum post shouldn’t have been the place to start. :slightly_smiling_face:

Met.no locationforecast API version 2.0 is soon to be released

This version (2.0) is currently in beta and should not yet be used in production. [In finalizing stage, please check User-Agent header as per TOS]

This should be noted:

We had originally planned to launch a token-based authentication scheme for version 2.0, however this has been postponed to a later date. As a consequence we have implemented stricter access controls in regards to the identification requirements in the Terms of Service, which state that you must send a unique identifier in the User-Agent header. Any requests with a prohibited or missing User-Agent will receive a 403 Forbidden error.

Will this impact the Home Assistant onboarding integration?

version 2.0 : 2019-04-02

  • Beta period nearing completion.
  • XML is now split into different “classic” method.
  • Stricted controls on User-Agent header to avoid throttling.

No news on retirement date for version 1.9.

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Connecting an external Home Assistant via TheThingsNetwork


@D0doooh wrote:

Hello everybody, I would like to connect my car garage which is about 200 meters away via TheThingsNetwork.org

At the moment this project is still in the idea phase and will be updated constantly

I have two TheThingsNetwork.org gateways which can get to the car garage without any problems, I can’t imagine another possibility except perhaps with Mobile 3G/4G but lora is much cheaper, but not as accurate.
maybe somebody has a completely different idea i am open for any input maybe somebody has already done something similar and already has some suggestions?

I expected the whole thing to look something like this:

Because I don’t want to wire everything in the garage, I’m going to use Zigbee sensors for the status of the garage door.Among other things I will connect a relay to the Raspberry Pi to open and close the garage.

I am very interested in your input

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Automation plex led rgbw help


@binarygeek119 wrote:

hi new here i just got my setup going
but i need help
want i like to do is
when play starts playing a video
the lights fade out
when plex is in pause
light fade in with a color
i have 3 light that are rgbw
i like each light to be one of this colors [red blue green]
when movie is close to ending [credits] the light come back on as white

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